Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,423 Destined Scientist (Part 2)

As Dugubo pressed the switch, the particles began to accelerate, and the process was exactly the same every time. But at the moment of collision, his heart suddenly throbbed. Although no one could see the collision, the data on the instrument would. The result of a collision of faithful feedback.

Dugubo stared at the data on the screen. There were a total of twenty micron capturing devices placed at the collision site. Now, the reading displayed by each device was zero, which meant that no micron was detected. Pass, let alone capture.

But Dugubo was still staring at the screen, and each capturer displayed silence one after another. This meant that the particle flow generated by the collision had completely passed through the capture device, and no particles that needed to be captured were detected.

One, two,... eight, nine... Dugu Bo's heartbeat became faster and faster. The nineteenth capture device sent a silent signal. Others did not have Dugu Bo's special intuition, and they all subconsciously thought This time the experiment failed again. Record the data and prepare for the last test today.

However, just as the particle flow of the last capture device was coming to an end, there was a sudden harsh beeping sound, but the beep sounded after detecting the particles that needed to be captured, and everyone looked at the screen in shock.

Regardless of whether the capture is successful this time, it means that in the next few nanoseconds, there will be a precious opportunity to observe the micron.

Everyone was staring at the fluctuations in the data, working their brains to the limit, and when they wanted to record it, the instrument suddenly made a long ding sound, just like the sound of a rice cooker tripping.

Everyone was stunned, because this sound meant that the capture was successful. Everyone knew how small the probability of success was. It was much lower than winning five million in a lottery ticket, so they couldn't believe it at all. The first test was captured successfully! For a moment, he even forgot to cheer, and stared blankly at the data that no longer jumped on the screen.

Dugu Bo was also shocked. Although he had already had a premonition before pressing the switch, the one in ten million chance of it coming true before his eyes was really shocking enough.

Capturing microns is undoubtedly of great significance to Tulip. In the past, the total time spent observing microns was less than a microsecond, but now they have plenty of time to observe them slowly. They can even observe them based on their characteristics. Develop equipment more suitable for capturing microns.

A moment after Cheng Ying sent Oscar off, he heard the news, and his body was teleported directly to Dugu Bo. At this time, the operation hall was filled with joy.

A bunch of people were lying next to the jar storing microns and pointing. Even though they knew very well that it was impossible to see this thing with the naked eye, and even a scanning tunneling microscope could not observe such a small thing, they were still very interested. Lying next to the jar, it was as if they could actually see an extremely tiny particle suspended there.

Cheng Ying couldn't help but clamored to look over there a few more times, even though he couldn't see anything.

"Teacher, I just made some observations on the state of the particles and found some interesting things." Dugubo pointed at the bunch of data on the screen and said to Chengying.

Facing a brand new thing that you are exposed to for the first time. Each man tentatively names his properties under various names. This results in data being displayed on everyone's terminal. Basically only you can understand it. Just like when mathematicians are studying a mathematical problem, they always inadvertently skip steps on the scratch paper, so that the people next to them can't even understand.

Just like till now,

There are still many people who think that Goldbach's conjecture is to prove that 1+1=2, and Chen Jingrun proved that 1+2=3. Facing a field that has never been touched, even Chengying looked at Dugubo's screen The messy data on it is also completely confusing.

"Just tell me the conclusion. Before there is a standard naming method for the characteristics of microns, no one can understand the stuff on your screen." Cheng Ying rubbed his eyebrows. It seems that every genius has similar bad habits. .

"Okay, then I will just tell the conclusion. The conclusion is that the micron will show regular state transformation under the premise of being observed. At present, we have determined that it has a total of three different states. Yes. Constantly switch between these three states.

I recorded his state changes and found that when there are observers, his state switching will show certain patterns. To put it simply, the pattern he presents is like a ternary code, and certain permutations will appear repeatedly in state changes.

They usually appear in groups of five digits. There are fifty-three common arrangements. I have recorded them, but I can't judge their significance yet. "

Cheng Ying fell into deep thought. Dugu Bo's description was indeed a bit magical. Although the observer effect was already magical, it was even more magical when the particles fluctuated according to some code-like rules.

"I always feel that the phenomenon you are talking about looks familiar..."

Chengying touched his nose.

"Doesn't it look familiar? Isn't this the basis of computer language? It's just that we use binary, and this particle uses ternary. We usually use eight digits in a group, but this particle uses five digits. as a group.

I also think this speculation is very magical, but teacher, do you think that soul power, a creature that is much microscopic than our nanomachines, has a considerable degree of intelligence, isn't it more magical than this?

Maybe, I'm just saying maybe, the micron is their computing unit? The phenomenon we see may be just a phenomenon similar to quantum entanglement. It is not the particles in matter that have this characteristic, but it is affected by the particles acting as calculation units in nearby extraordinary forces. "

Hearing this, Cheng Ying nodded and said: "This is indeed a possible guess. Record the data and then upload it to the database. I will try to decipher this thing that may be computer language.

Ternary is indeed a bit troublesome for our computers. It will take some time before the upgrade can be completed. There is no way, it is hard to come back! We know that the ternary system is more scientific than the binary system, but if we want to replace the ternary computer, the price we need to pay is shocking even now!

Let my brain decipher these data for now! At least I changed my brain to ternary, which should make it easier to analyze this kind of data. "

Cheng Ying left with the data uploaded in real time. Although translating a language without any reference required an extremely large amount of calculations, what Cheng Ying lacked most was the amount of data. But when he really cracked part of the content Finally, he found that reality was more magical than he imagined.

[To be continued]

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