Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,451 The Warp Engine of the God Realm

Spirit world……

The space is distorted, and a man and a woman appear here. Then another person jumped out of the space equipment. These three people were naturally Liu Tianxin, Wang Qiuer, and Chengying.

As soon as he came out, Cheng Ying wrinkled his nose. Although he was a clone, he inherited the original body. After being transformed, he had a keen sense of smell. His sense of smell was strong enough to distinguish the smell of several molecules. As soon as he appeared here, he smelled something strange. What a wonderful taste.

"Is this Douluo's God Realm or Douluo's disco? I smelled at least five addictive drugs in my breath just now. As for the smell of various body fluids, I won't tell you. It’s described. It was said that all living beings are energy bodies? Why are they all replaced by physical bodies?”

Liu Tianxin shook his head helplessly: "I can't help it! Although I relied on my absolute power to make the gods choose to surrender, the Golden Dragon King has been killed, and they have no other choice.

But just because I can make them surrender does not mean that I can make them work actively and face life actively! Do you think you would announce to such a group of lawless people that the end of the world is coming in more than a year? What mentality will they have?

If you can't run away, then of course you have to enjoy yourself as much as possible. However, the bodies of the gods cannot experience certain enjoyments that only mortal bodies can experience, such as the feeling of being drunk, or the ecstasy that some addictive drugs bring to people.

I can't be stationed here forever, and they changed their bodies to mortal bodies and used these drugs, what can I do? "As he said this, a red-haired, charming guy came over.

"Look at this guy, he turned out to be the God of Fire. This body was replaced by a Fire-type Titled Douluo. Now that Titled Douluo has the specific identity of God. He is dominating the Douluo Continent. Blessed, and he has become like this, reversing the flow of time 365 times. The God Realm is only more than three hundred years away from destruction. You said that if I am not in a hurry, I will count on these wastes. What can be done? thing?"

Vulcan burped and slapped Liu Tianxin's hand away: "Who are you? Are you here to keep me from drinking? Get out!"

"Why don't you take a good look at who I am?" Liu Tianxin grabbed his ears and pulled him to her side. This finally made him sober up a bit. Cold sweat suddenly covered his back when he saw the familiar face.

"God... Lord God King, I didn't mean it, I..."

"Okay! Get lost! Just do whatever you have to do." Liu Tianxin threw the God of Fire away and shrugged: "It cannot be said that the gods are completely bloodless. People who can become gods cannot be idiots, but they Most are three minutes hot.

If they are facing an invasion by a foreign enemy and their own vital interests are involved, then they will most likely be able to unite as one and risk their lives on the battlefield.

But if you are faced with overcoming the warp engine, something that involves slow work and meticulous work that requires perseverance, this group of people will become like this. If you ask them to persevere in training and improve their own strength, then there is no problem. Strength is your own.

But forget it if you ask them to persist in learning and developing technology, because technology is in the brain or on the hard drive. In their view, what can be learned by others is not their own, but shared. Yeah, that's it.

If it weren't for the fact that the Douluo plane would wither after leaving the God Realm for a short time, I wouldn't even bother to care about them. "

"Okay... the world of gods in my world is not much better.

But the cause may be slightly different from yours. The God Realm I have is set up as a prison, a legacy of a certain great god-level civilization. The gods have bad character, largely because their first generation was set up as prisoners.

After my ascension, I roughly understood that the previous civilization of great gods was probably hit by a dimensionality reducer who got an innate spiritual treasure. "At this point, he couldn't help but sigh: "Now that the communication with the local side is cut off, it is probably some dimensionality reducer who is doing it. I don't know if the local side can survive. "

"Okay, don't think so much. When you founded Tulip, didn't you already think about what to do if you were separated? Now it will definitely be able to function without you. There were no dimensionality reducers at that time. You It has already been able to show off its trump card to check and balance me, and now there is no problem. Let’s go, let’s hurry up. Although it is a finished warp engine, thinking about it, if you want to move the entire world, you still need to go through constant debugging. "Liu Tianxin took the lead and walked towards the center of the God Realm.

At this time, the God Realm is no longer an environment filled with immortal energy and mountains and flowing water dotted with bamboo forests and mountains. Instead, it has been transformed into a prosperous entertainment city. A large number of mortals have been recruited to the God Realm with the promise of immortality. , become their servants. Providing the gods with the ultimate human pleasure.

"Tsk... What a low-level fun." Cheng Ying curled his lips. Things like spiritual realm may sound illusory, but they do have great significance for a person's growth.

After experiencing the virtual world of tulips and yellow beams, which makes people unable to distinguish between reality and virtuality at all. In the center of the fantasy, everything comes true but it is reasonable. Facing the colorful world of wine, wealth, feasting and green lights, it is completely incomprehensible. It may even feel boring to the eyes. If he were allowed to live like this all the time, he would even find it very scary and too boring.

Liu Tianxin shrugged. He had never experienced the spiritual world like "Inception", so he was somewhat interested in the enjoyment here. If he was not pressed for time, he could spend a few days here. But he obviously doesn't have that leisure now.

At the top of the central tower of the God Realm, Cheng Ying took out a warp engine specially customized for the God Realm. The installation process did not require huge rivet alloy armor connections, nor did it require the propeller to be set outside the God Realm.

After all, the warp engine completely subverts the ordinary propulsion method. It essentially uses space to push you forward. It does not need to rely on conservation of momentum, so there is no need to design an external thruster.

They have to do it. It is to determine the position of the black hole and the movement trajectory of the God Realm relative to the black hole, and then determine the power and direction of operation of the warp engine.

"Ah... it's so troublesome. If I had known, I would have asked you to bring a few more professionals over. Adjusting parameters is really terrible, and you also have to adjust bugs! I learned a binary programming language, why should I adjust a ternary program? Ah! It's so anti-human!" Cheng Ying complained while operating.

After changing to the new map, the computers were naturally replaced with ternary systems. After all, this is the most efficient computing system in the integer system. However, this meant that all the programming systems Chengying had established before had to be overturned. It's just terrible.

[To be continued]

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