Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,428 Cooperation Begins

After both parties were willing to cooperate and had relatively equal power, the cooperation started naturally. The physical laws of the outside world were different from those that Tulip was familiar with, but this was not a big problem.

The laws of physics may need to be re-derived, but at least the knowledge in mathematics and other aspects is the same. A large amount of scientific research work has also cultivated hundreds of millions of high-end talents. Even if it involves a completely new field, quite a lot can be achieved in a short period of time. Breakthrough results.

With Liu Tianxin's cooperation, the exploration of the physical rules of the external world soon made breakthrough progress. A large number of Tulip researchers are devoted to the research and development of various external technologies.

Liu Tianxin continued to sit in front of Chengying, which was the basis of cooperation.

"Do you think it's too late to start scientific research now?"

Cheng Ying nodded and said: "Of course, why do you think it's too late? You care about how quickly you climb the technological tree to measure the speed of technological progress, but personal abilities are ultimately limited, and a person's inspiration will eventually be exhausted. when.

It is impossible for a genius inventor to maintain a state of inspiration every minute, so the progress of science and technology requires collective strength. "

"It can be seen that you are very confident in the organization you formed." Liu Tianxin was very interested. He found that the previous holder seemed to have completely misunderstood the meaning of this innate spiritual treasure.

"If you have personally participated in the exploration and advancement of technology, you will understand that my confidence is justified. At first, when you see this inspiration constantly bursting out from other people's minds, you may be jealous or even jealous. Be wary, but you will soon get used to it. You are not the only one who can come up with genius ideas. At the level of intelligence, the gap between people is very big, but it is far not as big as people imagine. A single genius is different in the body. insignificant in the face of wisdom."

"Maybe what you said makes sense!" Liu Tianxin smiled: "But even if your power develops to the extreme, what's the point in facing someone who can truly control the innate spiritual treasure and control all the rules of this universe?"

"It really makes no sense. If there is no containment object, I am not qualified to trade with you on an equal footing. There is nothing wrong with you relying on your own ability to travel through time and space to improve yourself. There are three thousand avenues, and which one can lead to the end? do not know either.

But in the end, it still depends on efficiency. The civilization of the feudal era naturally has a system suitable for the feudal era. The civilization of the interstellar era naturally has laws suitable for the interstellar era. And if everyone is like you, with the ability to control the world Ability, naturally there can also be a system to adapt to such a group.

No matter what era it is, order will progress faster than disorder, right? "

Liu Tianxin frowned. He didn't like this statement, but it was difficult to refute it rationally. Of course he could say that the universe can develop faster if it can provide for disorder. The foundation and logic that science relies on does not exist at all, but this It's tantamount to cheating.

"I don't like order. To be precise, I don't like the order that can restrain me. Our development to the present point is actually just the beginning. To judge whether the order is advanced, we can only refer to the history that happened in the past. There are too many problems. It's a coincidence. If I hadn't captured the innate spiritual treasure, the holder would still be the same guy before. Would you be able to survive with this development?"

"It is indeed difficult. You are right. History itself is full of contingency. Facing an opponent who may monitor the entire universe, or an individual who may be alone and not bound by any rules,

It is also more likely to break the bonds of the cage.

But as you said, none of this has been verified by the times. As long as you don’t become arrogant and complacent because of your own strength, after all..."

Speaking of this, the two people couldn't help but smile at the same time: "Weakness and ignorance are never obstacles to survival, arrogance is."

"Let's go! Let's go see how the equipment to deal with the Zerg is being manufactured."

"Let's go! Go see how the body clone you need is going!"

In the main god's space world, in the human fleet...

Cheng Ying pushed open the lid in the viscous culture fluid. He felt so weak that he had never been able to breathe before. This was the body of an adult human male that had hardly undergone any modifications.

The range of vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste, and perception are all extremely narrow. They cannot perceive gravitational waves, and they do not even have the most basic microscopic sense. Any sharp object can pierce the skin, and losing an arm can lead to blood loss or infection. And die.

But in the end, their souls came to the outside of the innate spiritual treasures and became the first batch of tulips, and 1,200 were the ascended ones.

Being able to gather this amount can be regarded as the result of Liu Tianxin's continuous mediation among the top human beings. His strength plummeted and the human fleet was annihilated, which caused his reputation in the human camp to plummet. If it were not for fear of what he could do, After bursting out with destructive power, even the little bit of face in front of him might not be given to him.

What can a thousand ordinary human male clones and two hundred ordinary female clones do?

This male-to-female ratio is not a sign of discrimination against women. In terms of gender equality, Tulip has always been very successful. When women are not as good at work as men, the status of both parties is unequal, and there is almost no concealment. Equality depends on both sides. To obtain equal social contribution, so now in Tulip, men and women are completely equal. After all, everyone has been transformed, and no one cares about women even if they want to look like Nezha in Shilengli.

But ascended people have to start from scratch, and the physical weakness of women will be reflected to the greatest extent, so the number will be much smaller. The Tulip people who are accustomed to the equality of rights and obligations do not even think that this is abnormal at all.

Liu Tianxin didn't care about such trivial details. After Chengying and the others put on the ugly uniforms of reform-through-labor prisoners, he took them to his laboratory.

"This is the Xiantian Lingbao that carries your world. To be honest, I am not its recognized owner. Therefore, you and I have almost the same authority within the Xiantian Lingbao. You can quickly read the information you need."

Cheng Ying nodded when he heard the words. Liu Tianxin was still very sincere. Although the more than a thousand of them were extremely weak, he was already very sincere in allowing them to contact the innate spiritual treasure with confidence.

"Each team begins to perform its own tasks! The medical team gathers here with me." Cheng Ying exists as the leader of the medical team among the Ascendants this time. Although he has made great contributions to Tulip's scientific and technological progress many times, To say that his most talented person is the technology under the biomedical system.

[To be continued]

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