Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,455: Prehistoric Humankind

"I also have one here, but the technology is not as detailed as yours. It has more combat skills, the development of human potential, and a mental space for simulated battles, which can help us become familiar with combat skills." Liu Tianxin showed his pda and went up The detailed selection of technical records is obviously different from that of Chengying.

"Hmm... It seems that the start is not particularly bad, but it will be difficult for the two of us to make it happen. We have to find more people." Although the memory has been sealed, Cheng Ying's people-oriented thinking is still deeply imprinted on him. deep in spirit.

"Okay! Although I would rather blend in with all races, looking at the situation of human beings in this world may help me make up my mind." Liu Tianxin, who is more adventurous, has different ideas from Cheng Ying, but he still Decided to go together temporarily.

"Then let me tell you some information first. The human beings in this world are refreshed and can be said to be endless. Just like us, they appear suddenly, but most races will subconsciously ignore this.

Other refreshed humans, unlike us, will have all their memories and powers wiped out, turning into muddle-headed savages with almost no wisdom at all. Unless something unexpected happens, it will be difficult to awaken the memories of past lives, and they will only be able to look like wild men throughout their lives. Animals live like animals, and only their descendants can have the same intelligence as humans.

So there is a high probability that we will encounter a weak, humble, and savage tribe of primitive people. I hope you are mentally prepared! "Chengying gave Liu Tianxin a vaccination.

In this world's world view, human beings will only be more miserable than they imagined.

Search for humans in this world. It's not that difficult for them. After realizing that they possess extraordinary nerve reflex speed and power, they naturally began to understand their own bodies.

The more they got to know each other, the more they marveled at how powerful their bodies were. Not only was their speed and strength extremely powerful, but their skin's defense was also ridiculously great. They tried their best to each other, but at most they left a red mark on each other's skin.

They have tested it, and they can blow hundreds of tons of boulders away at supersonic speeds with just one punch.

This was just a casual punch. If you were serious, it would be difficult to find anything that could be used to test their strength. Ordinary objects would probably break with one punch.

In addition to the ridiculously strong defense of the skin, there are also five senses that can be freely controlled and reached extremely sharp. With superhuman senses, they can easily smell the scent of the same kind. Vibrations transmitted through the skin on the soles of the feet can be used to determine whether there are biological activities several kilometers away.

The visual method can see a large range outside the visible spectrum of ordinary people. Observing infrared rays is like instinct for them.

There is still so much potential in this body that needs to be developed. Even so, the powerful detection capabilities they display are already comparable to those of very powerful mental controllers.

"There should be a human tribe five or six kilometers ahead. I can feel that there are large mammals moving around there, and they are walking on two legs." Cheng Ying only heard the message from the soles of his feet. It was so subtle that it was almost indescribable. Distinguished vibrations can sense traces of biological activity in the distance. The sense of smell is even more distinct, smelling the same kind of smell.

However, Liu Tianxin frowned and stretched out his hands to open the grass. The scene inside made both of them frown and their stomachs couldn't help but churn. Without the memory of time travel, the two people's mental endurance was not the same as that of ordinary earthlings. There was not much difference, but what appeared in front of them were all eaten and tattered corpses. What they couldn't accept the most was that these were the corpses of human children.

The two people who have always been at the top of the food chain find it difficult to accept such a cruel scene. Even Cheng Ying can't help but feel a burst of anger in his chest.

"Let's not go looking for the human tribe yet!" Liu Tianxin suppressed his anger.

"What are you going to do?" Cheng Ying frowned: "To be honest, I was also very angry when I saw this scene. But I have told you that in this world, humans will be marked if they kill all races. If other races see you , you will know that you are a human who killed all races. This mark is extremely difficult to hide. If you do this, it will be difficult to blend in with all races."

"Even if I blend into the Ten Thousand Clan, what can I gain if I can't kill anyone? Someone has to kill the Ten Thousand Clans, and someone has to be marked, right? I don't want to think so much. I'm not good at planning. Far.

When I see something that makes me angry, I just kill the murderer. It's that simple. "Liu Tianxin took a deep breath and walked away. The murderer's scent was not far away, only a dozen kilometers away. He could easily track and kill them. This was no difficulty for him.

"Okay, then be careful, keep your hands and feet clean, and don't leave any traces. I'll go to the nearby human tribe first. You can find me later." The two of them parted, Cheng Ying continued to find the human camp, while Liu Tianxin went Find the murderer.

For Liu Tianxin, the journey of more than ten miles came in an instant, and the scene in front of him made his eyes wide open. Four roe-headed rat-like creatures, like upright rats, drove more than 20 young humans. And in their hands, there were still the stumps of human babies, as if this was just a snack for them.

The humans they drove were obviously bigger and stronger, but they didn't dare to resist at all. They were even more obedient than animals. They watched the tribe's newborns being cannibalized, but they didn't even dare to fart.

The sight of this kind of scene will make you furious. Liu Tianxin has no idea of ​​holding back. He aims at the upright rat in the lead and rushes towards it. The terrifying speed makes it look like it is flying on the ground. .

The air in front of him was as viscous as liquid. He waved his fist out, and the strong wind caused by it made everyone present unsteady. One can imagine the fate of those who face fists head-on.

Like a ketchup bottle shattered by a bullet, the strong impact caused the man of all races to turn into blood mist, without any fragments larger than a fingernail.

The remaining three upright mice screamed in terror, and one of them released a fireball from its paw, but when it hit Liu Tianxin, only a few inconspicuous sparks appeared, and it was completely extinguished.

Desperation spreads. The upright rats began to flee crazily, but this was meaningless and could not even delay their death. The moment they turned their backs to Liu Tianxin, their lives were over.


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