Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,435 The Chronicle of Emperor Tian

Rui Wenwen was originally going to convey the good news of the successful development of artificial vocal cords to Di Tian, ​​but when she arrived, she saw Di Tian nailed to the trunk of the collapsed and burning Misery Tree. His life was in danger. She immediately lay on Di Tian's head and cried in grief. Facing the "just" spirit beasts that were approaching fiercely, he turned around silently and told everyone the truth with tears in his eyes.

"What do you know? Do you know why Emperor Tian sent me to get the Book of Truth? Do you know why the soul power disappears and we can still speak human words? Do you know what the world is like outside the life force field?

No! You have no idea! You just greedily want to seize the realm of life and take the huge life force as your own!

Do you think that the life force was extracted by Di Tian from the giant tree of bitterness? Now the tree of bitterness has fallen! Why is the realm of life still maintained? That's because! All the vitality was released by Di Tian by squeezing his nine hundred thousand years of life! The realm of life that you thought was inexhaustible, the vitality that you thought was inexhaustible, was all fucking squeezed out by Di Tian from every cell in his body! "

Rui Wenwen's voice was as hoarse as the roar of a beast as she told the truth: "Di Tian maintains the realm of life so that you can speak human language, so that you can understand each other and not degenerate into a language barrier. A group of beasts.

The reason is that the soul beast race can still be twisted into a rope and can be called a nation instead of just fucking wild animals! He desperately fought for time to develop artificial vocal cords! Just so that you can still retain the ability to communicate after his death, and still remember that you are a great and proud race called soul beasts!

And what about you? Look what you have done? This is your reward for the King of Soul Beasts, our guardian! "

Blood flowed down the spear, and the golden blood of the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King spilled onto the ground, forming a stream, flowing along the tangled root system of the giant tree of bitterness, dyeing the ground with veins like golden blood vessels.

Looking at the stream of blood, Rui Wenwen smashed the artificial vocal cords in her hands, and the parts scattered in all directions. She let out a final roar: "What value do you have in being saved?"

Di Tian didn't say another word from beginning to end. His body turned into a gray statue, but his eyes were still bright gold.

With his death, the realm of life ceased to exist. All the soul beasts found that their vocal cords were deteriorating, and the sounds they made were no longer words with complex syllables, but turned into simple roars. Only then did they understand that Rui What Wenwen said is true. The huge vitality is not the treasures of heaven and earth occupied by Ditian at all, but the emanations from his huge body. Every ray that falls in their bodies is It is the vitality of Di Tian. It can be said that every soul beast present is a continuation of Ditian's life.

As the leader of the soul beasts and recognized as the god of beasts, Di Tian has always believed that he is not a qualified leader. He once protected the peace of the soul beasts on his own, but he has never let the different soul beast races mutual understanding.

The nation of representative soul beasts exists in name only, or in other words, has never existed. It is just the fantasy of many intelligent soul beasts under the oppression of humans. They imagine that the soul beasts can unite as one and resist humans. They also imagine that the soul beasts can be as close as a family and establish themselves. civilization, living in its own country.

However, the spirit beasts have never truly understood each other, nor have they regarded individuals with different forms as the same nation. Ditian once expected that strong external force could solve everything.

Looking forward to the resurrection of the Silver Dragon King, and knowing that the soul power disappeared, he suddenly realized that relying on external forces could not make a group of different types of soul beasts identify with the soul beast nation from the bottom of their hearts.

Unfortunately, it was too late. The soul beasts were about to lose the ability to speak, and the last chance of mutual understanding was about to disappear. Ditian resolutely squeezed his body and burned his life to fight for the last chance for the soul beast nation.

And he succeeded, even more successful than imagined. When he was alive, he failed to unite the soul beasts, but his death awakened the yearning of thousands of soul beasts for this nation. Despite their many differences, they will all cling tightly to a cultural bond and unify each other into a unified nation.

Ditian, who was crucified on the burning tree of bitterness, has also become a symbol of this nation. Just like Jesus suffering on the cross, it will forever be passed down in the culture of this nation.

Reincarnation Disk, Ditian felt a bit toothache when he read the Ditian Benji of Douluo Shiji. If he had known that he would not really die, why was it so tragic! Forget it if he dies. The status of the dead in people's minds will be infinitely elevated. They are perfect and cannot be desecrated. But if they don't die, then in his own eyes, these acts of seeking death are simply black history. The emperor Tian was so embarrassed that he almost built a skyscraper with his fingernails.

The record officer beside him shook his head, and did not think this was anything to be embarrassed about. It was an extremely great achievement to use one's own death to create the soul of a nation. Otherwise, it would not be the Book of Emperor Tian. With Emperor Tian's presence, Douluo's original achievements were at best biographies, and most likely from a noble family.

It is naturally impossible for people in the Soul Beast Empire to know that Di Tian’s soul was resurrected, and the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear Girl Lin Dong who was resurrected before and contributed her soul ring, as well as a group of other soul beasts, live in Tulip ethnic minority gathering areas.

It's not racial discrimination, but different life forms that make their social welfare and public facilities very different from other residents. If you go to a restaurant to eat like this, if you use the original body, Ditian's body type, let alone eating, he can't even squeeze in the door of the restaurant. Going in, in order to avoid this kind of trouble, there is a minority settlement area. The public facilities here are specially made, and there are many intelligent races with life forms that are very different from humans, including slimes.

It is also a holy place for many scientific researchers to collect inspiration. It is a mixed race and has very different life forms. It is full of inspiration all the time. There are many problems in scientific research that cannot be figured out. If you come here to take a walk and change your mind, you will immediately have some ideas. Of course, new ideas may be wrong, but they are better than being at a loss.

This is also the advantage of multi-racial mixing. The development speed of the Soul Beast Empire on the Douluo Continent is not slow at all. Especially when there is a huge advantage in physical fitness, the new Douluo will inevitably suffer heavy losses in a war with it, so there are The fourteenth year of peace talks after time accelerated.

[To be continued]

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