Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,477 Poseidon Pavilion Meeting

The Poseidon Pavilion meeting is the most important meeting of Shrek, which often determines the future direction of the school. If it is not a major mistake, it will never be opened easily.

Poseidon Pavilion, as the name suggests, is naturally a memorial to the former Poseidon. It is also an important weight left by Tang San to influence the hearts of future generations.

Poseidon Pavilion, Poseidon Fate, Poseidon Island, Shrek Academy has too many things named after the Poseidon, and this world's number one academy has always influenced the thoughts of the new generation of young people. For ten thousand years, the Tang Sect may have declined, but the legend of the Poseidon has never declined.

It can be seen that Tang San is very clear about himself and his descendants, and from Tang San's perspective, the book of Peerless Tang Sect is that people's belief in God is becoming more and more impious. Relying on the spiritual leader of Shrek Academy, it is difficult to continue to collect faith quickly.

In line with the development of the times, a monopoly enterprise with a more rigorous organization, monopoly of core technology, and mastery of advanced productivity will be the most powerful tool for winning over faith in the next tens of thousands of years.

It is nothing more than the transition from the landlords of the feudal era to the capitalists of the capitalist era. In the past, he relied on myths and legends to win people's hearts, and in the future, he needed to rely on the real money on hand. Only in this way could he support the development of the Tang Sect, suppress the technological progress of the Sun-Moon Empire, steal the core technology of the Sun-Moon Empire, and finally the internationalization of the Tang Sect.

This series of plans requires a strong executor to stay in the world to guard for a hundred years to ensure that there are no variables in the plan. The reason Tang San chose to ensure the loyalty of the executor was the simplest and crudest reason. He relied on his daughter to constantly PUA Huo Yuhao, turning an originally upright, kind, persistent, and motivated boy into a tool man who only obeyed his wife's orders.

"So do you understand why I never concealed our technological development and progress?" Chengying spread his hands and said to Yake: "Although what we did was not in that person's plan, it is temporarily the same as his goal, that is, to let the Tang Sect master the core technology, and in the future, monopolize the high-tech industry and become the largest financial group behind the empire.

If it is a normal situation, it is Huo Yuhao who stole the technology. That guy can't take the trouble to learn the soul guidance technology. Even if he can easily get the technical information of the Sun Moon Empire, he doesn't know what it is for.

So Huo Yuhao needs to rest twice a day in the soul guidance department and the martial soul department to do his promising job of stealing core technology. But no matter what he does, that guy only wants the core technology. Already. If we can develop the technology, it is also acceptable.

So if we can promote technological progress and let Douluo Continent surpass Sun Moon Continent head-on, the guy who has been monitoring us will not stop us. He will even help us if he realizes that we have hope of success. "

Yake is not as familiar with the plot as Chengying. After re-organizing it, he nodded and agreed with Chengying's point of view. For 10,000 years, Shrek Academy has been Tang San's tool to control the continent, but the war 3,000 years ago made him realize that Shrek Academy is no longer safe. He needs another organization that is more rigorous, more rooted in the grassroots, and more deeply rooted than the academy, that is, Tangmen.

It can be seen that, in a sense, his decision was correct. Ten thousand years later, Shrek exploded, but Tangmen still exists...

"So you think that at the upcoming Poseidon Pavilion meeting, our education model is likely to be supported." Yake's brows relaxed. In his opinion, Shrek is too conservative now, and Fan Yu's proposal is likely to be rejected, but after such an analysis, the probability of the proposal passing is actually very high.

In fact, this is also the case. Qian Duoduo, the vice president of the Soul Guidance Department, is an eighth-level semi-soul mentor and Titled Douluo, who is second only to Fan Yu in pure soul guidance technology at Shrek Academy. He thought that his application to open the Poseidon Pavilion meeting would be difficult.

After all, most of the previous Poseidon Pavilions were held for the training direction of a super genius. The Soul Guidance Department said that it was on par with the Martial Soul Department, but some words are just for listening. The United States also said that racial equality is not allowed to discriminate against black uncles. The status of the Soul Guidance Department is not much better than that of black uncles. As for the trivial matters of the Soul Guidance Department reform, the Poseidon Pavilion may not even be bothered to accept it.

But this time, their proposal was successfully passed. Moreover, a meeting of the Sea God Pavilion will be held soon. At the meeting, Fan Yu, who is not even a vice dean, can listen in and have the opportunity to answer questions from the dean and the elders! This is a great honor for someone of his age and cultivation.

But he still has more important things in his mind, and he can no longer enjoy the pleasure brought by this honor.

"What a big deal! We still need to hold a meeting of the Sea God Pavilion? Isn't the Soul Guidance Department developing well now? What reforms? We have to admit the huge gap between us and the Sun and Moon Empire in this regard! Can we catch up with thousands of years of accumulation in a short time if we rush? You have to be down-to-earth!" Dean of the Wuhun Department, Yan Shaozhe squeezed Qian Duoduo.

The Douluo World loves love triangles, and the two male protagonists in the triangle are naturally not very harmonious.

"Shaozhe makes sense. We still need to hold a meeting of the Sea God Pavilion for such a small matter. Do we elders not need to practice?" Xuan Lao, who was holding a wine gourd and a greasy chicken leg in his hand, was also a loyal supporter of the Wuhun Department.

Elder Xuan is obviously the least qualified to say this. This big boss who drinks and eats chicken every day is the second strongest person in Shrek Academy. He has a level 98 martial spirit and a gluttonous sacred cow. It should be a matter of course for him to break through to level 99. . But because of his mistakes when he was young, he ruined several students and gave up on himself. Now he drinks, eats chicken, and practices as a hammer all day long!

Qian Duoduo's face turned red, but he didn't dare to refute. The official level was overwhelming. What's more, I don't know this level. Fan Yu is an upright scientific research dog. He only focuses on stating his opinions impassionedly when asked by Su Lao, completely unaware of the traps and anger in the words of Su Lao from the martial arts department. Qian Duoduo wanted to beat him to death.

If things do not unfold unexpectedly, the reform proposal will definitely not be passed. For the martial soul system, a weak soul guidance system is a good soul guidance system. Reform may not necessarily make it better, but no reform will definitely make it worse. The worst.

But just at this moment, the old man who had been lying in the shadow, with a stooped body and seemed to be unable to stand upright, suddenly said: "I think it is not a bad thing to try some new ways. There are actually two geniuses in the soul guidance department. Bar!

How about assigning one of them to the martial arts department, and the other will continue to preside over the reform. I have personally observed them, and they are all good children..."

[To be continued]

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