Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,430 Conspiracy

When Liu Tianxin regained consciousness again, his own power had begun to dominate: "The effect of the operation was better than I imagined. My own power has gradually begun to expel the abnormal energy. Within the limited time of the Lord God, it is enough to restore to normal state." The combat effectiveness against the Zerg."

Cheng Ying pushed up his glasses, which were considered standard equipment for ascendants. Basically everyone had a pair of similar glasses. Their function was to replace humans' narrow vision and provide them with richer senses.

"Even if you are not sure of complete recovery, the problem is not big. Although there is a big gap in the physical rules of the two worlds, it is not so big that it is completely different. At least until it reaches a sufficient micro level, the gap is not special. Large, many mature technologies can be directly put into use after a certain degree of transformation.”

As he spoke, Cheng Ying pointed to a streamlined mecha behind him: "It is always easier to give a machine powerful capabilities than to give the same power to a human body. This big guy can basically achieve mass production now. The combat effectiveness is very reliable, even if You didn't reply, and we are confident that we can deal with this trouble.

But one problem is that it is impossible for us to return to the main god space with you, so I hope you can keep the innate spiritual treasure when you leave. "

Liu Tianxin frowned. Although his body has been transformed, as long as he can fully recover, his combat effectiveness will be greatly increased. But in the previous battle, he suffered heavy losses. Two of the Infinity Stones were broken into pieces. After calculation, he made almost no profit. He was definitely not willing to keep the innate spiritual treasure.

"Don't make a decision in a hurry. You said it before. This innate spiritual treasure does not recognize you as its master. In this case, even if you take him with you, you may not gain much benefit.

On the contrary, if you keep him with us, you can continue to obtain new technologies from us and strengthen your own strength. Multiple friends, multiple paths! There is no need to do things absolutely. "

"Are there no other advanced civilizations in this universe?" Liu Tianxin still felt that he was at a disadvantage.

"I don't know about the multiverse, but in Douluo's universe, I'm afraid we are the only advanced civilization. Although your consciousness can move at super-light speed in the multiverse, the atmosphere it can cover is so small. If you want to find Other advanced civilizations are easier said than done.”

"Why should I trust your sincerity in cooperation?" Liu Tianxin asked the last question.

"Because you are stronger than us! Now that we are tied together, aren't we unable to defeat you? Or maybe you are not confident in your ability to travel through time and space, and think that sooner or later we will surpass you." Cheng Ying smiled:

"Even if the gap in strength is really widened, the cooperation may not end. Trust takes time to build, doesn't it? We have just had a pleasant cooperation."

Cheng Ying stretched out his hand, and Liu Tianxin took it: "I have to admit, you are much better at talking nonsense than me."

Just as the two parties reached an intention to cooperate, inside the Xiantian Lingbao... in a certain universe, a figure with purple flames all over his body appeared.

"Damn it! When did such a powerful monster appear in the main god's space! Fortunately, I have mastered the use of many spiritual treasures these days, so I should be able to escape the main god's obliteration.

If you just want to go back, it might be difficult. "The flaming figure gritted his teeth. He abandoned the body of the outside world and saved his own life.

But in the future, I am afraid that I will only be able to dominate within Xiantian Lingbao.

If he hadn't been studying this innate spiritual treasure for a long time and mastered certain rules of the universe, I'm afraid that any strong person from the outside could come in and kill him.

"We have to change our strategy. I need the support of a universe-level great god civilization to be able to ascend successfully...and..." The flame figure looked ugly: "The innate spiritual treasure has fallen into the hands of that bastard. If I am weak, If a mortal body ascends, he will definitely be killed on the spot, so he must have powerful power as soon as he ascends."

The flaming figure began to spread his spiritual thoughts, searching for the seeds of civilization he needed in the universe that he had cultivated for many years. Then accelerate their time flow and prepare to harvest the great god civilization they have grown into.

In the outside world, at the human fleet headquarters, defeatist ideas have pervaded the human race. The Zerg have strong reproductive capabilities. Compared to humans who require huge resources and a complex industrial system to build a fleet, the speed at which the Zerg explodes is simply comparable. Called no solution.

Now the main forces of both sides have been completely wiped out, but the Zerg side will be able to form a powerful fleet again within a month, and the human side will be able to form a powerful fleet again. It does not take many years. Only by resuming production can the combat effectiveness be restored to its heyday.

Just as soon as it collapsed, many people have begun to think about extreme strategies. Liu Tianxin has super personal abilities. He was soon targeted by them, not because they expected him to turn the tide of the war, but...

"Everyone, is it true that the power of the yellow race has been greatly weakened? How is the investigation by your spies going?" The leading officer, who looked like Ikari Gendo, said gloomily.

"It's basically confirmed. Last week we sent a fleet to provoke him in his jurisdiction, but he chose to remain silent. Based on the character model we established for him. Unless his strength regresses significantly, he will definitely give A provocative fleet, a profound lesson." A person in the shadow below said.

The leading officer looked to the other side: "Is it possible for ordinary humans to obtain his power? If there are living samples, can similar power be copied?

It is very important to have the power to survive alone in space after drifting in space for a long time. This is not only related to high-level human beings, but also a major issue related to the continuation of mankind, so I hope you can abandon your prejudices. Look at this issue objectively. "

The person he asked this time was obviously the person in charge of scientific research. Although the moral quality of scientific researchers is not necessarily high, as long as they are not mad scientists, most of them will not be willing to conduct cruel human experiments on innocent people.

It's just that their superiors have raised the seriousness of the problem to a human level. They also had to answer truthfully: "We can indeed copy his ability to a certain extent, but this requires him to continuously provide body cells to maintain it. His body contains genetic material that we cannot analyze. With this human There is no way for the current body to synthesize itself."

The leading officer nodded: "Prepare infrasonic hydrogen bombs and try to capture both men and women alive as much as possible."

[To be continued]

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