Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,434 Two-way Crisis

Chengying never planned to give up Tulip Homeland, so when the contact was cut off, he just stuffed 50,000 dimensionality reducers back. It wasn't that he didn't want to stuff more, but it was too late and he could only send so many people back.

With the closure of time and space and the division into two sections, Tulip has an equivalent of 50,000 more invincible-level experts, each of whom is as perverted as a GM account in the local universe.

He only hoped that these people could delay enough time for him to break the separation between the two realms. What he was most worried about happened. The previous owner of the Xiantian Lingbao was not Jue, but left a trace of his soul, and it was obviously better than Cheng. Shadows have higher permissions.

In a cosmic-level confrontation, the slightest difference in authority will have an extremely huge impact. Sometimes quantity cannot make up for quality. Maybe everything he does is of no help, but if he tries, it is better than nothing. It’s better to try and give up.

In fact, the situation was far better than Cheng Ying imagined. The reincarnator who was beaten with only a trace of his soul was named William. He was a former captain of the breeding team. He broke through the fourth-level gene lock only after acquiring the innate spirit treasure. , has mastered the authority of part of the innate spiritual treasures.

William knows very well that the only way to take revenge is to advance in technology. Looking at technology, mastering all the laws of the universe to the extent that he can rub the contained objects with his hands at will is equivalent to mastering all the authority of the innate spiritual treasure. Becoming the master he truly recognizes, and then ascending to the sky, holding the complete form of the innate spiritual treasure, he can definitely beat the shit out of Liu Tianxin.

Not necessarily, he searched the universe he cultivated, looking for the most promising technological civilization, and then he was pleasantly surprised to discover Tulip. This was a creature that, under the constraints of his impulse, still broke through his own limits, broke the suppression of the divine world, and headed towards the starry sky. To develop into an interstellar super civilization, this is simply his most perfect material.

As long as time accelerates, allows them to develop rapidly, and then relies on his GM authority to devour them all, he can become the most potential interstellar master in one fell swoop, only one step away from controlling the truth of the universe! This is simply giving a pillow when you feel sleepy!

As a result, the flow of time in Tulip's home country began to speed up. The locals felt no problem, but the ascendants in the outside world saw it clearly and realized the problem. Chengying smashed 50,000 descendants down without saying a word.

This is great. William originally wanted to test the water by accelerating for a thousand years, but suddenly he got an extra 50,000 GM accounts. Accelerating time for mortals in this universe is not the same order of magnitude as accelerating time for descendants. He had no time to stop, and was almost drained by the consumption of 50,000 descendants. There was only a wisp of residual soul left, and he almost disappeared into ashes. When he stopped the acceleration of time, three hundred years had passed in Tulip's homeland, and the territory It has expanded to an extent equivalent to the size of the Orion spiral arm, and it belongs to an interstellar civilization.

Although the leader of Tulip is no longer Cheng Ying, his thoughts are still passed down. The names of pioneering victims will still be engraved on the icosahedron planet at the reincarnation disk. The Library of All Realms will still be engraved with the names of time and space. In the form of bubbles, every piece of history is recorded. Even if the virtual universe is infinitely close to reality, Tulip people still firmly believe that the real future will be even brighter.

This means that in the past three hundred years, Tulip's technological development has not slowed down at all. If Chengying went back now, there is a high probability that he would not be able to understand his own black technology at all, and he would feel as if he was a countryman entering the city.

Originally, after developing into a galaxy-level civilization, William was ready to devour and harvest. However, he accelerated the 50,000 GM account and was too injured to devour it.

Even if his authority is higher,

The tulips guarded by more than 50,000 descendants could kill half of his life. He would have to recover for a long time before he could have a chance to devour the tulips again.

Compared with the rapid development of Tulip, in the tenth year since time accelerated, Oscar of the Douluo star occupied the entire territory of the original Silvis Kingdom and declared the founding of a country with the name: Douluo!

In the same year, the Douluo Kingdom was declared war by the Tiandou Empire, the Star Luo Empire, and the infected Sylva. The war lasted for three years. The main forces in the war were always the two great empires of Sylva and the Douluo Kingdom, Tiandou and Star Luo. Far from recovering, he could only shout 666 from the side and watch the black technologies on both sides fight each other.

In the third year of the war, Oscar and Yak, the representative of the infected, came to the front line and signed a peace agreement. In the agreement, Silva agreed to join the Douluo Kingdom, but all citizens of the Douluo Kingdom must be injected with silicon-based viruses and transformed into "infected people". ", that is, the new humanity.

In a fierce quarrel, the two sides signed an agreement. The new Douluo Empire was established and its capital was Sylva. The two empires of Tiandou and Xingluo, who were shouting 666 next to them, were instantly dumbfounded. Emperor Xueye reacted very quickly and fired. Under the guise of not fighting the Douluo people, the capital army announced to join the New Douluo. Due to internal power disputes, the Star Luo Empire did not respond immediately. The New Douluo army pressed on the territory, and a war was about to break out.

Suddenly a one-eyed man led the revolutionary army to launch a coup, clearing out the rebellious forces within the Star Luo Empire in one fell swoop. The one-eyed man was undoubtedly Luo Yan, the Sharingan boy who once shared the halo of the protagonist. Because his soul power disappeared, he wrote The wheel eye was directly abolished and turned into a one-eyed one. Thirteen years later, the boy has grown into a mature leader and wisely chose to join the New Douluo banner.

At this point, only the Soul Beast Empire is left on the continent and has not yet joined. Speaking of the Soul Beast Empire, one has to mention a golden-eyed black dragon sculpture in the empire.

The Soul Beast Empire also obtained a copy of the Book of Truth, so its development was not slow. However, Ditian, who was entrenched in the giant tree of bitterness, had to eat a huge amount of food every day, and even occupied 90% of the medicinal materials in the territory. As a result, many soul beasts were starved of food, suffered from hunger and cold, and even died of despair due to diseases, and their dissatisfaction with Di Tian became even stronger.

Finally, on the night when the scientific research team led by Rui Wenwen successfully developed the artificial vocal cord technology, the Ten Thousand Demon King teamed up with Xiong Jun and other soul beasts who still retained their powerful bodies, carried a large amount of explosives, and went to the Misery Tree to force the palace. If Emperor Tian Unwilling to give in, they blew up the Painful Tree, cutting off Ditian's endless source of life force and causing him to lose his ability to transcend all sentient beings.

Ditian faced the siege without any compromise. The battle between the giant beasts was so dark that the giant tree of bitterness was blown apart by explosives and collapsed. Ditian was outnumbered and fell seriously injured on the collapsed tree of bitterness.

Rui Wenwen learned the news and rushed with people, but it was too late. A hundred-meter long spear had been pierced through Ditian's chest and nailed to the huge tree trunk.

[To be continued]

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