Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,467 Electrolux’s Melancholy

The knowledge of the Holy Law God of the Undead and the Scourge of the Undead, Electrolux, is undoubtedly extremely profound. He was not just the strongest necromancer during his lifetime. He has lived for more than six thousand years and created the most top-notch artifacts in human form.

It is no exaggeration to say that the knowledge he possesses is unrivaled in that world, both ancient and modern. If you are an ordinary time traveler, you can get such an old man as a plug-in. I'm afraid I don't want to be happy.

However, Yake is obviously different. Although he only lived for more than 300 years, he definitely experienced an extremely systematic education in the last 300 years of his life, absorbing knowledge as efficiently as a sponge in the most efficient manner. Even if he The first few decades of life were not wasted at all. As one of the human leaders of a planet, the experience of personally practicing and leading mankind into space is absolutely extremely valuable.

Perhaps 300 years is much shorter than 6,000 years, but even if Electrolux lived for 6,000 years, he would still work behind closed doors. A person's wisdom is limited after all. No matter how talented he is, he does not rely on the accumulation of his predecessors. , without relying on comrade discussion, without people and competition, the achievements that can be achieved are extremely limited. Even if Einstein was thrown into primitive society, he might not be able to invent a catapult.

In comparison, Yak's own learning talent may not be particularly strong, but what he has gained is the knowledge accumulated by hundreds of millions of seekers who have followed and explored. It belongs to the beginning, standing on the shoulders of giants. Even if his life span is shorter and his talent is worse, the accumulated knowledge is far beyond what Reliance can compare with.

As the power of Chengying was injected into Yake's body, he gradually became able to control his mental power and do things that a mortal body could not do before.

"Although this person's knowledge is not too much for me, if it really comes from another world, the different thinking angles may bring me a lot of inspiration." Yake is precise. He controlled his mental power like a scalpel, repairing Electrolux's remaining soul.

"Such a distributed soul structure does have merit. Even if the soul is torn apart, it can still carry a large amount of main body memory. However, this kind of soul transformation is not a controlled technology in Tulip. This kind of surgery can only be performed in regular hospitals. , and there must be relevant cases.

Because this type of soul transformation is likely to affect resurrection and lead to personality splitting. Hmm... There was a similar case in which the patient had to undergo similar soul transformation due to some mental problems. As a result, the personality split midway, and after an accidental death, he was resurrected into two people with completely different personalities. This will undoubtedly lead to serious ethical issues, which is why this type of technology is strictly controlled by Tulip. "

Cheng Ying: "..."

So you say that the me in the other world is quite thoughtful?

When the two people were talking, Yak had already controlled his mental power and had almost repaired Electrolux's remnant soul. Cheng Ying had just told him that although the man in front of him had strong strength during his lifetime, his remnant soul was also Has great power, but is now properly lawful good.

After being influenced by the protagonist of that world, this person became a completely good person, one who could sacrifice himself for others. Although Cheng Ying strongly disagreed with the idea of ​​putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha immediately, after all, this pair of beings were It is unfair to chop people with a butcher's knife, but Electrolux's persistent pursuit of justice after death is still worthy of recognition. If the world has Alaya consciousness, Electrolux is very likely to become a partner of justice.

Although rescuing such a person will make it difficult to use some evil means, at least it will never endanger you.

"What a wonderful manipulation of mental power. I can recover so powerfully with only a trace of my remaining soul." Electrolux's figure transformed into an old man in gray robes and appeared in the sea of ​​​​spirits in Yake: "I accept it. Your request will definitely be repaid in the future. If you can pass my test and have a righteous heart, I will teach you what I have learned throughout my life!"

In the sea of ​​​​spirits, Yake scratched his head and awkwardly pulled out a book from the memory that had been transformed into a bookshelf around him: " fact, the soul carries memory information. When you just helped you recover, it was already passive. has read your memory. What is recorded in this book is actually what you have learned throughout your life.

Although the use of souls by necromancy is inhumane, I have to say that your ideas do have many groundbreaking ideas, many of which are soul operations that I have never tried before. "

"What! You actually read my memory!" Electrolux frowned, with a solemn expression: "Do you know the dangers of the undead spells in my memory? Although I don't want to threaten you, if you don't talk to me today If you make a contract and swear that you will never use my undead magic until you get my approval, you can only do it once."

Electrolux is very aware of the dangers of his magic. If it is mastered by someone with an impure mind, it will definitely be a disaster for this continent.

"Ah...this...if you don't use your necromancy, there's no problem. If you want to sign a contract, there's no problem. But let's talk about it. Your necromancy is actually not particularly dangerous." What Yake said Electrolux didn't believe it, but Chengying nodded in agreement.

He had just browsed a lot of knowledge that Yake had. Necromantic magic was really considered safe and harmless in the face of those forbidden arts that were marked as dangerous. The most embarrassing thing is that a considerable part of the developers of these dangerous forbidden arts are Cheng Ying himself. The reason why there are only a small number is because many dangerous technologies were invented in the following 300 years.

Electrolux frowned and shook his head: "I'm not trying to scare you. Don't underestimate the dangers of necromancy. Once it's not handled properly, the entire continent may be devastated. If you keep this mentality, I won't You are allowed to use my magic."

"Well... let's talk about it. Why don't you take a look at my technology first? After seeing it, you will understand that necromancy is really not that dangerous." Yake said about Electrolux. He doesn't have much obsession with magic, as long as the old man lives in his mind and doesn't cause trouble for him.

"Let's start with the most basic ones, do you see? This technology...well...this spell is called Eternal Blazing Sun. It uses the principle of mass-energy conversion to create an explosion as bright as the sun. Within the explosion range Inside, there will be radiation that lingers all year round. In such a radiation area, people will suffer from all kinds of terrible diseases..."

Electrolux: "..."

[To be continued]

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