Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,426 Possibility of Negotiation

We must thank humans for their reliance on the Internet. With the help of the micron network, Cheng Ying was able to understand the general situation of the outside world in a very short period of time.

There is no doubt that this information is absolutely confidential, and not everyone can accept that the world they live in is not the real reality. It cannot be said that it is not real. For them, their own world is indeed extremely real, but for another person's world, their entire multiverse is contained in an innate spiritual treasure.

If such news spreads, the reaction of most people after hearing it will be that they are weaker than ants, and they will develop a sense of inferiority and powerlessness.

This is human nature and understandable, but Cheng Ying does not think so. Strength and weakness have never been the basis for dividing the world. There is essentially no distinction between superiority and inferiority in the universe. At most, it contains relationships, just like where they are. This universe is just one of the multiverses.

One flower, one world, one leaf, one bodhi. Although their multiverse exists within the innate spiritual treasure, it also has perfect rules and rich information. It is too presumptuous to think that one is lower than the outside universe.

"Chief, we have preliminary drafted the liaison plan. In addition, this is our simulation data of the external natural environment, physical parameters, etc., which can provide help to the external scientific research environment.

In addition, everyone believes that the Ascendant Plan should be implemented. We are too passive in the current universe. One must have enough power to restrain the holder of the innate spiritual treasure in the real world. "Cheng Ying frowned when facing his subordinate's report.

"Have some people begun to call the outside world reality? Forget it, let them go!" He knew very well that most people could not agree with their own world view, and it was understandable if they wanted to go to the outside world: "Indeed, guarding against others It’s indispensable. We can’t completely rely on the other party’s kindness for our own safety. Let’s do it! Start investing in research and development of world-class soul transmission technology! We need an external soul transmission interface.”

Soon after Cheng Ying issued the order, the staff team had already formulated a communication strategy for him, and he would personally participate in this historic meeting.

On the other side, Liu Tianxin was in a very bad situation. The battlefield between humans and Zerg was almost completely destroyed in their previous confrontation. His opponent was very powerful, even if he used the power of infinite gems and even transformed into Nidho Ge, together with Wang Qiuer's incarnation of the Golden Dragon King and the two dragons, can't compete with the opponent holding the innate spiritual treasure.

Their opponent's body was actually quite manageable. He and Wang Qiu'er both had fighting prowess that was not inferior to the other's. The real trouble was the innate spiritual treasure in his hand.

Holding this innate spiritual treasure, he will become extremely lucky. Most attacks that cannot completely target him will be deflected and unable to hit him.

If Liu Tianxin hadn't accidentally acquired the absolute hit, that is, the ability to definitely hit the target when he launches something, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to attack his opponent.

In addition, the opponent can also summon external avatars. If they are just pure avatars, they are actually easy to deal with. Even if they have certain intelligence, most of these avatars are just like miscellaneous soldiers and cannot cause much trouble to him.

The problem is that these incarnations all possess genius-level combat awareness, even when faced with attacks they have never seen before. He can also react correctly with his bestial instincts. It's obviously not a very strong incarnation, but it always brings him huge trouble.

If Cheng Ying knew that the previous holder of the innate spiritual treasure had these two abilities, he would probably have solved a lot of the mysteries in his mind. For example, the existence of the system and the protagonist's halo might be to collect luck for him. , so that he can become extremely lucky.

As for spreading civilizations throughout the universe, but keeping these civilizations in a relatively primitive feudal society, or even establishing a transcendent system to encourage members of civilizations to fight with each other, this is probably to cultivate so-called combat geniuses and then summon them to control their bodies. Besides, become a fighter and fight!

Chengying once heard a saying: "Civilization is anti-force, democracy is anti-evolution, and science is anti-instinct." Living in a more prosperous and peaceful society, the ability to survive in desperate situations or kill enemies will be will be weaker.

In contrast, worlds that are chaotic, primitive, and where the strong are respected are more likely to give birth to warriors with outstanding talents. Those worlds with relatively low levels of civilization and relying on extraordinary power to determine social status are probably used to cultivate them. Super soldiers, otherwise it would be difficult to explain why the density of civilization in the universe is so high. And why is human civilization so common?

Liu Tianxin faced an opponent with countless talented fighters, who were extremely lucky, and whose combat effectiveness was not much lower than his own. He experienced a very difficult battle. Without the ability to hit absolutely, there would be no hope of victory.

Fortunately, the ability to hit absolutely is also buggy. His various sure-kill attacks are impossible to dodge no matter how fast the opponent is or how lucky they are.

Luck is relative, but his hits are absolute. Relying on this, he finally succeeded in hitting his opponent with his special move at the cost of being seriously injured, and beat the fourth-level advanced Linsheng opponent to ashes.

Although the battle was won, the battlefield between humans and Zerg was completely destroyed. Not only was the Zerg army wiped out, but so was the human fleet.

It seems to give both sides the same destruction, but in fact it is extremely detrimental to the human side. The mission of the Lord God is to destroy the Zerg. If you want to do this, you must rely on the power of humans in this world.

The problem is that the human fleet has been destroyed by him, and it won't take long for the Zerg to produce a new fleet. At that time, what he needs to face may be the siege of the mountains and seas of insects. With his current physical condition, the probability of successfully completing the mission is extremely slim. The failure of the mission means the annihilation of the main god. Time travel is temporarily unavailable. He left the space of the Lord God. There is no way to escape the annihilation of the Lord God by this means.

It is difficult for Liu Tianxin to recover from his injuries in a short time. Although he still has superhuman fighting power, if you throw him into Marvel, he will be equivalent to a city-level hero at most. Abnormal supernatural power invaded his body, making it difficult for his tardigrade-like vitality to repair the injuries in his body. Once he overused his power, he would suffer backlash.

Now that the human forces have been defeated, he is unable to eliminate the Zerg. The only hope left is the innate spirit treasure he snatched from the enemy. However, the innate spirit treasure automatically chooses its master. If the person is not selected by the innate spirit treasure, It is difficult to use its power.

[To be continued]

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