Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,439: Insufficient people

The gains of diplomats are beyond people's imagination. This level of wealth is a windfall for anyone. It feels like returning home with a ship full of gold after discovering the New World.

After the initial joy and satisfaction, there is only more greed! Cheng Ying is not unaware of this, but what ultimately determines whether this greed can lead to corresponding wealth is force.

And it makes no difference to Tulip to show his force at any time. If he can rely on appeasement to send those beggars away from causing trouble, it will save a lot of time.

Facts have proved that this strategy indeed bought them a lot of time for quiet development. Humanity spent half a year fighting over this fortune. During this time, they had completely perfected the heavy element fusion technology.

Although it is still far away from creating chaotic matter in this world, the current technology is enough to take root anywhere in the universe and transform the harsh environment into a livable paradise.

The human cultural environment in this world is indeed a bit bad. Hedonism is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. People who are brave in dedication and willing to pay for the collective are regarded as fools, while refined egoists have become a title that everyone is happy to flaunt. It seems that as long as self-interest does not harm others, or the harm to others is not obvious, self-interest becomes something to be proud of.

Such a culture is not suitable for becoming a cosmic civilization. The universe is too vast and the environment is all kinds of strange. If you want to survive in such an environment, you cannot tolerate such prevailing thoughts of egoism.

Chengying really wants to absorb more people, but without the support of Tulip, the only way to expand the population is through reproduction and absorption. Reproduction is too slow, and it requires education from an early age to establish a worldview. If it is absorbed, the human civilization in this world is really not of high quality. The sources of population and ideological reform are even more troublesome than the ignorant people of the feudal dynasty.

"I hope there are other intelligent races in the universe that can communicate with each other! Otherwise, we have to find ways to reform their idea that wealth determines everything." Cheng Ying shook his head helplessly.

Although the Zerg, as the enemy of mankind, are also extremely intelligent, and the mother worms have strong mental power, the Zerg are in a sense the enemies of civilization.

Not using tools, purely relying on evolution to become stronger, is almost innately hostile to tool civilization, and it is difficult to absorb them as one's own. Even if they are absorbed, the huge differences in thinking and logic will make it difficult to assimilate.

Cheng Ying's idea is to make human beings in this world realize that the powerlessness of money directly destroys the belief in collecting wealth and re-establishes a new outlook. This requires a bit of luck. After all, sociology is still a field that is difficult to quantify. No matter how sophisticated the computer is, simulating a society with more than 10 million people will produce huge errors.

This is also the reason why Cheng Ying believes that there is no such thing as a Laplace's demon that can truly calculate everything. What this refers to is not understanding the trajectory of every atom, but omniscience at a more microscopic and essential level. It still cannot calculate everything, because He himself is also calculating, and his own calculation ability cannot surpass himself.

"I think they can't hold it anymore." Dugu Bo said. The super luck in him still exists. This is good news. At least it proves that the God of Destruction is not dead yet. They are in the radiation circle of Tulip Civilization. Still alive means that the tulips are probably still intact.

"Indeed, this is the third time I've come here to ask for supplies, and this time I plan to ask for technology.

Materials can be provided, and technology does not need to be replaced. They must be prepared for war, show overwhelming power, and ensure live broadcast to all mankind. "Chengying made a decision.

To break people's belief in money, the best thing to use is naturally a cannon. Power is the most intuitive form of expression, especially kinetic weapons, which have the most shocking impact.

If a war breaks out, Tulip will only send one battleship equipped with sub-light speed, kinetic energy weapons. Any current shields of mankind, including Tulip's existing shields, cannot withstand such a blow.

"Don't think we are joking! The adults were very dissatisfied with the last offering. If compensation is not made this time, you will feel the anger of the adults." He is a familiar diplomat who has made many successful negotiations. His status rose like a rocket. After realizing that Tulip was weak and could be bullied, he suddenly became arrogant and domineering.

The two Tulip receptionists who were responsible for receiving him snorted.

"What are you laughing at!"

One person: "I remembered something happy!"

"You guys have been laughing at me! Never stopped!"

Receptionist: "We are professionally trained. No matter how funny it is, we will never laugh unless we can't help it! Hahahaha!"

After a burst of laughter, the diplomat walked away. Before leaving, he said harsh words: "You will regret it!"

"Yes, yes! We will regret it! But we regret it! Hahahahaha!" No wonder they couldn't help it. Tulip's behavior was not even considered sending beggars, but the behavior of providing those raw materials was more like arresting Throw the soil into the beggar's bowl.

And the beggar thought it was tribute, and asked for more, and wanted to take away the shovel digging the soil. Unless the cat owner did this, it would be really funny.

The plutocrat behind the diplomat is obviously not a cute cat, and he obviously does not have the qualifications to call himself a master in front of Tulip.

"Asshole! Do you really think that you are so great if you destroy the Zerg? The events of that year have long been found out. The strong man who destroyed the Zerg has already left. What else do you have to be arrogant about!" Exquisite antique porcelain was covered with A man like Ikari Yuantang smashed it into pieces:

"I wanted to talk to you as equals, but what I got in exchange was indifference and alienation. I have no choice but to show my cards! We are no longer the humans we were when we dealt with the Zerg!"

The fusion reactors were started one by one, and huge industrial-looking battleships took off from the space port. Each one was at least 1,500 meters long, and a total of 2,000 battleships formed a neat queue, preparing to jump. A profound lesson for tulips who don’t know the heights of the sky.

However, their actions had long been discovered by Tulip, and what was waiting for them was a unique battleship, a special battleship that itself was a sublight kinetic energy weapon.

The smooth surface reflects the light of the starry sky almost perfectly, and the streamlined structure makes it look like a silver drop of water... Yes, Cheng Ying is such a bad taste.

[To be continued]

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