Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,427 Historic Meeting

Liu Tianxin placed the snatched innate spirit treasure across his knees. This innate spirit treasure looked simple, just a rectangular box. When you open the lid of the box, you can see the starry sky and the universe inside. If your mind is immersed in it, you can surpass the speed of light. Limitations, consciousness shuttles between millions of universes.

In addition, this box can hardly provide him with any help. Although he is extremely powerful and immortal in the box, he is not the person in the box, and his body outside will still be obliterated by the Lord God.

In the past few days of exploration, the biggest gain was nothing more than a special particle with three completely different forms. He used it as the basic unit of computer calculations and transferred the server of his artificially retarded Noreki to the innate spirit. Among the treasures.

Although Noreki's computing power has been greatly increased, it is of no help in dealing with the Zerg. Those guys don't go online at all and obey the instructions of the brainworms. It is really not something that artificial intelligence can deal with.

"Qiu'er, how is your injury? Are there any signs of recovery?"

The cold-faced girl shook her head: "No, there is still a long way to go. The vitality of the Golden Dragon King cannot restore my injuries at all. Even with the combination of the Golden Dragon Spear and the Sword of Creatures, the absorbed vitality is useless. What about you? Innate Spiritual Treasure Can you recover from your injuries?"

Liu Tianxin also shook his head: "What I can recover is very limited. The Infinity Stone was damaged and only the Space Stone is left. If I have the Time Stone, I can try to go back in time.

The Ten Thousand Demon King's Wood Release cannot repair my body. This is no longer a problem that can be solved by replenishing my life force. "As he spoke, he pressed one hand on a landscape tree in the space station, and saw that the originally lush landscape tree withered rapidly, and a large amount of vitality poured into his body. This was the signature skill of the Ten Thousand Demon King, but those The life force was like being poured into a bottle full of holes, and it drained away quickly.

"Although I can still use my huge reserves of soul power, the upper limit of the output power is strictly limited, and it is impossible to fight against the Zerg army head-on.

If I still can't get the approval of this innate spiritual treasure within three days, we can only learn from the protagonist in the movie and try to assassinate the female insect after being captured alive by the Zerg. "You can even think about it with your toes. Without the halo of the protagonist, the mortality rate of this move would be high.

"This is the only way. I didn't expect that coming to the Lord God Space again would end like this. I suddenly missed Chu Xuan a little." The two of them could only have fun in the misery.

At this moment, Liu Tianxin's surprised voice suddenly sounded in Liu Tianxin's ears: "Master! Master! The people in this Xiantian Lingbao have discovered me! Someone wants to talk to you! Ah... don't read my data Ah! It’s too deep... No! Don’t look at my deep data! Ah~"

Liu Tianxin: "..."

No matter how dangerous his situation is, his artificial retard is still so retarded, and now it seems that he is not only retarded, but has also become a dramatic actor.

"Stop making trouble and help me transfer his universe."

In the Douluo parallel universe, that is, in the world line where Wuhun Palace was victorious, Cheng Ying was sitting in the ecological drum of the synchronous satellite, waiting for Liu Tianxin's reply.

As a feeling of being spied on came to mind, Cheng Ying knew that someone's consciousness had come to this world.

Liu Tianxin did not talk to Cheng Ying immediately, but observed the planet. Although in his eyes, there were no secrets in the entire universe, and his vision could reach any hidden place.

But thinking has its limits. In a short period of time, he only had time to observe Cheng Ying's planet.

"Huh? Is it also Douluo Continent? Is this the timeline of Wuhun Palace's victory? By the way, after the victory of Wuhun Palace, will technology develop so fast? Has it already reached heaven?"

Without observing for too long, Liu Tianxin condensed a body and appeared opposite Cheng Ying and sat down: "Hello, my name is Liu Tianxin, a time traveler and the current master of your universe."

"My name is Cheng Ying, um... I'm a time traveler like you! You must have guessed why I found you!" While Cheng Ying spoke, his eyes were also scanning Liu Tianxin's body. Its strength exceeds the hardest substance that tulips can create, and deeper things cannot be read at all.

"You want to get rid of the innate spiritual treasure in my hand?" Liu Tianxin put himself in his shoes and felt that this was the only way for people in this world to contact him at the risk of angering the master of the universe.

"Yes, although I don't think there is a distinction between superior and inferior in the universe, not everyone thinks so, and we don't want our fate to be entrusted to other people's hands." Cheng Ying's tone was neither humble nor arrogant, which made Liu Tianxin slightly confused. .

Although his thinking is limited, among the innate spiritual treasures, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is invincible in the multiverse. The people in front of him don't seem to be afraid of falling out with him at all.

"I really want to know how you have the confidence to say that you hope to control your destiny in your own hands. Do you think I will agree to let you leave and then hand over the innate spiritual treasure to you for use?" Liu Tianxin can consider cooperation. But if the partner of cooperation is a blind arrogant and has no self-awareness, then he has to consider the method of cooperation.

"First of all, you are in trouble. We can help you, but this is not a threat, it is just a transaction. Buying and selling cannot be righteous! Secondly! You have to know that even if the universe we live in is in the innate spiritual treasure, for you, innate You're at a disadvantage, but that doesn't mean you're invincible. If you don't believe it, you can try to destroy him."

Cheng Ying controlled Best Metal and turned into a sharp cone and hit Liu Tianxin. Of course, the opponent was unharmed. He also used the mental power magnified countless times by the universe to seize control of Best Metal. Cheng Ying was also testing, To what extent does Liu Tianxin's authority in this universe reach?

"Can you transform at will under the control of mental power? This thing can't be the legendary best metal!" It seems that the two people are not only the same time travellers, but even the book friends of the same book, Liu Tianxin tried to destroy the The metal is made of metal, but even if he has the strongest body and strength in the multiverse, he cannot destroy the metal in the slightest.

"You see, there are always things in this world that you cannot control. Now that you understand the concept of contained objects, it will be easier to handle. Although I don't have many contained objects in my hand, I can tell you for sure that there are some that can threaten you. The containment of your life, and I can activate it now."

Although Liu Tianxin didn't know what the containment object Cheng Ying was talking about, the moment he said it was activated, a layer of cold sweat broke out on his back, as if there was something that could really threaten his life.

In fact, Cheng Ying didn't lie to him. The container called Tianxia Weiqi was under the table where they were sitting. Liu Tianxin could be dragged into the chess game at any time. After both parties became mortals, he had 100% chance. Be sure to defeat your opponents in the world of chess.

The atmosphere was deadlocked for a moment, and then both parties laughed: "Now, we can talk about cooperation."

[To be continued]

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