Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,429 I am a doctor

Wen Tao has its own professions and specializations, that's all. The wisdom of the ancients is often not inferior to the wise men of the future. Chengying adheres to the principle that laymen do not guide experts, and does not interfere with geniuses in other professions. Except for pathology research, only Control the general direction.

"Your technology is very interesting." Chengying used a microscope to observe cell slices after a long absence. The genetic sequence analysis equipment on the side was breaking up the long DNA chains in Liu Tianxin's cells, reading them in segments, and then splicing and analyzing the contents.

This speed is ten times faster than direct reading. In fact, the actual human genome project uses similar methods.

"You have the genes of a tardigrade, and you have second-level gene locks that are manually unlocked, and third- and fourth-level gene locks that are unlocked by yourself. Genetic materials are no longer limited to simple chemical substances. This evolutionary direction is very good.

With the current equipment, it is difficult to further improve your limits, but it can make it easier for you to exert your power. For example, your genetic material contains too many powerful genes that cannot be expressed.

For example, Nidhogg's power, and the power of an alien energy life form. Let me see, this energy form of life should be the Boros in the One Punch World! The Star Collapsing Roar Cannon you use with your soul ring must be weaker than the original version!

Weak is right. Ninety-nine percent of his energy state genetic information is not expressed in your body. The soul ring only forcibly simulates his abilities. The medical team can find a way to let them express it.

It is difficult for us to dispel the abnormal power in your body now, but we can try to make your own immune system fight against it by strengthening your body. "

In fact, in reality, humans are helpless against most diseases. Drugs often play a role in assisting the immune system. This is also an important reason why AIDS, which destroys immune cells, is difficult to treat.

Liu Tianxin's body contains all kinds of powerful blood, so he naturally has a stronger immune system. All Cheng Ying has to do is to stimulate the cytokine storm in his body and fight fire with fire.

But before that, the medical team gave him a shot. Everyone, including Cheng Ying, quite boldly inserted the needle into the aorta in his neck and injected something.

"What have you injected? I think your skin color doesn't look good. We don't have your resurrection technology here. If you die, you are really dead. You can't even return your soul to the innate spiritual treasure." Liu Tianxin originally felt that he He was already good at committing suicide, but compared to such heroic arterial injection, he still felt inferior.

"This is your cell extract. Don't worry, it's very safe. We have tested it tens of thousands of times in the virtual machine." Although they said this, their red skin like cooked shrimp still did not convince them. force.

"Just make sure it's okay." Liu Tianxin found that he was a little helpless. He was obviously a top talent in the field of scientific research, but faced with systematic technology and geniuses specializing in various fields, he still felt that he was unable to intervene. insufficient.

Ice Emperor took the second wave of injections with the members of the extraordinary group. Interestingly, Ice Emperor, who had always complained about his height, still chose a 1.5 meter lolita body shape after ascending. The reason behind this is heartwarming... …

Compared with other group members who all have specialized scientific research capabilities in various fields, the people in the extraordinary group are much mediocre. They do not have rich knowledge and genius inspiration. Their talents lie in another aspect, which is fighting and cultivation.

No matter what environment they encounter, they can integrate their own strength as quickly as possible and exert the strongest combat effectiveness. Compared with scientific research talents, this kind of people are the most scarce in Tulip, as Cheng Ying once mentioned. As the saying goes: "Civilization is anti-force, democracy is anti-evolution, and science is anti-instinct."

In a civilization with prosperous science and harmonious society, fighting geniuses with beast-like intuition are extremely rare talents. Not only those who can win the fighting competition have this kind of talent, but being able to display their combat effectiveness in a fair arena does not mean that in There will be no fear or panic in the face of real life-threatening dangers.

People like the Ice Emperor are rare beings with strong combat intuition.

"Are you ready?" The green fluorescent reagent in Cheng Ying's hand made people very uneasy. Even Liu Tianxin, who was used to seeking death, remained silent.

He could feel that this thing was dangerous, and he had the illusion that the other party was planning to poison him to death and then inherit his innate spiritual treasure.

"If you can't make up your mind, it's not too late to give up now. Other departments also have solutions to deal with the Zerg army."

"Ah... let's inject it! Trust is always built step by step." Liu Tianxin lay down on the operating table, naked, with Chengying wearing a blue sterile suit next to him, using an Adamantium alloy scalpel to incise The skin on Liu Tianxin's chest was opened.

For a person of this level of strength, intravenous injection is meaningless. A body with a soul core and multiple solid crystals formed in the body requires more detailed transformation and adjustment.

Compared to the surge of operations on Chengying's side, the groups responsible for engineering and theoretical physics seemed very quiet. They were conducting experiments based on pre-planned plans, striving to develop weapons against the Zerg in the shortest possible time.

Although it seems that they are not popular, in fact, they have almost succeeded.

Coincidentally, the direction of their development is very close to the anti-Zerg weapon in the science fiction movie Ender's Game. It is a weapon that will trigger a chain reaction after hitting the Zerg.

To put it simply, the hit Zerg will explode on the spot, and their explosion will produce an impact similar to the attack they suffered, detonating other Zerg around them, and so on. The more Zerg gather together, the bigger the explosion will be. The more severe it is, the easier it is to trigger a chain reaction.

Such a weapon is obviously perfect for dealing with the Zerg, which relies on numbers to win.

This is also a backup plan if Liu Tianxin cannot recover. Even if the human fleet can only organize extremely limited forces, with such weapons, it will be possible to fight against the Zerg with twice the result with half the effort.

While the weapon was nearly completed and ready to be manufactured for testing, Liu Tianxin's surgery was also coming to an end. Cheng Ying did have considerable talent in medicine. As the chief surgeon of this surgery, his hands did not tremble at all. The knife slashed across Liu Tianxin's forehead, revealing the last crystal in his body, the space gem embedded in his body.

"It's really a familiar prop!" The final energy line was connected, and the recessive gene expression began...

[To be continued]

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