Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1501 Extraordinary Virus

The process of cultivating extraordinary viruses is indeed a bit like Plague Company in the game. Relying on a certain quantum-level resonance between soul powers, Yak successfully achieved the simultaneous evolution of different viruses.

In other words, people in two distant empires were infected with the same virus. As long as he wants, he can let the viruses in these two patients mutate at the same time. This is also the most abnormal ability of the virus in Plague Company.

A virus that is not originally fatal can suddenly mutate into a deadly one after infecting a patient. Therefore, the basic idea of ​​the game is to make the virus more contagious at the beginning, and then basically not increase its pathogenicity until it spreads to the world. , and once again increase the death rate, we can take away the people in a wave before countries around the world develop a sense of crisis.

Of course, what Yake wants to do is not so crazy, but it is still necessary to ensure that all humans on this continent are infected with his virus. Therefore, the contagiousness of this type of virus will appear to be very high in the early stage.

In order to maintain its own survival, the virus itself also consumes a lot of energy and destroys many cells. As a result, a strange flu appeared on the mainland.

Basically everyone recovers completely from fever within a day or two, and even the elderly rarely suffer life-threatening consequences from this type of influenza.

"It seems that the test results are pretty good. Among the 10,000 young people's samples, no one died or was disabled. They are considered qualified virus samples.

Even the elderly and frail, with a mortality rate of only 1 in 10,000, can begin to increase the transmissibility of this flu. "The operation interface in front of Yake is like a real Plague Company. As long as he selects a certain mutation, the virus in all patients will undergo the same mutation.

"Let's spread it through droplets first! But we have to add a symptom of sneezing to accelerate the spread of this infection. Well... if it's just sneezing, as long as it's not an allergy, it won't be a big problem." Yake thought to himself in his mind Talk to yourself.

"I think it is necessary for you to rely on biological transmission, such as flies, mosquitoes or mice, although the level of civilization in the soul master world seems to be very high. Soul guides similar to household appliances are about to appear.

However, the life of civilians on this continent is actually quite poor. The level of civilization is between the Middle Ages and the early industrial revolution. The level of sanitation is even more worrying. They don't even have special drainage channels to dump household garbage in them. In the homes of ordinary people. There are a lot of flies and rats. I have roughly observed their lives, and no one cares whether the remaining meals will be visited by flies.

In this regard, biological transmission is estimated to be more effective than droplet transmission. You have to take into account the mobility of the population. This is not like modern society. Many ordinary people may not travel far once in their lives. If spread by droplets, the virus may be limited to one city and unable to spread. Of course, if you don't mind the trouble, you can also go to each city in person to deliver the goods. "

Yak nodded when he heard this: "It makes sense. The transportation here is really inconvenient. Soul guides have become so advanced, but they haven't even invented soul guide cars yet. Just because soul masters can fly and run faster." If the car is faster, the car will not be invented. It is really difficult for me to understand their brain circuit.”

Cheng Ying shrugged: "I also want to know what they think. There are no all-terrain soul guides with eight legs that can run around like a spider. However, so far, none of them can be popularized by the public. The soul guide vehicle.

It can only be said that ordinary people are not even as good as a soul master. No one cares about whether it is convenient for them to travel or live a convenient life. The only meaning of their existence is to make the soul masters feel comfortable. "

Cheng Ying remembered that in the original work, the Sun and Moon Empire's all-terrain soul guide had already been finished. It feels outrageous that soul guidance vehicles for home use have only just begun to appear. You must know that the real world has not yet produced a manned armored vehicle with eight legs that can easily pass through all terrains. This is despite military technology being many years ahead of civilian technology.

"Considering the problem of population circulation, I have to allow these viruses to survive in plants, preferably food that migratory birds like to eat. Well... it doesn't have to be plants, it can be insects, then these viruses must be taken into consideration, Can it survive in the esophagus of birds for a long time, and then spread to all parts of the world through bird feces?" Yake changed his mind and redistributed the direction of the virus's mutation.

Obviously, such a mutation is absolutely effective in a world where hygiene is not respected, where people don’t even know how to boil water before drinking, and rarely wash their hands before eating.

The virus spread faster than the two people imagined, and people here didn't even have the slightest sense of precaution. Especially after realizing that this plague will only make people uncomfortable for two days, and even if they are more determined, they can continue to work, no one will care. Anyway, if you have it once, you will not be infected again. Everyone even regards this This disease is treated as a disease that must be replaced once, just like chicken pox and scabies in the past.

At Shrek Academy, Cheng Ying and Liu Tianxin looked at the sampling statistics that had been sent back before, and their expressions were filled with surprise and pain: "There is still a long way to go to revitalize human civilization in this world."

Liu Tianxin nodded: "I originally thought that I had the greatest malice towards the harsh living environment of the lower class of society, but in just a few days, more than 90% of the people were infected. It is still a bit outrageous, considering the infection speed. . There are probably a lot of shantytowns in many areas on the mainland! Why haven’t I seen them in Shrek City?”

Cheng Ying rolled his eyes: "Of course you haven't seen it. As a city that represents miracles on this continent, how could Shrek allow shantytowns to appear? The civilians here. If you can't prove that your heritage exceeds five One hundred gold soul coins are not even allowed to enter the city.

Do you know what the slogan of this city is? I just recently noticed the slogan they put on the wall, Make a Noble City. This is the first time I have seen such a shameless operation. All the poor people were driven out of the city, so the remaining people were the nobles. So smart! "

There was a hint of sharpness in Yake's eyes: "This situation will not last long. They will bring back the poor people who were driven out by their own hands one by one.

They need factories, more labor, and more people gathered in the city. What they don't know is that their actions are weaving a noose for themselves! "

[To be continued]

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