Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,456 Isn’t it a bit suicidal to use a panda as a mount?

Chengying quickly found the nearest human tribe. His appearance made the people in the tribe very excited, but they did not have their own language, so they could only respond with extremely primitive calls.

They were justified in cheering because there was another adult male in the tribe. And he seems to be in good health and has no disabilities. This is undoubtedly helpful to their survival.

Although Cheng Ying had realized how bad the situation was, he didn't expect it to be so bad. He tried to communicate with the people here, but except for the newly born children, almost no one could understand what he was saying. Even adults whose memories had been erased using body language had a hard time understanding it. .

"We have to find a way to change their food. Part of the reason for their current low IQ is that they don't eat enough and their brains are not well developed. If conditions permit in the future, we can try to operate on their brains. There should be a way to start from Improving IQ on a physical level.”

Chengying rubbed his brows, and it was really not an easy task to lead a group of primitive people to develop. In this world of the jungle, settling and planting are very dangerous. Chengying can protect these people for a while, but it is impossible to protect them forever. He may be able to deal with fourth-level or even fourth-level high-level enemies, but saints are beyond their capabilities, and this is an era where saints are not as good as dogs, and high saints are everywhere. If you choose to settle down and build a city, sooner or later One day he will have an enemy that he cannot deal with.

Although farming is the most orthodox way for a nation to rise, Chengying still had to choose fishing, hunting and nomadism.

He found that this tribe had quite a number of people, more than a thousand people. This was also thanks to the abundance of wild animals on the prehistoric continent. Otherwise, it would be impossible to feed such a large tribe.

Chengying explained to these people what he wanted to do, but they couldn't understand it, so he had no choice but to tell them the facts. You need to obey your own orders.

It is not difficult to make simple bows and arrows from bamboo, especially the bamboo from the ancient continent, which is extremely tough and has extremely strong explosive power even without special processing.

Chengying took a bow and arrow and shot down a big bird on the tree. This scene immediately shocked the primitive people. It can kill prey from a distance by standing still. This can only be done by those who have extraordinary power among all races. So they bowed and worshiped. Treat this simple bow and arrow like a god.

Cheng Ying couldn't explain to these people, so he could only try his best to show the children with above-average IQs and tell them about these bows and arrows. We can make them all.

Scorching these primitive people is a very grueling process, and several of the shadow-carrying bamboo sticks were broken. It is true that these guys have very short memories. Not only do they not have long memories, they are also very lazy. Beasts can also rely on training to execute orders reflexively.

How good are these primitive people, how can they use all the extra IQ they have compared to beasts to be lazy? Only the children in the tribe made him more gratified. These children could more or less speak a little Chinese.

He is even smarter than Earthlings of the same age. It seems to be because there is enough spiritual energy in this world. Even if the human body cannot absorb it, it will nourish the brain to some extent.

"It's a shame that you have the patience to teach these savages. If it were me, I would have given up my career long ago." Liu Tianxin finally came back after killing all the tribes that harmed human beings.

Cheng Ying was a little surprised to find that there were no special changes on his body. He didn't know whether it was because he didn't have extraordinary power and couldn't see the mark of massacring all races, or because the two of them were special and wouldn't be marked.

He will not try to kill Wanzu for the time being. One of the two people must be able to hide.

"I myself am also surprised at my patience.'s like I have called countless people. It's strange. I have never been a teacher and I just graduated before I came here, but when I teach students, it seems that I have already I have been engaged in education for decades, and my career in education is still smooth.

Maybe I am suitable for eating this bowl of rice! I should have gone to normal school before I knew I traveled through time. I heard that there are many beautiful girls in normal school. " Chengying complained while skillfully weaving the rope into a fishing net.

For humans, rivers are dangerous because ferocious predators live in rivers. In the prehistoric era, crocodiles and the like were younger brothers, and there were many giant beasts dozens of meters long in the water.

But fishing is still an important food supplement, and some risks cannot be avoided no matter what. Chengying’s requirement is that these people can still survive without their own leadership, and convey their survival skills to more people .

This is certainly not a task that can be accomplished overnight. Cheng Ying is not in a hurry. Although his memory has been lost, some things have been engraved in his instincts. As a traveler from China, he has farming genes in his bones, and he has been farming in other worlds for hundreds of years. Now, Farming has almost become his instinct.

"We need to train a beast, preferably a little tame. With the ability to travel long distances, well... it must be a vegetarian. But it must have a certain degree of aggression. This one is for transportation and combat." Chengying touched his nose, thinking about what kind of beast would be suitable.

"It is powerful in combat, loves to eat vegetarian food, and has a docile personality? How can such a beast exist?" Liu Tianxin muttered, as if there was something that matched this, the two of them said almost in unison.


"Ah... Do you really want to use a panda as a mount? I always feel that once you choose this kind of fool as a mount, you will be thrown into the street!" Cheng Ying scratched his head. This is some mysterious thing in the ancient world. I would rather Believe it exists, don’t believe it doesn’t exist!

Back then, Chi You was riding a panda. As a result, he was killed. It always feels very unlucky. But it seems difficult to find a more suitable beast than the panda.

"Chi You, let's be Chi You! It's better than being extinct all at once. I think a man can be domesticated into a dog, and pandas may not be able to be domesticated. I recently discovered that my body seems to be able to control hormone secretion. This should be of great help in domesticating wild beasts. s help."

After Liu Tianxin confirmed that Cheng Ying was going to use the panda as a mount, he ran out to catch the panda. This seemingly cute creature is actually quite ferocious and very powerful in combat, so it is not afraid of people at all.

This resulted in them seeing humans approaching and not knowing how to run away. As a result, all the pandas from several nearby tribes were taken away in one wave. You can only come back after being tied into a rice dumpling.

[To be continued]

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