Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1421: Methods to test luck

Hearing this, Cheng Ying almost lost his breath: "Did you say an extra 100 million? An antimatter war star is only over 50 trillion tons, and you want two of them with just one mouth? It's such a heart-beating bet, I'm sorry I can't accompany you."

Dugubo thought for a while, and this request was indeed a bit excessive, but if it was less than this amount, it would be difficult to create observable space. As mentioned before, in the rules of this world, there is a relationship between space and material energy. It can be transformed. Previously, the system was temporarily forced out of the system through the technology of annihilating space. Naturally, by reverse operation, it is possible to artificially synthesize excess space in the universe. This is very difficult, but Tulip has succeeded several times. However, it is a pity that the energy required is too huge. Even if antimatter can be mined to make up for part of the flow consumption, the astronomical cost still makes the progress of the experiment extremely slow.

Dugu Bo was indeed interested in a large amount of antimatter, but the amount that would make him interested in gambling was definitely not something Cheng Ying could accept, and besides, he himself couldn't come up with a corresponding bet.

Dugu Bo also realized this problem, thought for a moment, and changed his request: "How about using a micro black hole generator as a bet? I need a stable micro black hole as an experimental sample."

"No, no, no! Can you please stop thinking about strategic equipment! The price of these gadgets will not exceed double digits, and their value cannot be measured by money at all. It is impossible to use them to test your Qi usage. , you have to know that this test must be repeated many times. This kind of thing with a total number of less than three digits is simply not enough to test.

Did I say you are so wishless? No ordinary desires or anything like that. For example, the opportunity for Rong Nianbing to cook in person? "Cheng Ying himself has always tried this to test his own luck. After all, Rong Nian Bing cooks. This is indeed not what Cheng Ying wants. He has to play enough chef games.

"Do you think I am you? I don't have such strict requirements on food. But if you have to say it." Dugu Bo touched his nose:

"Can I bet on the dark history between you and my wife? I bet on one dark history once. It has been more than a hundred years, so there should be many of them!"

Cheng Ying: "..."

"I didn't expect that your thick eyebrows and big eyes are not a good thing! Why are you waiting here for me? I tell you, no! Because I also have quite good luck, and you are equivalent to me. Gambling is influenced by luck!"

"It doesn't matter! What we need to do is not to test how high my luck is, but to test whether my luck has changed. As long as the two test methods are the same before and after, we can control the variables to draw conclusions."

Cheng Ying: "..."

While Cheng Ying was launching a battle to defend Black History, Destruction also started his second round of challenge. The city guardian has great strength and is the strongest in every city.

A mere student who had just entered school dared to challenge such an existence. It is indeed too overestimating one's own capabilities. If it weren't for the legend that he used despicable means to kill the principal in the challenge, he wouldn't even be qualified to challenge the city guardian.

Even if he successfully qualified for the challenge. No one thinks that he can continue to rely on the sneak attacks of his steel robot to defeat the city guardian.

This time, the venue of the competition is located in a square in the center of the city. To describe it in a more down-to-earth manner, it can be described as loud gongs and drums, dancing firecrackers, and waving red flags.

Crowds of people...

Compared with the competition on the campus stage, which only students in the stadium can watch, the competition to challenge the city guardian attracted almost all the residents of the city. It is not an exaggeration to say that the streets were empty. Many people who couldn't see it from the back row were willing to come over and join in the fun. The square was even surrounded by carts selling snacks. The scene was more lively than a sports meeting.

In fact, most of the onlookers didn't know about Regien's past achievements. They just thought that he came here to torture, and what they wanted to see was the city guardian's torture.

Seeing the tall and strong city guardian walking onto the ring with a huge sword on his back, the audience immediately cheered. In contrast, Regien, who was wearing a slim-fitting black mage robe and appeared on stage with a smile, only attracted boos from the audience.

He doesn't care, because he knows very well that those who boo him will be slapped in the face, and then contribute a lot of shock value to him. After two or three challenges like this, he will be almost the same. Can have the power to fight against the strongest on the continent!

"Chen He, eighth-level magic sword master."

"Legen, a seventh-level magician."

The moment Regien revealed his name, a lot of shock value was recorded. He was really too young, and such a young seventh-level magician was simply unbelievable! Even his opponent showed an expression of disbelief.

Regien did not waste any time, but launched an attack at the beginning of the game. Compared with the passive defense last time, he launched a sneak attack and counterattack! This time, he adopted more proactive tactics.

There was a huge sword in his hand, and he rushed towards his opponent. For a moment, everyone on the stage and off the stage were confused, as if the two people had reported the wrong profession. The magician raised his big sword and faced the magic sword master. I rushed over. Why does this style of painting look wrong?

However, when Shen He pulled out the magic sword and the two weapons collided, he realized the problem. The other party's weapon was extremely sharp. He didn't know what kind of enchantment it was. The magic sword in his hand was not eaten, and it had been tempered by his own warmth. After practicing for a long time, he was almost cut off in one collision, and there was a gap on the blade that made him feel distressed.

Regien, on the other hand, was unyielding. The giant sword in his hand flew up and down, and the flames of the propellers flashed on his body. Assist him in performing various difficult movements. Apparently he was wearing a suit of power armor. It allows him, as a magician, to show more flexibility than a warrior.

The speed and strength of both sides were evenly matched, Shen He's only advantage. That is, his stronger body can withstand more extreme movements and more injuries.

However, this advantage was far inferior to the disadvantage of the weapon in his hand. With the continuous collision of weapons, the magic sword in his hand finally let out an overwhelmed whine.

In the next collision, it was violently broken into two pieces, and his neck and head were also cut off almost at the same time!

At the same time, Cheng Ying, who was originally on par with Dugu Bo in guessing coins and did not have to pay for the black history, suddenly lost three times in a row. Looking at the guy who was being resurrected in a clone not far away, he was full of resentment.

[To be continued]

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