"This body of mine? Hmm... It's really a bit bad. It seems that time is tight. It will take a lot of time to climb the technology tree to transform the energy cycle in the body!" Yake, who was dressed as Huo Yuhao, said that he can transform people Shocking words.

Cheng Ying: "..."

Is the civilization I created so awesome? How come I didn’t know I was so awesome?

Everyone is talking about porridge juice, Huo Yuhao's innate soul power is only two or eleven years old, and he has only reached the tenth level when he is almost twelve years old. His talent can only be said to be barely enough to reach the bottom line of cultivation. To perform surgery on such a useless person, he will become The genius level of difficulty is simply disappointing.

"Although you don't necessarily need to help me cheat, it doesn't matter if I tell you my identity. I believe that with your character, you won't be detrimental to the foundation you have created in the other world."

"The first time you appeared on the stage of history was when you and the Ice Emperor contributed strategies to control the locust plague to the Tiandou Empire. For your merits, you were named the Tulip Duke and had the right to conquer your own territory.

Before acquiring the territory, you built the World's End, achieved the first circumnavigation of the world, and brought back rare metals and soul tool technology from the Sun and Moon Continent. "

"Wait a minute? Are you saying that I brought back the soul guide technology from the Sun and Moon Continent? Didn't the Sun and Moon Continent yet border the Douluo Continent at that time?" Cheng Ying looked confused. The other person he traveled to was Douluo Continent. The world of Luo's first part?

"According to the calculations of geologists, the two continents will indeed collide within 10,000 years, but before I came to this world, the two continents had not collided." Yake did not hide it. He had already learned about his characteristics. If you understand something and decide that you can win Chengying's trust, you will never fail.

"Then I have to tell you bad news. It is now 10,000 years later, and I in this world have not established an interstellar empire like Tulip." Cheng Ying probably guessed that the other self should have traveled through time. In the world of the first part, relying on the advantage of obtaining soul guides, it completed the technological crushing of Douluo Continent in a short period of time.

"It doesn't matter, there is always chance and inevitability in history. It is true that you became the founder of Tulip by accident, but it must also be because of your excellence that you were able to create history in such a dark era." Yak shrugged.

"Well... Speaking of which, let's all have a mental call later. Your body's identity is a bit sensitive, and our conversation may be eavesdropped. If it's dark, the era we are in now is actually even darker. "More." Chengying used his mental power to connect the consciousnesses of the three people this time, so that even the gods in the divine world could not peek into the conversation between them.

"What does this mean?" Yake wondered.

Liu Tianxin interrupted and said: "Isn't this simple? Ten thousand years ago, although the gods were watching Douluo, they had no special thoughts about this planet. But ten thousand years ago, there was a man who was in Douluo. The guy born in the mainland became the God King. The current mainland is probably under the intense surveillance of the other party.

Any move we make may arouse the other party's alert, leading to the deus ex machina and the team's destruction at the beginning. The most troublesome thing is that your body is still that guy's pre-selected son-in-law. In other words, almost every move you make is under that guy's surveillance. What we said before may have exposed some information. Fortunately, the information exposed should not be much, at least Cheng Ying and I are not There is no strong feeling of being spied on, but once you create any earth-shattering technological creation in the future, you will definitely attract the attention of the other party immediately, and even suffer disaster. "

Even after Yake got this piece of information, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat on his forehead. Tulip's entire wealth and life were all on him. Once he failed, he would probably die.

And when this kind of action is completely monitored, no matter how secretive it is, it will be exposed. Even if his characteristics allow him to survive in desperate situations again and again, as long as he formulates a feasible plan, almost all of them will be exposed. If he succeeds, he will probably be plotted to death.

"Thank you. In that case, I will also tell you my mission!" Then, Yake told a brief history of Douluo after Tulip left Douluo Planet, and how he would confront William, the ruler of the world, What method did the elucidator use to create this opportunity to kill William completely?

"In other words, after your mission is over, the world we live in will disappear?" Liu Tianxin frowned. This was not the ending he wanted.

"I can only say that I don't know. We don't have the ability to explore the world inside the containment, so it's difficult to determine whether it is real or virtual. But I think that no matter who wins, the ending of this world should be the same. .

So there is no need for you to kill me. After all, my death will only accelerate the process. Maybe your world will continue to exist, maybe the world will be destroyed, but as outsiders, you two actually have a high probability of surviving. of. "Jacques didn't lie. He had realized that the two people in front of him held important information.

"Well... Let's not discuss the issue of world destruction for now, let me ask! Do you have any information about this guy in your records? As an evangelist, you should have access to very high-level information. I think this guy and I Appearing together is probably not a coincidence.”

Faced with Cheng Ying's question, Yake could only shake his head: "We know very little about the world where the ascended people arrive. It may be that this person's identity is too confidential, so I am not qualified to access this information. In short, this I am not very clear about the origin of the position, including the specific situation of the world after ascension, and the dimensionality reducer only has a partial understanding of it, and it seems to be related to the main god space. "

Cheng Ying frowned and thought. Although the development history of Tulip is amazing, with the help of black technology, it is barely reasonable. There is only one thing that makes people wonder, that is, how did they achieve a large number of ascensions? If there was no outside help, with Tulip's technological level at that time, it would be impossible for even one person to ascend, let alone help a group of people ascend. The most likely possibility is that they have had contact with outsiders.

"Forget it, I don't have time to think about this for now. While I still have some strength, I will help you collect some starting materials and use that material! Let's do this. Yake and I will act as a secret line, under the supervision of God Shura, as a soul master. The posture develops normally, Tianxin, you climb the technology tree, and I use my mental power to transfer technical information to you.

Let me think about it, what can I get at the beginning of Douluo II? "

[To be continued]

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