Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,466: Catch the auspicious beast at the beginning

"I think we can catch a lucky beast at the beginning. You should remember that. A lucky beast can give a third eye. Theoretically, there is no limit on how many times it can be given." Liu Tianxin thought of the lucky beast first.

"Indeed, I will help you two seal your memories temporarily. Contact with the lucky beast will exchange memories. If you two don't seal your chances, it will be very troublesome." Chengying sealed the memories that did not belong to this world. Then he compiled a memory that fits the style of this world.

"I don't have much time. I wanted to take you to the Yin-Yang Eye of Ice and Fire. But the distance is too far. I can only let the lucky beast contact you." Chengying said, and he had already controlled the huge soul power to take the two people into the air.

At the same time, a golden-haired three-eyed soul beast like a lion was running happily from the forest, chasing its prey. The life of soul beasts is often so monotonous, foraging, playing, mating, and reproduction.

But today, an uninvited guest fell from the sky. The huge white bug, like a giant dragon, released a terrifying pressure. Although it lacked combat power, breaking through a million years was undoubtedly a qualitative change for soul beasts.

Even if Tianmeng lacked means of attack, its combat power at this time was definitely not inferior to the top 100,000-year soul beasts. Although the auspicious beast was already invincible among the 10,000-year soul beasts, it was incomparable to this guy who fell from the sky.

The 100,000-year-old three-headed dog Chi Wang, who secretly protected the auspicious beast, was beaten black and blue. Although Chengying had no rules in fighting, as the saying goes, great power creates miracles. He only needed to output, great power would be enough, and the rest would be left to miracles.


The auspicious beast roared unwillingly to the sky, but under the huge pressure, it still had to bend its knees and crawl on the ground.

"Hurry up, time is limited, you two come on!" Chengying said as he threw Liu Tianxin out. Liu Tianxin hit the auspicious beast's third eye with his forehead. If you didn't know, you would think it was a murder.

The huge amount of memory information almost made Liu Tianxin faint directly, but fortunately it was not a damage caused by attack power. Because the amount of memory was too large. The brain hid this part of memory for self-protection.

Yak, who transformed into Huo Yuhao, was put down second, and Chengying didn't hesitate to put him second in the face of the auspicious beast. Facts have proved that the memory exchange characteristics of the auspicious beast are not very moral. Both of them succeeded, exchanged memories with it, and gained quite strong mental power. And most importantly, the possibility of opening the third eye.

The auspicious beast was suddenly stuffed with two pieces of memory, and it seemed a little dizzy. The eyes looking at the two people and the insect were very strange, but Chengying didn't care. Time is precious, and he doesn't have time to waste on trying to figure out the mind of a soul beast.

After making sure that both of them had opened the third eye, he grabbed the skin of the neck of the two and slipped away quickly. It's okay to touch others, but if you touch the auspicious beast, Di Tian will definitely come to you as soon as possible. By then, with his mediocre skills, he will be in trouble.

Chengying actually didn't want to become a wisdom soul ring. If he could act independently, who would want to rely on others? Even if he ran to the human world now, Di Tian could catch him back, and he was a walking tonic, and he was even more dangerous in the human world than in the Star Dou Great Forest.

"Do you want to go to the Far North to find Bingdi?" Although his memory had been sealed, Chengying inexplicably felt that Bingdi should be the most trustworthy person, but soon he shook his head. 10,000 years ago, he was still somewhat confident in persuading Bingdi.

After all, the other party still had more than 10,000 years to live at that time. At most, he would agree to be eaten by her again in 10,000 years. But now, the other party only had more than 100 years of life left. If he went there again, it would be pure and courting death.

"Let's take it one step at a time!" Chengying searched helplessly, and the inherited memory in his mind began to transform himself into a wisdom soul ring step by step. Anyway, he knew the location of the Wanzai Xuanbingsui very well. In theory, digging out this treasure could also reshape its body.

"Hey! Wake up! Your memory world is so chaotic! The sea of ​​​​spiritual sea is almost full of information. You should clean up a room for me." Chengying woke up the unconscious Yake.

Unlike Huo Yuhao, Yake's mind stored too much knowledge, which made his sea of ​​​​spiritual sea extremely crowded. If Chengying forced his way in, it would probably cause data loss. Even if he had not experienced the future world, he could imagine the preciousness of this knowledge, so he could only wake Yake up and let him make room for himself.

"Ah... I forgot about this before. I will clear a space for you now." Although Yake's memory is extremely huge, most of the carriers are souls, and it is still possible to make some space in the brain.

"Wait, you make more space, I suspect there may be new tenants moving in."

"What do you mean?" Yake was puzzled. Could there be other people entering his spiritual world?

But he soon realized what was happening. During Chengying's sacrifice, the wind and clouds suddenly changed, lightning and thunder roared, and the barriers of the world were torn apart. Then a dark bead fell from the sky and entered his spiritual world.

Not only that, this bead also has a very second-year line: "Holding the sun and the moon and picking the stars, there is no one like me in the world!"

"You see, I was right! Your spiritual world will probably be even more crowded in the future. It is expected that in the future, you will not only be able to play mahjong, but also have an extra game of Landlord." Chengying's spiritual body transformed into a human form and shrugged.

Huo Yuhao's qualifications are too poor. If you want to upgrade him to the same qualifications as the protagonist, you can only cheat. And cheating once is not enough, you must cheat one after another. This is the case for now.

"Do you know the origin of this dark bead?" Yake was curious.

"Hmm... If Tulip really conquered the world attached to the God Realm, she might have been to the world of the owner of this bead. At that time, in a world where humans fought with 72 demons, the strongest weapon of humans was the throne that fell from the sky. .

The owner of this bead was the strongest human being in that world. He had reached the limit that humans could reach. Even the subsequent protagonist was far from his opponent without relying on the power of the throne.

This guy has extremely powerful undead magic, and he is not afraid of the sun. The light undead magic used to fight against the entire continent on his own, almost wiping out human beings. It was he who severely damaged human beings that allowed 72 Demon Gods to An opportunity to take advantage of.

The most valuable thing for us is knowledge and experience, but how should we put it? I feel that his knowledge is not as profound as yours. "

[To be continued]

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