Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,450 The Unlucky Saint

William is very depressed. His strength has been reduced to an unprecedented level. At the same time, it has accelerated the time of 50,000 descendants, costing him almost all the material in his body. Even though he has extremely high authority, there are only a few atoms left to survive.

With his high authority, he could use these atoms to unleash a power that surpassed the combined power of all Tulip's dimensionality reducers, but he was facing greater trouble.

This innate spiritual treasure seems to have found its true owner, or in other words, someone has met the conditions for recognizing its owner. This is understandable. It is difficult, or even almost impossible, for outsiders to get the recognition of the innate spiritual treasure. But if you are an internal ascendant, the conditions will be much lower. After all, you have the same origin, and it is easier to be recognized.

Cheng Ying has just met the conditions for recognizing his master recently, but he still doesn't know why he can't control this innate spiritual treasure.

The reason for the inability to control is obviously William who has stolen some of the authority. It's like a house. William is the tenant and Cheng Ying is the owner. When William lives there, Cheng Ying cannot come in casually.

Even if the house is due and William can't pay the rent, it will be difficult for the landlord to evict the tenant who refuses to leave as soon as possible. But if he can't evict him, he won't be able to evict him. He will cut off the water, electricity and gas in the house. , disconnecting the Internet can still be done.

In other words, William's authority is constantly being compressed. If he cannot ascend and leave as soon as possible, he will probably not be able to leave. Without his authority, his body with only a few atoms left will not be able to carry his thoughts, and he will die suddenly on the spot.

Now, his only hope is Tulip. Three hundred years of rapid development have brought their technology to a critical point, and they will be able to touch various powers of the universe. With this level of technology, it is impossible for a group to ascend. It's far from perfect, but it's still possible to put all your efforts into creating an ascended person. This was his hope of escape.

It's just that Tulip is not a soft persimmon that everyone rubs against them. They have more than 50,000 dimensionality reducers. Each of them can be called the strongest in the universe and have the most perfect humanoid body. Coupled with the Tulip Analysis Dimensionality Reducer, a large number of counterfeit weapons were enough to pose a threat to him.

He may be able to win the all-out war, but he can only get the ruins of Tulip. This is not feasible. He can no longer speed up time. If Tulip in the ruins is allowed to go through the development path again, it will be enough to create an ascension. By the time he was killed, he had long since died due to the loss of authority.

Now we are in a sluggish state and have to start a war with Tulip. In the process, we must restrain our hands and not cause huge damage to this civilization.

Of course, if he successfully ascends, the benefits he will gain will undoubtedly be huge. Firstly, he will be completely recognized by the innate spiritual treasure and replace Cheng Ying as the holder of the innate spiritual treasure. Secondly, at the moment of his ascension, he can carry matter in this world that does not exceed the volume of the human body. , and force the outside world to adapt to these substances. This means you can bring equipment and run it outside.

A civilization that has analyzed the operating principles of extraordinary power can still create extremely powerful equipment even if it is limited by the size of the human body. After ascension, its strength will inevitably increase instead of decreasing. With the support of innate spiritual treasures, even if it is In this prehistoric world where saints are everywhere, he is definitely a strong one.

The risks and rewards were extremely huge, and William could not bear the huge temptation. Choose to fight to the death!

On Tulip's side, Rui Wenwen and Chen Xin were eliminated in the selection of elucidators, and only Ditian and Yake were selected into the five-person elucidator team.

"Although we have not detected the presence of the enemy yet,

But you must not take this lightly. The containment items each of you holds in your hands. They are all carefully selected to suit you best.

Once our army is defeated on the frontal battlefield, you are the last line of defense to turn the tide and the last straw in Tulip's desperate situation.

Especially you, Yak! Although you were once an infected person, you should understand now. The infected people in Tulip are not out of the category of human beings, let alone the category of civilization.

The weapon in your hand is our biggest weapon, and you yourself are also an extremely rare humanoid containment object. It can be said that you are a born elucidator. If you really encounter a desperate situation, don’t hesitate to follow your intuition and believe in your own Absolute feature! "Xue Emperor lectured to the five-man team.

Each of them holds a containment object in their hands, and Yak himself has the absolute characteristic of never making a mistake. As long as the possibility is not zero, he can definitely survive a desperate situation. As for the contained object he holds, it is the most likely to turn the tables. The world is a chess game.

That is to say, the enemy can be pulled into the chess game world, and then the two sides can explode troops, farm, and kill the opponent. This can be regarded as a good use of the chess game. If the chess game is regarded as a holographic simulation game, Yak, who would never lose in any game, is undoubtedly the most suitable person to use this contained object.

In fact, before Cheng Ying left, Yake was already a candidate holder of this containment object. Even if he failed in many assessments, he would still hold this containment object as a temporary elucidator. things.

However, it turns out that Yake's efforts were not in vain. The biggest difference between him and others is the amount of knowledge. Although not every Tulip person has to participate in scientific research, everyone has the obligation to learn.

The integration of study here is not a right, but an obligation. Even if you don't seek advancement and plan to stay at home and receive subsidies, you must spare at least two hours a day to study hard. There will also be an assessment once a week. If you fail, you will be Will increase study time.

Although this regulation is flexible, it also ensures that even Internet-addicted teenagers will not be out of touch with society. Their long lifespan and powerful brain allow them to make progress every day.

And Yak obviously missed a long time of studying. He only studied for two hours a day. It didn't seem like much, but with the speed of Tulip Man's thinking, over time, the gap between him and him was like a chasm.

Being able to catch up is absolutely inseparable from his own efforts. It can be said that even if he does not have his own absolute characteristics, he is still enough to compete for the holder of this contained object.

On Tulip's side, while William was ready to seize the fruits of civilization, Liu Tianxin also returned to the God Realm with Cheng Ying's clone.

The warp engine technology has been developed, and Liu Tianxin has a bold idea. He has space gems, and the total volume of the divine world does not seem to be very large. Perhaps after leaving the interference area of ​​the black hole, he can experience the pleasure of carrying a small world with him.

[To be continued]

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