Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,431 A reasonable backstab

After Cheng Ying and his team completed the transformation of the cloning equipment, a new round of 50,000 ascended people came to the outside world one after another. This time, there were more places, and the people who came included elites from all walks of life. The top tulips are almost there. Relying on them, we can already build a decent prototype of civilization.

"You all have limited conditions. The bodies you are using have only undergone the most preliminary modifications. We are still trying to figure out how to deal with the loss of many senses. The conditions are relatively difficult. Everyone needs to get used to it. There are many who have come, and they all experienced the land reclamation together. Yes, I think everyone should be able to understand.

Time is running out, so I won’t talk nonsense to you here. Within three days, we will prepare for the Zerg war. The strategic weapon code-named scalpel is the top priority. Everyone must keep up their spirits and win this battle beautifully. , after the victory, we have a firm foothold here.

In addition, the dimensionality reduction plan has been launched. Those who want to know the situation can go to the department over there for consultation! "

The so-called dimensionality reduction plan is to allow these ascended bodies to use their external bodies to return to the original world, and then serve as volunteers to assist Tulip's scientific research operations and be responsible for the security of Tulip.

Although Liu Tianxin has already killed the previous owner of the Xiantian Lingbao! But the centipede insect is dead but not stiff. God knows whether the opponent is completely dead. If it is not completely killed and a trace of its soul is left in the innate spiritual treasure, it will definitely be a serious problem.

Obviously, there are not many people who are willing to become dimensionality reducers. On the one hand, most people think that the outside world is a higher world. This can be seen from the title of ascenders.

On the other hand, these geniuses in the scientific research community are often full of curiosity. A new world with completely unknown physical laws is undoubtedly very attractive to them.

Due to various reasons, most people did not choose to carry out dimensionality reduction, but after all, more than 500 people signed up to return to help the scientific research progress of tulips.

The five hundred dimensionality reducers can basically meet the needs of Tulip. It is difficult for the body of the dimensionality reducers to develop a Chou Yin Mao in a short time, but their multiverse and invincible level power can be found in many In scientific research projects, it can play a huge role, especially their vision, which can ignore the speed of light and the difference between macro and micro. In short, they do not need reflected photons to see things. This kind of vision In fact, it is a conceptual existence. Anything with substance can theoretically be seen.

This can significantly improve their understanding of the microscopic world in a short period of time.

To the outside world, Liu Tianxin's combat effectiveness has been restored to 80%, to this extent. He already has the confidence to attack the Zerg alone. Kill seven in and seven out, killing the female alone. The mission is basically stable.

Just return to the main god space and have a full body repair. He can then use time travel and leave this world. Anyway, the coordinates have been left behind. If he wants to come back again, he can just travel back again.

Just when the two parties were ready to work together to solve the problem once and for all, a legitimate backstab came.

The few remaining human fleets invaded their jurisdiction. and surrounded them.

The radio frequency band was filled with the sounds of people laying down their weapons and immediately surrendering. And told them that they have been targeted by infrasonic hydrogen bombs, and as long as they make any resistance, the super weapon will be launched. Kill all the living people in the battleship.

"Ah...I'm so scared~" Liu Tianxin said in a bone-deep voice,

He replied on the radio and raised his fingers to the other side: "Come here!"

The most obvious provocation made the other party say that they couldn't bear it anymore and immediately launched an attack. However, they did not directly release the super weapon. Obviously, the higher-ups of mankind did not intend to directly break up with each other. They disguised the attack as a terrorist act by a small number of extremists. .

Once it fails, you can just throw the blame away, hello, me, everyone! This can be said to be a traditional ability of high-level humans.

Liu Tianxin did not expose this. The mission given to him by the Lord God was to lead humans to eliminate the Zerg. If he also destroyed humans, then the mission would have failed.

And according to the world view of the world where the Lord God lives, the Lord God is on the side of mankind. Under normal circumstances, the Lord God would only help humans, select the strongest among humans, and train them until they become saints.

However, although we cannot destroy the human forces in this world, we can still teach them a lesson. Facing the overwhelming kinetic energy weapons, Liu Tianxin just snapped his fingers. All these weapons were turned into ashes.

If Atom controls this move, he can do it too!

And now the various bloodlines in his body have been fully expressed. Although only 80% of his injuries have been recovered, his combat effectiveness is stronger than before.

"That's it? Don't you look down on me a little? After all, I am also in the aftermath of the battle, so I can annihilate the Zerg and human coalition forces! Is it really appropriate to send such a few minions if you want to catch me?"

Liu Tianxin flew out of the battleship, condensing terrifying energy in his hands: "Using this move is much smoother now than before.

Come! look up! Let me give you a light! "

As he spoke, he saw the ball of light in his hand getting brighter and brighter. In just a few breaths, it reached an almost blinding level, and then burst out with enough power to tear the entire planet apart.

"Collapse Star Roaring Cannon!"

Coming from the world of One Punch Man, the ultimate move of the top villain Boros, a super move that can destroy a planet with one blow, was used by him as a flat A.

Cheng Ying looked at this scene and drooled sadly: "Why don't I have such an enviable fighting talent? It's obvious that his body's design limit cannot allow him to use ultimate moves so frequently."

"Stop looking, you can't learn." Ice Emperor stood on the stool and touched Cheng Ying's head: "

Moreover, this kind of attack without depth makes little sense in pursuing continuous attacks. No matter how large the scope of destruction is, if the destruction does not reach the microscopic level, it will be difficult to cause fatal damage if the opponent's life form is advanced enough. "

Compared to Cheng Ying, he was still in a mood to complain. The high-level human beings were completely devastated, and the commissioner responsible for investigating intelligence was scolded bloody. Continuously firing the Star-Collapse Roaring Cannon, what the hell are you telling me, is this called a retreat in strength?

With only the defeated human army left, all that can be prayed for now is that the old man's recent mood will not be too bad, and he will not be unhappy, so he can kill them too. In fact, if it weren't for the constraints of the Lord God's mission, Liu Tianxin would not have destroyed them. There will definitely be no good things for those at the top.

But now, the ones who are going to be unlucky are the Zerg.

[To be continued]

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