Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,500 Human Purge Plan

Douluo has always been a world where strength determines everything. It is precisely because of this that "Huo Yuhao" and Liu Tianxin have all received special treatment. Even if they do even the most extreme things in the academy, they will be forgiven.

Even if these two were in the mood to rob civilian girls in the academy, such as Jiang Nannan, the most beautiful girl in the outer academy, no one would stop them. The academy will even try its best to facilitate this matter.

Those who are more skillful will directly put pressure on beautiful women, while those who are more clever will always find ways to create a romantic environment for two people to get along. Let them come together unconsciously.

This kind of thing can be easily done even in reality, let alone Douluo Continent, which has extraordinary power. As long as you are rich and powerful enough, you can pretend to be an ordinary person and make any beautiful woman fall in love with you without knowing it.

But neither Cheng Ying, Liu Tianxin, nor Yake was obviously that boring. Although girls are cute, can they be as cute as math? Mathematics will never lie to you, can a girl do it? Obviously not!

Their state at this time, in short, is that they are addicted to learning and cannot extricate themselves. Climbing the technology tree is addictive, and teaching people knowledge is also addictive. At present, more than 300 students who have passed the review and passed the ideological consciousness are in Listened to Cheng Ying’s lecture.

Even Yak had to admit that when he picked up the chalk and stood in front of the blackboard, Cheng Ying was more approachable than others, and what he said was easier to listen to. It was simply unreasonable, and it once made him doubt that this was also someone. an absolute characteristic.

But the reason for the matter is actually very simple. Cheng Ying is nothing special. When he first traveled through time, he was equally clumsy in his lectures. Tang Chen and the others were often scolded by him because they couldn't understand what he meant. However, Over the years, he has really taught too many people and taught too much knowledge. Even the dullest people will be extremely skilled in teaching others after so many practices and experiences.

Although the memory has been sealed, this instinct is still there, and standing in front of the blackboard can give people a different kind of affinity.

Cheng Ying knew that although he was not slow in learning, he was not good at converting knowledge into weapons, so he put more energy into teaching and educating people.

Liu Tianxin is different. He has considerable talent for converting various powers into weapons and using them in battles, so he has been obsessed with explosions during this period. Art is explosion. The more powerful the explosion, the more artistic it is!

So, while transforming the dragon, he made more powerful explosives into missiles and loaded them on the dragon. From the perspective of soul power, the silver dragon did not become significantly stronger, but his current destructive power was It is already a natural disaster level. It is not an exaggeration to say that one's own efforts can make a citizen of the empire miserable.

In contrast, Yake is more serious about business. Cheng Ying and Liu Tianxin no longer need his teaching in exploring the unknown and practicing, so what he needs to focus on is how to win this chess game.

So far, he has not found his opponent, so all he can do is to constantly strengthen his basic base and put people first. This is the most important point in climbing the technology tree. No matter how fast the same person's thinking speed is, his inspiration is limited. , Creativity is not something that can only be achieved by thinking quickly.

Therefore, more people with sufficiently high knowledge levels have become a necessary condition for him to strengthen his basic base.

To achieve this, we cannot rely on the deterrence of force. People will succumb to force, but they will not awaken themselves because of force.

Only under oppression, those who truly realize the need to resist can truly awaken. However, the saddest thing about this continent is that even if the spirit of resistance is born and practiced, all that is gained in the end is It is self-destruction.

Mortals are too fragile in front of soul masters. They simply don't have enough time to develop weapons that mortals can use. It is almost impossible to defeat the soul master class with cold weapons, so no matter how mighty they are. Uprisings and resistance will be easily and ruthlessly suppressed.

If you want these awakened people to survive and occupy a vital place in society, all you have to do is give them the power to resist.

Ever since, Yake formulated a human eradication plan. To be precise, it should be the old human eradication plan. Similar things have actually happened in the history of Tulip. That is the emergence of infected people.

Yake, who was once an infected person, was deeply impressed by this history.

In a sense, the infected are actually an evolution. He allows everyone to master soul power. It is precisely because of this that the infected can no longer endure the oppression. Only then have the ability and qualifications to rise up and resist. Finally he gained his legitimate rights in the human world.

He hopes to replicate the same thing among humans in this world. Improve personal physical fitness through special means. Let everyone become a soul master, or have similar extraordinary powers.

People who are oppressed in this way have the capital to resist. A soul master who was once a human master. They will also pay the price for their arrogance and greed.

So the name "Human Clear Plan" is a bit weird, but the essence of the plan is to turn all humans into new humans. The original human beings were naturally eliminated.

The simplest and most feasible way to achieve this is through viruses or bacteria. The former is more feasible, but slightly more difficult to operate.

Viruses can inject their own genetic material into the host's cells. Even connected to the other party's DNA. Ask the other person to express something about themselves. And help yourself complete self-replication.

This feature. It is also often applied to genetically modified technology. Bringing together the best of different species.

It is the most common method of modifying genes. Yake has no intention of giving up on this generation. So do it. It affects individual genes without affecting reproduction. If you want to do this, viruses are naturally the best choice.

Reduce the toxicity of the virus. Increase infectivity. And let them carry the gene fragments they need. To implant these fragments into everyone's body, the gene replacement of all human beings will eventually be achieved.

This is what he has to do throughout the entire process. It's a good thing to do though. But this process looks like Plague Company. Fortunately, Yake himself has become an infected person. There is no psychological burden at all for doing such a thing. Even a little relieved.

[To be continued]

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