Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,478 The real fundamentals

"Mr." This time, even Mr. Xuan put down the drumstick, looking a little cautious.

Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu En, has made guest appearances in Sanshui novels many times. In Peerless Tang Sect, he is Mr. , Shrek’s strongest person.

It was said to be a Poseidon Pavilion meeting, but that was when he didn't speak. If he spoke, there would be no need for discussion. Even if others were unwilling, the solution he said would become the final conclusion.

This is a Douluo whose strength determines everything. A level ninety-nine Ultimate Douluo can do whatever he wants.

"I...we understand! I hope Liu Tianxin can join the martial arts department!" Yan Shaozhe saw the situation very clearly. Now that the boss has spoken, any rebuttal at this time will only lower his position in the boss's heart. .

All we can do is strive for the greatest benefit under the current conditions. Huo Yuhao and Liu Tianxin both have their own talents. The former's original martial spirit is pretty good. Eyes are important parts of the body, and he can barely rank among the top martial arts.

He also has ridiculously strong fighting talent, and can defeat opponents in the second or even third level at the first level.

However, his own cultivation talent is too poor. Even if he is extremely keen on the cultivation techniques, with the help of elixirs, his future achievements will be difficult to reach that of a titled Douluo.

And in this world where cultivation determines everything, if you can't even reach the level of a Titled Douluo, no matter how strong your fighting talent is, you will still be a second-rate strongman at best. Although he is also a pretty good seedling, he is not worthy of the martial spirit system. Cultivate with all your strength.

In comparison, Liu Tianxin can also meet the expected challenge. Although his innate soul power is not outstanding, with the support of Shrek's huge resources, it is basically not difficult to cultivate to the realm of title and Douluo. With the strength of his martial soul, With innate advantages, even if he cannot break through to Super Douluo in the future, it will not be difficult to reach this level of combat effectiveness. This is a good seed that must be fought for.

"You fart!" Qian Duoduo yelled angrily: "Didn't you hear the content of our reform at all? All the students of the new system were brought out by Liu Tianxin alone. If you let him go to the martial arts department, what else should we reform? "

Ever since, another quarrel took place, but the outcome was already determined, Liu Tianxin stayed in the soul guidance department, and Huo Yuhao joined the martial arts department.

The reason is also very simple. Tang San has determined that even if a soul master reaches the limit, he will not be able to possess the power equivalent to a god. Huo Yuhao continues to stay in the soul guidance department, and his final highest achievement is only the ninth or even tenth level. Soul masters are basically It's not even enough for a newly-become-a-god.

"That's it, there is a high probability that the two of us will be assigned to the martial arts department. Well... we will basically meet a roommate who is a girl dressed as a man, and there is a high chance that the other party will have martial soul fusion skills with us.

My suggestion is... when the other person is a tool, don't deliberately distance yourself, and don't deliberately get closer. Things like marriage don't necessarily require feelings, so even if we don't have anything to do with that guy's daughter, it won't be a big problem.

It's okay for us to just play around and show off. It's best if we can become gods. It doesn't matter if we can't. After all, our basic base is not here. " Cheng Ying explained.

Yake nodded. It is indeed much more convenient to have one more person. It is almost impossible to rely on one's own strength to fight against the gods and hidden enemies. The limited resources on Douluo Continent determine that this is impossible. of.

Therefore, they need more people and an industrial system. After all, the power of one person is limited, and their basic base is undoubtedly the largest group on this continent.

Ordinary people, for this continent where souls are paramount, have always been at the bottom, engaged in various industries serving soul masters. Their existence is even sadder than the electricity in the feudal period.

At least in the feudal era, food must be produced by them, and the landlords must ensure that they have enough living people to work. If these people are oppressed to death, then they will have to do the work themselves, so they can survive more or less. rights can still be somewhat protected.

But soul masters are different. Although the wealth of society is still obtained through production, food produced by agriculture is no longer a necessity. Food-based soul masters can feed all soul masters. Even if all ordinary people die, it is nothing more. Just having no one to serve them will not lead to famine or other vicious events.

Therefore, even in an era that is about to transition to capitalism, the right to life of ordinary people is still difficult to guarantee. Soul masters basically still kill people, and they only need to pay compensation, not their lives.

There are almost no laws on the mainland that can restrict soul masters. This can be seen from Shrek's work of maintaining law and order. They will wear masks and dress up as superheroes and go out to perform tasks to deal with evil souls who massacre civilians. Master, although this maintains the order of the mainland to a certain extent, it also proves that the official government of the mainland is incapable of controlling soul masters from doing evil. The lives of colleagues are like grass and have no protection at all in front of soul masters.

Therefore, if you want the lives of ordinary people to become valuable and fight for the basic rights of ordinary people to life, what you need to do is to make them useful. It sounds cruel, but in the real world it is no different.

Just like the status of women, if they want to improve their status and become adults, the first thing they have to do is to become useful. They can be stuffed into factories like male workers and then work more than ten hours a day. Only those whose lifespan is squeezed are A fraction of the original value, he finally left the factory with a disability and died in pain in the sewers and dark alleys.

Although this long process is extremely cruel and bloody, it is a necessary process in exchange for improving social status. If you cannot even prove your own value, it will eventually become an item used by others. Perhaps some items will be well preserved and exquisitely preserved by their owners.

But objects are objects, and you can smash them at any time if you don't like them.

The industrialization of soul guidance devices allows ordinary people to join factories and participate in the production and production process of soul guidance devices, and play an irreplaceable role.

In this process, many ordinary people may die due to overwork, but they will also fight for the opportunity to receive education and the basic right to life for their compatriots. When the rights to study and survive are protected, a group of people can be called Comrades from the upper working class gradually appeared.

And these people will bloom in the next era with power that no one expected. Yake understands this deeply. The era he lives in has been severely ravaged by hammers and steel guns.

[To be continued]

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