Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,447 Warp Engine Completed

Although Cheng Ying only gave the simplest summary of the plot of their world. Liu Tianxin still felt a bit sore in his teeth. The main god involved was only a small part of the huge setting. He felt that it would be better for him to escape as soon as possible. Now he has to hang out in a world with such outrageous combat power. It's too early.

Facing an enemy of this level, even holding a two-way foil in your hand is not safe. The situation is much worse for Chengying. The development strategies of both parties are different. After Chengying's base is opened, he can't move it casually. It doesn't make sense for him to go to other universes alone. His scientific research needs are not urgent.

Although the setting of this world is very bad, it is not without good news. The good news is that they have captured an orthodox cultivator. Moreover, he is an orthodox cultivator with outstanding talents. He even carries an innate spiritual treasure with him, which is the green of the purple and green swords.

This person is Luo Yinglong, the only orthodox cultivator in the main god space this time. It is a pity that the innate spiritual treasure on his body has not been removed. It only read many matters related to cultivation in his memory. So he was forcibly recalled by the Lord God. But Cheng Ying still benefited a lot.

Because he has obtained the most basic knowledge of orthodox cultivation, which is the digital universe. Unlike the previous world view, particles can be almost infinitely subdivided. The most basic elements of matter in this world have been determined, which are runes. Outrageous, but acceptable.

The basis of all runes are the eight runes representing the Bagua, and everything in the universe is these runes. It is composed in the general form of code. In theory, there are two ways to become the true top powerhouse in this world, that is, the true saint in the previous stage. In the inner universe at this stage.

One is to analyze all the runes in the universe, but this is basically impossible, it will take an infinite time, and the number of runes is more than all the atoms in the multiverse combined.

The other is the reverse deduction, from the Bagua to the Five Elements to the Four Symbols to the Liangyi, and finally to chaos. This kind is more mysterious and requires various epiphanies. Although it seems possible, it does not meet Cheng Ying's requirements. Three Views.

For Cheng Ying, mastering the eight most basic runes is of extremely important significance for scientific research. This is like although we have only explored various microstructures inside atoms, we already know everything about the universe. The basic form of the most microscopic particles, and those speculations that do not conform to this form. This basically negates the process of top-down deduction, which is naturally much easier.

Cheng Ying's approach was different from any other orthodox cultivation method. He did not analyze the runes, nor did he uniformly summarize the runes. Instead, he did something that almost no one really spent a lot of energy to try, and that was to do something. Understand what the runes are.

As the most basic component of the world, Chengying has reason to believe that runes exist in the most microscopic structures, and the development and progress of science and technology are often accompanied by continuous exploration of the microscopic realm, exploring the theoretical nature of runes. There is nothing inconsistent with the development and progress of orthodox science and technology.

The principles Chengying adheres to have not changed. Before the meaning of the runes can be fully understood, this power can be used, but it cannot be relied on. Just like the attitude towards extraordinary powers such as soul power, this power can be used to improve production. Efficiency improves the convenience of life, but it cannot be used as a basis for development. Through observation and reasoning, the conclusions drawn and the knowledge gained are the most solid steps for scientific and technological progress.

It is this mentality that has allowed his technological level to advance steadily. Originally, under this worldview, the warp engine could

It's not a very advanced technical field. In a new round of technology explosion, this technology tree has finally been lit up. Considering that even in the same multiverse, the rules may be slightly different, Cheng Ying explained the principle of this thing to Liu Tianxin in detail . And packed many finished products for him. It is used to deal with various complex situations, which is much better than going to other worlds to steal technical information.

"Considering that you may not be able to understand such a huge amount of technical information in such a short period of time, I can try to send a clone to accompany you to the God Realm as a technical guide. If you can take away my clone." Cheng Ying spoke. The space has been split into two.

"Both my body and my clone have all my memories. As long as my clone disintegrates in the same universe, I can take back my memory. So in theory, there is no difference between you and me."

When Liu Tianxin heard this, he showed a slightly weird expression: "You'd better be careful. Doppelganger is actually a very troublesome skill. After all, people will change. Environment and experience will change a person. Your doppelganger may not be willing to do so in the future. Back to the question.”

What he said was extremely sincere, and it was obviously painful. Cheng Ying's mouth twitched, and he used his toes to wonder what this person had done? In all likelihood, he used his clone to pick up girls. It turns out that the main body already has a girlfriend, so if he fuses his memories, he will have to open a harem. So much so that the clone is unwilling to merge with the main body.

"Ah... don't worry, I'm relatively experienced in this area. I won't make such a mistake." Cheng Ying forced himself to remain expressionless and not laugh.

"Well, I'll try to see if I can take your clone away. Theoretically, we can't bring living creatures directly, but your clone doesn't have a soul. Maybe it can be put in a storage device and taken away."

With that said, Liu Tianxin and Wang Qiuer used the spirit fusion skill of time travel.

Every time he sees Wang Qiuer's face, Cheng Ying will think of Rui Wenwen. They are both imperial auspicious beasts, but their personalities are very different. Moreover, Rui Wenwen has been trapped in the mainland, and she doesn't know if she is still alive.

Tulip native, Douluo star...

The disappearance of soul power has a far greater impact on soul beasts than humans. If the time is short, the problem has not been seen yet. After the time is extended, everyone will find that the soul beasts have lost their originally long lives, and most of them do not even have human life. Lifespan is longer. Not long after Rui Wenwen became the leader of the Soul Beast Empire, signs of aging can already be seen on her body.

Twenty years after the accelerated calendar, Rui Wenwen died, but she was dead but not completely dead. Her body was not adapted to the environment without soul power, so it was abnormally short, but this did not mean that the life span of her soul was up. Resurrection It still works for her.

And many years after coming to Tulip, he also met many acquaintances one after another, all of whom were those in Douluo Continent whose souls had not yet reached their end.

[To be continued]

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