Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1468: What is dangerous knowledge?

Electrolux took over the detailed information about the nuclear bomb from Yake. It records in detail the power of nuclear bomb explosions and the damage caused by radiation, as well as the tragic fate of patients suffering from radiation sickness.

Among the necromancy spells that Electrolux is good at, there are many spells like curses and plagues. However, when he saw various radiation diseases, he saw that the chromosomes in the cells all over the body were smashed to pieces, and the cells lost their ability to divide. The living dead, whose bodies were festering and had no way to save them, still felt deeply horrified.

When the cells of the human body no longer divide, and every cell that dies is one step closer to true death, what a terrifying experience it will be.

"This is not a particularly dangerous type, because there is no technology to deal with radiation. Radiation turns into residual radiation. Under certain stimulation, it can quickly decay and become harmless. With so much, it can at least eliminate the follow-up effects of nuclear radiation. Influence.

There are more dangerous technologies here, such as this forbidden weapon on the surface of the planet called the Kunlun Mirror. Even now, we have not found a good means of cleanup and subsequent effects.

The Kunlun Mirror is a huge mirror composed of a single layer of molecules. It is generally transparent and difficult to detect without touching it.

I'm not sure if you have the concept of a planet or a weapons-grade Kunlun mirror. Generally, it will have a huge area that exceeds the surface area of ​​the planet, and the method of attack is to let it fall freely towards the planet.

After the Kunlun Mirror falls on the surface of the planet, it will directly break into small pieces of broken lenses. These lenses are lighter than feathers and can easily float in the atmosphere.

You may not understand how thin a layer of atoms is? It is countless times thinner than the edge of the sharpest weapon you have ever seen. With the hardness of the Kunlun Mirror, it can cut iron as easily as mud.

If a creature accidentally touches the suspended Kunlun Mirror fragments, it is likely to be cut into pieces, but this is just the beginning. Although the attacks during this period are bloody, there is nothing that can be done as long as the thin Kunlun Mirror hides deep underground. Go deep.

But the real horror is yet to come. The hardness of the Kunlun Mirror also makes it extremely fragile, colliding with each other as the atmosphere flows. The pieces will get smaller and smaller. But it's like glass. Even if the fragments are small, they are often sharp.

These tiny fragments are carried around the world along the atmospheric circulation, carried by trade winds. It is completely integrated into the air, making it difficult to filter it out because it is too sharp. A filter that attempts to catch these tiny bits of debris will quickly become riddled with cuts.

And those hiding underground will die miserably, because they cannot live without ventilation, and ventilation means that these small fragments will invade their underground realm, and then be carried into their lungs by their breathing, killing them The alveoli of his lungs were punctured, turning his lungs into a puddle of meat paste. Because the size of the fragments is too small, even surgery cannot be performed for such an injury. Unless technology can create nanomachines, it is almost certain for a mortal to inhale it.

The most difficult thing about this kind of weapon is actually these small fragments integrated into the atmosphere. It is difficult to clean them out by conventional means. If a large number of nanomachines are not invested, the entire purification process may take decades. If there is no artificial If purified, these remnants will not weather even for millions of years, and it will be difficult for life on the entire planet to appear larger than the fragments.

This is a relatively typical forbidden weapon. Its power is actually average, but its effect is extremely cruel, so it is recorded in textbooks. To warn future generations. "

Yak's description and detailed information made Electrolux's scalp numb. Compared with this weapon that can exterminate all life on a planet, his undead magic is indeed considered harmless to humans and animals.

At most, it will make millions of people homeless and their families separated from their families. Such a pair of comparisons seems to be quite safe.

What a ghost!

Electrolux was furious, no matter how evil he had done in life. Now he is a partner of justice. Seeing someone holding such a dangerous weapon, he really wants to die with him.

"Calm down! Calm down! Weapons are never evil, the evil is the person who pulls the trigger. Even if you can really kill me, humans will sooner or later invent more dangerous weapons. Even more dangerous than your undead magic Much.

Rather than preventing the creation of weapons, it would be better to prevent wars from occurring. "Cheng Ying is self-taught and has launched a big deception mode. Although he is also shocked by the weapons of mass destruction in the future, he has read a lot of science fiction novels and his ability to accept it is obviously much stronger. No matter how terrifying it is, Is it scary to have two-dimensional foil? I will directly send you to the second dimension and ask you if you are afraid?

"With the development of science and technology, weapons will always be updated. What's more, if a civilization has no ability to protect itself, how can we expect him to grow up healthily?

Think about it carefully, what is the essence of war? It is nothing more than an unfair distribution of resources. Some people want to obtain more resources and wealth through war. However, in the continent under our feet, the most recognized wealth and the most fundamental means of production are actually land. Therefore, wars are often based on occupying the enemy's country. land for purpose.

As long as the conflict over land resources cannot be resolved, even if it is unified, the war on the entire continent will not stop. That is to say, if we divide for a long time, we will unite, and if we unite for a long time, we will divide. In this case, why don't we change our thinking?

The universe is vast and the starry sky is endless. The planet under our feet is just an insignificant drop in the ocean of the Milky Way. On the far side of the starry sky, there are endless land and resources, almost endless time, and endless wealth. Why don’t we try to get out? ? Will the energy spent on war be used in development and construction? "

Yake opened his mouth and these words were originally what he wanted to say. How to convince the natives on the colonial star was already one of the compulsory courses in Tulip's textbook. Chengying's rhetoric was as standard as in the textbook. It's hard to believe that he doesn't have memories of himself in another world.

All I can say is that he is worthy of being the person who compiled the textbook, and his ability to deceive is innately high.

Electrolux was silent for a long time, and seemed to finally agree with Cheng Ying's point of view. Anger and jealousy may indeed be the reasons for war, but for a rational empire, these are just excuses. After all, war is for profit, and the endless existence in the galaxy The resources seem to really be able to resolve the current conflict.

"Okay! If your goal is the stars and the sea, then count me in!"

[To be continued]

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