Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,454 The Great Desolation

Cheng Ying's memory was lost much faster than Liu Tianxin's, and he soon realized that in this world, the only ones that could resist memory erasure were recognized extraordinary powers, and the power obtained through mechanical transformation did not count.

So even though Cheng Ying's body is still strong, his memories after time travel are still quickly sealed, leaving only the memories of his life on Earth. There is only one thing he remembers, and that is that he was sealed. It is extremely important. memory.

Liu Tianxin is similar, the difference is that he forgets more slowly, but the time after his time travel is shorter, so he doesn't last much longer than Cheng Ying, and all he has left is the memory of his life on earth.

But the situation is far more optimistic than they imagined, because they all remember that they have forgotten important memories. The most troublesome problem with amnesia is actually that if they don't remember that they have lost their memory, and if they don't have the idea of ​​retrieving their memories, they will be exposed to many dangers. Let your guard down.

"Ah... Am I traveling through time? My head hurts?" Cheng Ying rubbed his head. Apart from his own memory of amnesia, he only had memories of the prehistoric world in this world.

"Huh? Brother, did you commit suicide too?" Liu Tianxin searched his brows and felt that he had forgotten something important.

"No! I traveled through a time when a pop-up window popped up on my computer screen to understand the meaning of life. Speaking of which, this is actually a world related to the main god's space. I lost a very important memory, which may be related to This world has something to do with it." Cheng Ying didn't hide much from the fellow travelers around him. In the dangerous virgin forest, two people were far safer than one.

"This place seems to be called Prehistoric. I got this information when I traveled through time, but I also lost a piece of memory. I can't remember what setting this place is in Prehistoric. But no matter which setting it is, our situation is very different. That’s not good!”

Cheng Ying nodded: "I do know what kind of world this is. I'm afraid our situation is worse than you imagine."

Cheng Ying once again explained the current situation in this era where humans are enslaved and pigs are inferior to dogs. Liu Tianxin frowned as he listened. Compared to Cheng Ying's more salty character, he is much more radical. In short, this is The driver is very dissatisfied with the current situation of mankind and is thinking about how to change the miserable status of mankind.

"I think that before that, we must survive first. Although this world is completely different from most prehistoric world settings, it is definitely extremely dangerous. For example, if you can't think of a way to deal with him, we The journey through time may be about to end early.”

Liu Tianxin said and looked over with Cheng Ying's finger, only to see a colorful giant python surrounded by lightning staring at them coldly with snake eyes, ready to rush up at any time and swallow them whole.

In Cheng Ying's impression, humans in this world are extremely weak, let alone such beasts with extraordinary power. Even an ordinary giant python needs many people to besiege it to defeat it.

"If we estimate it based on the pythons in nature, unless we run separately, we will definitely be caught up." Liu Tianxin licked his lips, with a look of madness in his eyes: "So I choose to fight head-on!"

As he said that, he rushed out. The speed of rushing out shocked him, leaving a big hole in the ground. The giant python had no time to react before he grabbed his throat and swung the giant python more than ten meters long. It was thrown away like a cauliflower snake and hit the ground hard.

The ground shook violently like an earthquake. Liu Tianxin himself was stunned. When he released his hand, he found that the python's head had been torn off by his own brute force, and the electric current and fangs hit him. Not a single scar was left.

"I'm going? Superman! Has your golden finger awakened? Has the system been loaded?" Cheng Ying's eyes widened, looking at the half-cut python corpse that only had instinctive reactions. The power just now was comparable to Hulk, it's easier to kill this python than a chicken.

"I don't know. There's no system. I just want to throw him to death with all my strength. That's it? Maybe it's because I gained a lot of strength when I traveled through time." Liu Tianxin looked at his palms, wondering about his strange power. Very puzzled.

"Isn't it? There is such a benefit in time travel? Can I try it too?" Chengying grabbed the tail of the giant python, and then surprisingly, he could easily throw the giant python away like a weed. .

"Something's wrong... This doesn't fit the routine of time travel!" Cheng Ying pinched his eyebrows: "This level of power in this world is even comparable to third-level or even stronger professionals. We have gained such strength right from the beginning. The power of this is unrealistic!

We have all lost an important memory, and our current strength probably comes from that memory! "

Liu Tianxin nodded. If he hadn't realized there was something wrong with this power at the beginning, he also realized the problem after hearing Cheng Ying's analysis.

"What do you think?"

Cheng Ying checked his belongings and said while checking: "The world we live in has a process of erasing memories when it absorbs travelers from the future. Not only will the memory be erased, but also the extraordinary will be erased. strength.

The powerful power we have now is very much like the backup we left behind when we knew we were about to travel through time. We may have important information left behind on us. You should also look for it and think about what it would be like if it were you. Where will you hide important information? "

Liu Tianxin heard this, looked at his crotch, and then shook his head: "Impossible! Absolutely impossible! I'm not that kind of person!"

However, Cheng Ying had already opened his crotch and pulled out a pda that looked like a brick.

"Give up! I think you are that kind of person! Maybe you have hidden more important information in your anus! Be careful next time you go to the toilet, so as not to lose important information."

Liu Tianxin: "..."


A piece of pda fell out of his trouser leg...

The two people stopped being pretentious and touched the pda to try to open it. Then a translucent holographic screen appeared. The two people looked at the screen and found that the first few pages on the screen were all in ******, with the same data shielding. black square.

"It seems that even the data stored outside the body will be affected. Keep reading! Hmm... What is this tulip scientific view? It's very interesting. Machines are far easier to achieve certain effects than the human body? I seem to have always been I thought so, but I didn't sum it up." Cheng Ying continued to browse and quickly discovered the detailed technology.

"There are really technical details, including how to plant and how to tame wild animals. It's really meticulous!"


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