Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,446 The Shock of the Prehistoric World

For a long time after Cheng Ying successfully killed Adam, he was not assassinated a second time, and everything seemed very peaceful. It was as if the Lord God had forgotten to erase this strange guy.

But beneath this calm surface, there is an undercurrent hidden. Liu Tianxin has revealed before that the world view of the multiverse in front of him is very different from the one Cheng Ying once lived in. The universe only exists around civilization as its core.

In layman's terms, only places with plots are the real universe. Places without them are just textures on the starry sky, just like the Douluo Star, which is essentially the outside of a planet. Includes a shell that projects the starry sky. beyond lunar orbit. If there is nothing, then you are the boundary of the universe.

The same is true for the world Cheng Ying is in now, but because the plot of this world is relatively grand, the Milky Way is probably real, and they haven't found its boundaries yet.

The plot about the Lord God involves many worlds, which also means that there are many universes of different sizes that are closely related to the Lord God's space and are closely connected with each other. You can travel between them with relatively simple and gentle means.

Among these universes of different sizes, there is also the only largest universe, which is also the core of the plot of the main divine universe, called the Great Desolate Continent.

The sky there is round and the earth is almost infinitely vast. The size of a mountain peak may be comparable to that of a real planet. In short, it is a world with extraordinary combat power.

It's just that although this place is called Honghuang, it is completely different from the one where strange beasts devour each other and raise corpse Kun. In comparison, it requires too much order. Humans took control of this continent and built many cities here.

The cultivators have established a prosperous civilization, and social status is not determined by power, but by a combination of personal talent and hard work. Even a big family does not dare to suppress a mortal who is studying in the academy at will, because no one is sure that he is not the next peerless powerhouse.

This place is not far away from the perfect civilization in Chengying's imagination. The only shortcoming is probably that everyone is superstitious that great power belongs to themselves, and scorns the tools made after tomorrow. There is a kind of human body that is the most perfect tool. Cognition makes even cultivation seem a little partial.

The highest title that human beings here can obtain is that of saint, which means leaving their own traces in the multiverse laws of the main god series, and becoming immortal from now on.

However, the so-called immortality is also relative. When encountering stronger opponents or enemies with special means, they may still be completely destroyed.

The fall of such a saint can be felt throughout the ancient continent, and in some areas, there will even be strange phenomena in the heaven and earth. For example, the sky rains blood, and the sky rains tragic songs.

On this day, the entire prehistoric continent was at a loss when faced with the rain of blood falling from the sky. No saint had fallen in many years, but today there was such a one, and even the holy way was completely wiped out. Completely wiped out, leaving no trace in this world.

"How could this happen? Go and ask for a mentor!"

In countless academies that train cultivators, there are students shouting like this. This is no longer a problem that has been encountered for thousands of years. Since the establishment of the ancient heaven, no saint has fallen for countless years.

Compared with the chaos in the ancient continent, Tulip's ascendants are still developing the warp engine in an orderly manner. Chengying is sitting cross-legged, feeling the box-like innate spiritual treasure, and seems to have found some resonance with it, but yet. It seems like it's blocked by something?

Generally, only the owner of the innate spirit treasure will have this kind of resonance-like feeling, but under normal circumstances, the innate spirit treasure should recognize its owner directly, and not be so arrogant like in front of him.

Chengying put the innate spiritual treasure like an urn on the back of his head: "I think the resonance between us is most obvious when we are in this position. Why does he like the back of my head so much?"

Liu Tianxin shook his head: "How do I know? You have tens of millions of people here.

Only you resonate with this little box. How could I possibly know why it favors the back of your head? Maybe this thing was originally a hole in your brain, but then it fell out and the hole in your brain disappeared. "

Cheng Ying: "..."

Is it really just the blue and white trilogy? Is there going to be another protagonist with a plug-in that can transform into various non-human life balls?

"By the way, why do you look so anxious? Is this world as dangerous as you think? The Celestial Team has been killed. With your technological breakthroughs during this period, even if you face Adam again, you can definitely seal it without my help." ?" Liu Tianxin couldn't understand Cheng Ying's anxiety.

This guy is like being chased by a ghost. Not only himself, he stays at his scientific research post almost 24 hours a day. He is either contributing to Tulip's medical and other technologies, or tinkering with innate spiritual treasures. It seems that as long as he stops, he will be fascinated by some mysterious thing. Power wipes out the same.

Cheng Ying sighed and said helplessly: "You traveled through time earlier than me, so you may not know that Lord God, the plot related to space is actually far more than the book Infinite Horror. The cheating author wrote another book called "Almanac of the Ancients". , completely raising the combat effectiveness of this world to unprecedented heights.

Yes, it is the prehistoric level of Hongjun and Heaven. In the world of science fiction, at least he has mastered mathematical rate weapons and causality weapons. He can tamper with the rules of the universe at will, second only to the ability to rub contained objects with his hands. The world view of the Xiling Empire is probably at this level. "

Liu Tianxin scratched his head: "Is it as exaggerated as you said? Your setting is like a high-level narrator."

"I will give you the simplest summary of the plot of this world, and you will understand." Cheng Ying shrugged: "This world is divided into two stages. The first stage is the normal prehistoric period, which is similar to the mainstream setting. Normal Under such circumstances, six saints will be born, and then rely on their power to complete the promotion of the world.

However, Hongjun in this world is an evil heretic. In order to achieve his own success, he ate two saints, which caused the world's promotion to fail. Therefore, he created the God List, which delayed the destruction after the promotion failed, and we have reached the stage we are now.

But at this stage, we are still hanging on. The upper limit of the world has been lowered because of the loss of two saints, one of whom died. At most, three saints can be born, so that the destruction of the universe is almost certain. The saints here are not killed by us. That rubbish, that thing is not even the leg hair of a saint. Now you understand... We are now living in a world with such a deceptive setting. The upper limit of combat power is no lower than that of a perfect world, the most powerful person in the world, or something like that. , if we don’t keep abreast of development, who knows what day the universe will be destroyed along with this unlucky guy. "

[To be continued]

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