Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1438: Righteousness

If you are helpless inside, you will be invincible outside, and you will be invincible outside, your country will perish. What the ancients said makes sense. Without the suppression of the Zerg, the plot of this world has completely deviated from its original trajectory, like a wild dog that is out of control.

Humanity, which had been devastated by war, suddenly ushered in peace. It's like a person who has been hungry for too long and is suddenly given food will tend to overeat. People in peace rarely enjoy a rich and happy life, so they become more and more addicted to this kind of enjoyment and cannot extricate themselves.

During the war, their technology soared. Nowadays, everyone is feeding society back to provide the nourishment for economic prosperity and take-off. There is a chorus of praise within human civilization. The credit for defeating the Zerg has gradually changed from the help of outsiders to the efforts of mankind itself.

The atmosphere in society seems to be that as long as humans are willing to put in the effort, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished. Everyone is full of pride like "The Foolish Old Man Moves the Mountain", but the fact is that the power they provide for social progress is very small.

The focus of the economy has long since shifted from industry to the service industry. Internet virtual reality technology is booming, and the financial field has ushered in an unprecedented golden age. However, the pace of industrial development has begun to falter, and businesses are just trying to make their products better. Exquisite, smaller, more gorgeously packaged, more beautiful. The most important thing is marketing, making people feel that using his products is more respectable or more stylish.

The prosperity of the society is like blooming flowers, everything seems to be prosperous, but Cheng Ying looks on with cold eyes. Everything in front of him is just burning oil and flowers, and the seemingly prosperous society has huge hidden dangers hidden behind it.

The development of productive forces and material abundance have prevented the people at the bottom of the world from seeing that they are being exploited more and more. After all, life seems to be getting better and better, and no one cares about who takes away what their labor produces. .

But if someone makes statistics, they will find that the wealth they have produced is enriching a few people at a very fast speed. Wealth gradually becomes the standard for measuring everything, and the seemingly happy time in front of them is just the richest time. , those few people have not yet decided the winner in this battle. When all the wealth belongs to one person, the truly hellish life will reveal their true names to them.

Greed for wealth often leads to blindness and madness. By squeezing and exploiting their own employees, it is difficult for these wealthy humans to go any further, so they set their sights on Cheng Ying and his Tulip.

The Zerg's home planet is almost entirely occupied by tulips. Compared to the Zerg, whose bodies are mostly made of organic matter and only contain a small amount of metal elements, humans' thirst for metals is often much stronger.

The planet inhabited by the Zerg has been riddled with holes by their mining. It happens that they seldom feed on metal, so that the remaining part of the planet is almost entirely made up of precious minerals. At least in the eyes of the greedy human high-ups, Tulip has taken over the biggest fruit of defeating the Zerg, which is unacceptable to them.

However, Cheng Ying didn't think so. Minerals didn't mean anything to him. Unless it was an antimatter vein, changes based on the free combination of principles would be of no use to Tulip.

They can make whatever material they want themselves. Liu Tianxin himself has heavy element fusion technology. It was developed by combining Iron Man's cold nuclear fusion technology with the star engine of Wandering Earth. Although it is a special model only suitable for combat , but it’s not a big deal to decipher the technology and optimize it.

Any rare element can be synthesized through this method. It is nothing more than the degree of loss. Tulip has reduced the loss to less than 50%. As long as the loss can be reduced to 20%, it will be considered a mature heavy element fusion technology.

Cheng Ying just felt that the Zerg turned the entire planet into a honeycomb, saving him the trouble of building an underground base and choosing to open a base here. To him, various mineral resources are not much different from the most ordinary soil.

But pride and prejudice made the top human beings believe that Chengying occupied this planet just to covet the rich minerals on it. As long as they can bite off a piece of meat from this planet, preferably if they can obtain a mine that has been completed and is operating normally, they can become rich overnight. In one fell swoop, he became the richest being among mankind. At that time, in this money-oriented society, she can do whatever she wants.

"Your actions have seriously damaged the overall interests of mankind. After a vote by the human government, more than half of them agreed to nationalize 70% of the mineral collection facilities on the Zerg planet."

Cheng Ying faced the diplomat who was arrogant and chanting according to the holographic projection, just like the eunuch reciting the imperial decree. The corners of his mouth twitched, and he just felt that he was wasting his time here.

"Sorry, we have never mined any minerals other than soil on this planet. If you need soil, it is recommended to go to the asteroid belts of various galaxies, or other terrestrial planets.

If the mineral you are talking about is metal, then sorry, we do not have such collection facilities. " Cheng Ying left after saying that. He thought that the human government was going to discuss a talent training plan with him. There was some value in cooperation in this regard, but it turned out that he was a beggar...

"I hope you won't be stubborn. In the final analysis, you are also human beings. In the face of the demands of mankind as a whole, you have no room for bargaining." The diplomat said loudly, his face turned red.

Cheng Ying said without looking back: "Ask them what elements they want, then stuff the transport ship they took pictures of and tell them to get out."

Cheng Ying is too lazy to waste time with the other party. Since they are here to ask for money, then give them the so-called wealth. For Cheng Ying, gold or any conventional element is no different from the most ordinary soil. They can be transformed into each other, and they can be beaten by digging a few spaceships' worth of soil, so there is no need to waste your time with them.

The diplomat suppressed his blushes and cursed Chengying angrily, but soon he could no longer curse. Because he saw a jaw-dropping list of items, all of which were given away for free.

All the minerals on the list were what they considered to be the most precious minerals, and they had been smelted and refined. The quantity was dozens of times greater than what he had expected before he came.

This is simply a windfall from heaven, and there is no reason to refuse it at all, so this diplomatic action was dismissed in such a muddle.

[To be continued]

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