Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,422 Destined Scientist (Part 1)

After seeing the city guardian named Shen He resurrected in the reincarnation disk, Cheng Ying realized that it was definitely not an accident that he suddenly lost three games in a row.

He really wanted to stop betting now, but the experiment was very rigorous, and there had to be enough experiments before he could draw a more convincing conclusion.

Even though he realized that his luck might have been surpassed by Dugu Bo, he still continued for more than ten games in order to collect statistics. Facts have proved that his previous guess was correct. The situation that was originally evenly divided between the two sides ended in destruction. After God killed the city guardian in front of tens of thousands of people, Chengying was obviously at a disadvantage.

At the final settlement, he lost five pieces of black history. When he left, his forehead was full of veins, and he was thinking about which black history he should explain.

"Hmm... The first time I met the Ice King in the Marvel world should be counted... But if you say anything, you will be beaten to death! At the beginning, the line about being chased by the Ice King and shouting out the urgent syrup should also be counted. This can be explain.

The time when the Snow Emperor broke into the role play... No, this is definitely not possible..." Cheng Ying felt that it would be better to agree to bet with anti-matter war stars. The black history and so on are too unspeakable.

Compared with Cheng Ying's pain, Dugu Bo was also confused about his luck. He knew very well that sometimes his luck was better than others, but it was definitely not as exaggerated as it is now.

The test results showed a clear tendency, which made him feel the need to try again in his own way. So he came to the operating room of the planet machine particle collider.

It is a huge high-energy particle collider with a radius of 6,000km built on the Samsara Disk, a circle of orbit outside the ninth layer. Although technology has taken off, the exploration methods in the most cutting-edge scientific research fields are still the same as humans' original smashing of alarm clocks. .

Smash the thing you want to understand the principle of, and then see what the things inside look like, and then deduce the theory.

Even now, if you want to explore more microscopic particles, you still rely on this most primitive collision. The newly discovered microscopic particles are only fifteen orders of magnitude away from the Planck length. Because they are too small, they are Someone who has no talent for naming named it a micron. Probably if a smaller particle is discovered, it will be named a micron...

At present, the understanding of various properties of microscopic matter at this level is very limited, but it is speculated that microns will participate in the transformation of space and matter and play a vital role in it.

This makes exploring the properties of microns an important topic in front of tulips. Unfortunately, they are so microscopic that it becomes very difficult to observe them. Even if a lot of resources are invested in collision experiments, it is difficult to successfully capture them. Every observation opportunity is fleeting, and the data that can be recorded is minimal.

The most terrible thing is that the consumption of starting this thing is quite large. It does not refer to the consumption of energy, but the consumption of particles required for collision. Not all particle collisions may produce microns. The required particles themselves, It can only be obtained by capturing it in a collision. You can imagine how precious it is.

Dugu Bo really wanted to know, with his current monstrous luck, could he directly pull out a stably captured particle with one shot? Theoretically, the probability of this happening is one in 10,000,000. Things like luck cannot even guarantee a win in a coin toss, so the impact on this kind of experiment should be minimal.

But his intuition told Dugu Bo,

The method of settling luck is probably addition, not multiplication. Of course, in this situation where continuous quantification is impossible, it is meaningless to discuss the algorithm of luck, but he intuitively believes that his experiment has a high probability of success.

The administrator of the planet-scale particle collider said that the budget is sufficient and Dugubo has at least three chances.

"Okay, I understand. Let's summon other relevant researchers! My attempt may not be successful, but it would be good for more people to observe and collect statistical data throughout the whole process."

No one can say for certain about inspiration. The smarter the person, the easier it is to be born. Therefore, the number of people participating in scientific research is also an important indicator that affects the speed of scientific and technological progress.

After a while, the operation hall, which looked like the deck of a battleship, was crowded with people. More than two thousand relevant project leaders were all present. No one complained. After all, a visit to the laboratory is not a troublesome matter. They left the teleportation coordinates directly on their seats and came over in a blink of an eye.

As a result, the scene in the operation hall was quite mysterious. Amidst bursts of white light, a person came to their seats. For those who didn't know, they thought it was some kind of great summoning technique.

After everyone was ready, their experiment began. In order to verify his guess, Dugubo personally went on stage and pressed the switch to activate the acceleration field. The two groups of particles would be accelerated to close to the speed of light. During this process, no one There is a way to accurately control the trajectory of particles, which collisions there will be, and whether they will break after the collision, and where the particles born after the break will go. All are probabilistic events.

With a good device, the probability of successfully capturing and stably containing a particle is very slim. As the acceleration begins, a 1-point blue light lights up from the ignition point and quickly circles the samsara disk. This is not over yet. Watch the circle. The speed started getting faster and faster. It took one second to circle once at the beginning, and only half a second for the second circle. When the blue light circled at a speed close to seven times a second, a collision occurred.

Although the mass of the accelerated particles is very small, a huge amount of energy is still released during the collision. Countless microscopic particles invisible to the naked eye scatter in all directions. Everyone is staring at the data transmitted back by the detector.

As almost every time, there were no too unexpected data and no successful capture of the micron.

Dugubo was not discouraged. Failed experiments were the norm in scientific research work. Other project leaders did not show much disappointment in the failure of the test.

Recording data and uploading analysis as usual is repetitive and boring work, but all data is undoubtedly meaningful. Dugubo waited for everyone to finish sorting it out, and then he collected the data almost before coming to the console again. I closed my eyes and adjusted some parameters based on intuition. Then the switch was pressed again.

Although there is no special phenomenon happening, just like when fighting a boss in a game, you will have an inexplicable intuition that this one is bound to explode!

[To be continued]

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