Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,433 Division of 2 Realms

Liu Tianxin's figure disappeared into the spacecraft, and in the space, except for the powdery debris, there was no Zerg left.

The special insect-killing weapon is so efficient. Liu Tianxin, who wants to press the button, may be able to receive a large number of reward points in the main city.

Cheng Ying no longer pays attention to the main god space. In the world view he currently lives in, although there are main gods and even the prehistoric continent, it is also a vast universe to be developed.

No matter where they go, development is the last word. The Ascended Ones plan continues to be implemented at a high speed. As they have their own fleet and basic base, the number of Ascendants quickly increases from more than 50,000 to 200,000, including those responsible for combat. The quantity has also increased significantly.

Cheng Ying knows very well that political power comes from the barrel of a gun. After Liu Tianxin left, even if they had the great success of annihilating the Zerg, the top human beings would probably target them everywhere and even try to discredit them. Cheng Ying could even imagine that they In the publicity, people will be told in a subtle way how Tulip and his team brutally exterminated the Zerg race. Will such a cruel person who has mastered destructive weapons turn the spearhead and aim at humans to destroy themselves?

Although there are many beautiful qualities in human nature, the evil in these bullshit human nature cannot be eliminated.

Even the top human beings may not only be promoting propaganda, but after they confirm that the powerful man who can destroy the race alone is missing, they may immediately hold a Hongmen Banquet and prepare to wipe out these so-called human heroes in one fell swoop.

You must be kind to members of your own civilization and tolerantly guide them onto the right path, but you must always be on guard against those who do not agree with your own ideas. Everything is based on force.

Although the power Cheng Ying can currently mobilize is far less than what Liu Tianxin can do, it definitely far exceeds the expectations of the top human beings in this world. Although the physical laws here are quite different from those in Tulip's homeland , but the paths of scientific research are different, with a large number of talents and powerful computing power provided by our headquarters.

Their technological progress is very fast, and they are very close to the heavy element fusion technology that can use all things as energy. As long as this technology is perfected, the basic base of 200,000 people can take root on any planet. With rapid development, Chengying is confident that the scientific research speed of people like him will definitely be faster than that of high-level human beings.

At the same time, the top human beings also received news of their victory. The scene of the Zerg being almost wiped out was so shocking that they couldn't help but be afraid of such weapons. Since they could develop weapons against the Zerg, how about targeting the Zerg? Human weapons. I'm afraid it's not that difficult.

For various reasons, the United Humanity Government held an extremely luxurious celebration banquet to celebrate their triumphant return from annihilating the Zerg. The huge space station was almost transformed into an entire banquet hall, which was broadcast live to humans all over the world. The grand celebration banquet.

Cheng Ying had no reason to refuse. As he walked on the bright red carpet, his mental power had spread out to capture the conversations of everyone in the venue.

Almost all the members of Tulip are doing the same thing, and any whispers cannot escape their perception. And soon they heard useful information.

Someone quietly reported Liu Tianxin's absence from the banquet. Although the subsequent results were unknown, I thought the other party would definitely test him soon.

Fortunately, Chengying was prepared.

At the banquet, many high-ranking human beings came to him to propose a toast. The commander of the Space Force, who was currently the polished commander, asked in a complicated tone during the toast: "Commander Liu, doesn't he have time recently? Or does he? Said that the Expedition Zerg was injured? It's a pity that we didn't see him. If you encounter any trouble, just tell us and we will arrange to solve it as soon as possible."

Cheng Ying rolled his eyes in his heart and said this is a lie. If they really confirmed that something happened to Liu Tianxin, the first people to be arranged to be solved would probably be the expeditionary force like them. Their great achievements shocked the master. There is no difference between ancient and modern times, China and foreign countries.

"Worrying you, sir, he just doesn't like to participate in these entertainments. After all, he is a cultivator and does not have worldly desires. However, he still left a video to participate on his behalf."

After Cheng Ying finished speaking, he clapped his hands, and someone turned on the holographic projection to project Liu Tianxin's image. He casually said a few useless words and ended the video.

There is no doubt that this is a show of force, and Cheng Ying is not yet ready for a armed conflict. Backed by human civilization. It can draw a lot of materials needed for development. If you leave and explore the interstellar world, your development will undoubtedly be slowed down too much.

Obviously, this video is not enough to dispel all the suspicions of the top human beings, but it is enough to make them afraid to take action for a short period of time. Being able to do this is enough.

Chengying and his party obviously had no interest in the banquet. Coming in a hurry and leaving in a hurry, this also makes the native humans here. For a time, it was difficult to obtain information. This is the principle of saying less and making mistakes, and almost no useful information was revealed. How to analyze them?

The only useful information I know is that after leaving, these people purchased a large amount of materials. Judging from the types of materials, it seems that they were used to build a scientific research base. But this news is also confusing.

Not everyone believes that peace will be followed by development. After victory comes a prosperous age. More people believe that after victory, the fruits of victory should be shared. So on the contrary, it is completely incomprehensible for Tulip and his team to devote their energy to scientific research after defeating the Zerg, which is an extremely correct behavior.

Cheng Ying does not intend to pay attention to the human government, because for a long time, he will not lack the population, and the Ascended Person Project will bring him an endless supply of talents. Compared to the population of Tulip's native land, the human population in this world is really insignificant.

It only took less than a month. The number of Ascended Ones quickly increased from 200,000 to 53 million, which was still ensuring the infrastructure. On the premise that it can perfectly provide the necessities of life, otherwise if we clone it with all our strength, the number can be increased ten times.

Just when Chengying was preparing for a new round of population expansion, the flow of time inside Xiantian Lingbao suddenly accelerated, and his connection with Tulip's native land also began to become intermittent. Faced with this critical situation, Chengying made a prompt decision. , dispatched 50,000 dimensionality reducers, and at the last moment when the two sides could still make contact, they descended back to the Tulip homeland.

[To be continued]

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