Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,457 Civilization Planning

The process of domesticating pandas is much easier than imagined. Under normal circumstances, it is a long process to make the beasts obey humans. But Cheng Ying used some opportunistic means to omit this process.

He has gradually learned to control the secretion of his own hormones, and he can not only secrete his own hormones, but also synthesize those of other animals. It originally took a long time to establish and obey the conditioned reflex. Under his hormone control, it was done in a matter of days.

The pandas were originally a bit unruly. One by one, they became extremely obedient, because obeying human orders would bring them great pleasure. Disobeying orders will cause them extreme pain.

In the future, you only need to catch new pandas, and then raise them with this group of tamed pandas, and then you can use this template to cultivate more mounts.

With transportation tools, migration is inevitable. On the one hand, if you don't plant it, the surrounding bamboos will be eaten up soon. On the other hand, Liu Tianxin had just killed a group of Ten Thousand Tribes, and this tribe is likely to face revenge. Leaving is the best option.

This is why Chengying reluctantly gave up farming and chose nomadism, fishing and hunting. Human tribes that are fixed in one place will undoubtedly be oppressed by all races again and again. Difficult to develop.

There is only constant migration to spread civilization and technology. In order for mankind as a whole to progress, we must first find a way to evolve from primitive society to nomadic tribes.

Although the nomadic tribes are powerful, they are beaten in various ways by the farming tribes with the same territory and technology. But compared to the hunting and gathering of primitive societies, it is still much more advanced. At least surplus products have been born in society, and the concept of private ownership can emerge. Transactions can occur. Surplus labor can emerge. The most basic handicraft industry can sprout.

For a small tribe of several thousand people to reach this point is nothing. But if it is the entire prehistoric continent, countless billions of human beings have reached this point. The progress that would bring would be absolutely huge, and human tribes would gradually annex each other. Surplus value and surplus labor will be gathered. Various countries gradually emerged and different orders sprouted. This was the opportunity for scientific thinking to sprout.

Although all this takes a long time. There will also inevitably be countless human tribes in the process. They were persecuted and exterminated by all races. But Chengying believes that this change is unstoppable. Unless all the fires of civilization are killed and all human beings are slaughtered, the fire of civilization will continue to grow.

Although his ideals are grand, it is a pity that there are only more than a thousand people and more than 1,500 pandas on hand. In addition to migration, they also need to find a kind of livestock that can be used as a source of meat.

This does not seem to be difficult. Cows are a very suitable choice, especially the cows on the ancient continent. There seem to be many mutations. It is not difficult to find a breed that grows meat very quickly.

Chengying has never chosen horses. In fact, horses are the best way to enhance human combat effectiveness. But he knew very well that increasing combat effectiveness at this stage was of little significance. Even if he trained cavalry, he would still need thousands of them to fight against a handful of extraordinary beings, let alone challenge saints.

The most important thing at this stage is survivability. What he has to do is to cultivate human civilization like weeds. No matter how devastating the blow is, it can reappear like a spring breeze.

Cows are very suitable as livestock. Their slow speed is indeed their shortcoming, but in terms of endurance and strength, they are stronger than horses, and their meat is more delicious.

During the migration, you can pull a cart and carry supplies at a speed similar to that of pandas. When you reach the next settlement, you can quickly cultivate the land. Although you have given up the settled farming life, Chengying does not intend to completely give up his farming skills. Slash-and-burn farming is also considered farming. It is always more efficient than grazing, fishing and hunting. Planting some crops with short growth cycle and high yield, such as sweet potatoes and potatoes. A large amount of food can be accumulated for migration during the short settlement process.

While Cheng Ying was imagining the idea, he checked the technical information on the PD. The information above was very detailed, even how to pierce the nose of a cow and how to castrate the livestock.

This made him more and more convinced that the PD in his hand was the backup he left behind before he traveled through time.

"Caught a cow! I observed the distribution of cows of various sizes in the herd, and I feel that this should be a cow with a very short growth cycle, but there is a problem."

When Cheng Ying saw Liu Tianxin coming back, he blinked and asked, "What's the problem?"

"This kind of cow has two heads." Liu Tianxin's expression was tangled, so he had already been mentally prepared for all the strange things in the world, but he still felt very painful when he encountered such a weird guy.

Cheng Ying thinks this is nothing: "What's wrong with having two heads? Since they can be bred, I think there shouldn't be any fight between the two heads. With two heads, they can eat grass twice as fast as ordinary cows." .

Cows can produce more milk, and calves can eat more efficiently. How many cows have you paid attention to before? "

Liu Tianxin: ""

He had always felt that Cheng Ying was too down-to-earth and did not look like a strong man with extraordinary power. His calculations were no different from those of an old farmer in the fields.

However, this kind of thing is easy to say, but Liu Tianxin definitely wouldn't be able to do it, as if he doesn't have the patience to teach these primitive idiots.

"Okay, if you don't mind, I'll catch it for you! By the way, where should we go next?"

Cheng Ying sniffed: "Go find other human tribes and annex them. Our productivity is enough to feed more people. The ancient continent is extremely rich in natural resources. Relying on the current technology, we can maintain a population of 30,000 to 50,000 people." Tribal nomadism is not a difficult thing.”

"By the way, are they willing to annex you? None of these primitive people are too lazy to join a group. They can lie down and never sit down. Although hunting and gathering is dangerous, they only work four or five hours a day, but you have to work from Working from morning to night, the food may not be much better. I don’t think these primitive people think about the future, let alone store much food for the future. Most of them will not be willing to join you.”

Cheng Ying shook his head: "Have I ever said that I want to ask for their opinions? We need the population. If negotiation cannot get what we want, then war.

For a long time to come, human weapons will only be directed at their own kind. This is very sad, but this is the price of rise. Only a unified country with strict laws and regulations can hope to give birth to a brilliant civilization. "

To be continued

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