Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,469 Body Strengthening

After Cheng Ying lodged in Yak's body, he began to assist Yak's cultivation. Unfortunately, the levels of Douluo Continent are very clear. No matter how rich the experience is, the speed of cultivation cannot be much faster than ordinary people. It must be accumulated over time. Only in this way can the soul power be improved.

All he could do was to use Yake's rich medical knowledge to transform this body and slightly adjust the poor talent to something more reliable.

"I need to supplement a lot of food. The potential of the human body is actually very strong. Although it is impossible to achieve the level of a machine you specially designed to be stronger, through simple genetic modification and exercise, it is possible to have a body that is not inferior to a titled Douluo. How much combat power?" Yak explained to Cheng Ying, Liu Tianxin and Electrolux while doing strange movements.

Liu Tianxin even imitated his movements, and soon he was sweating profusely.

"When ordinary people exercise, they generally rely on the principle of overcompensation. During the exercise process, we will inevitably damage muscle cells, and the human body will replenish these cells after suffering damage. The amount of this supplement, It is often more than the original amount, so our strength will be stronger for a period of time after exercise. But if we stop exercising, the amount of compensation will be restored little by little. This is why we must persist in exercising. Once we stop, we will be stronger. Reasons for regression.

The set of movements we are doing now also uses the principle of overcompensation, but after scientific calculations and big data statistics, this set of movements can most efficiently promote the body to generate more muscle cells.

And get endurance-enhancing muscles and explosive-enhancing muscles distributed in the right places. Let’s prevent us from becoming that showman in the gym who has trained his muscles all over but is not very good at fighting.

In addition, this set of movements can also train our nerves to a certain extent, which will be of great benefit to our subsequent nerve surgeries.

Nerve cells are not like muscles. When damaged, they can often be replenished quickly and become stronger. It is difficult to make nerves tougher through exercise, but we can make them sharper through exercise. Training creates conditioned reflexes, which will be of great help to future surgeries.

When the nervous system in the body is strong enough, the electrical signals flowing in the nerves can be externalized. This is also one of the few attack methods that can be externalized after simply exercising the body and developing the human body's potential. However, these are That’s a story later. What we have to do now is to train our bodies to the limits of the human body. I will teach you some techniques for exerting force in a moment. As long as you have enough high-nutrient food supplements, you can kill a cow with one punch within a month. It’s not a big problem. . "

Cheng Ying and Eleks sat in the library in Yak's head, listening carefully like primary school students. They all looked shocked and said, Damn, it can still be like this.

Shrek Academy adheres to the master's idea of ​​​​training the body, which is actually correct. Civilization is the spirit, and barbarism is the body. This is very reasonable, but Shrek Academy's training method is obviously not that scientific. More than 10,000 Years later, they are still running with weights and there is no systematic physical training process at all. Naturally, this naturally leads to the fact that although the students of Shrek Academy have strong bodies, their training efficiency is not higher than that of other soul masters. How much to pay.

But Yake was different. He was a professional in how to train the body to the limit of the human body. After only ten minutes of exercise, he and Liu Tianxin were sweating profusely and had to go to the river to catch a few fish on the spot. Supplement protein.

Yak's fishing techniques are also quite skillful. His mental power is released by him, like slender downy needles, piercing into the brains of those who only have seven seconds of memory, and then looks at the fish that means fat. The big fish floated up with its belly turned over.

Despite all kinds of mistakes, Huo Yuhao's body is still on the road of grilling fish. Yake has never learned cooking skills. However, Tulip has Rong Nian Bing, and the cooking skills of everyone are at an outrageous level. , even if it is only equivalent to the level of instant noodles that modern people know, it is enough to make a Manchu-Han banquet with all the colors, flavors and flavors.

Yak just roasted it casually, and the aroma spread far away, allowing a young man and woman who came to hunt the soul beast to smell it.

Beibei, who possesses the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Dragon Spirit, and Tang Ya, the current generation leader of the Tang Sect, can be regarded as very qualified mentors for novices. They don’t have many bad spots in their character, although the foursome are not needed for the time being. A novice mentor, but I have no intention of avoiding him.

"Well... My suggestion is that you follow the two of them and join the Tang Sect. In my impression, the Shura God in the God Realm has already set his sights on you at this time. After all, your luck is too outrageous to be chosen by me. Becoming a host, already someone's intended son-in-law.

If you don't join the Tang Sect he created, he will probably create various conditions for you to join, or even force you to join the Tang Sect.

Until we have strong enough power, it's best to follow his wishes. When the time comes, Liu Tianxin doesn't need to care about these things. No god will watch him and he can develop normally. "

Yake nodded. He still has a deep understanding of the strength of Douluo's gods. Although the fighting power of the God King is not very strong, it is not weak anymore. It can almost catch up with the ordinary citizens of Tulip 300 years ago. This is still a mortal. For them, they are indeed an almost impossible opponent to defeat.

"Wow! It smells so good! Little brother! Can I eat your grilled fish?" Tang Ya ran over like a man and squatted in front of the grill, almost drooling.

"Xiaoya, don't make trouble! I'm sorry, little brother, Xiaoya doesn't mean any harm." Beibei has always been acting as a boyfriend and a baby daddy. It can be said that the boyfriend is extremely powerful.

"Here you go." Yake said very little. He was now being watched by God. It could be said that he would make mistakes if he spoke too much. In this case, it was better to establish a taciturn and cold persona for himself.

Anyway, it is normal for Huo Yuhao's life to develop like this. My mother was bullied to death by the White Tiger Duke's wife during a palace fight. She had been bullied all her life since she was a child. The White Tiger Duke didn't even know he had a son. His heart was filled with hatred and he would develop into a cold-faced killer. The character is so normal.

"Okay!" Tang Ya took the grilled fish and stuffed it into her mouth without caring about burning it. She didn't look like a girl at all when eating it. After eating, he smacked his mouth twice, with a look of unfinished expression on his face. His eyes wandered over Yak who was grilling fish, and then he threw a straight ball.

"Little brother, do you want to join the Tang Sect? We have the best martial arts in the mainland."

The look in his eyes showed that he is a person whose brain is in his stomach!

[To be continued]

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