Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1502: Counterattack from the Evil Soul Master

In the following semester, Liu Tianxin and Cheng Ying continued to indulge in studying, but many times, when people were sitting at home, pots came from the sky.

It doesn't mean that you can be safe just by practicing at home. There are always some people who can't stand it. You are living a better life than them, and there are always some people who are concerned about the good things in your hands.

For example, Zhong Liwu was scared and ran away not long ago. As the saying goes, he could endure it for a while. The more he thought about it, the more he became angry and took a step back. The more he thought about it, the more he suffered. His biggest trump card was robbed, and his position as leader of the Holy Spirit Sect was almost lost. Sit tight, if he didn't have a limit, Douluo's mother would have been replaced by someone long ago.

The problem is that his mother is also unreliable. She inherited Bibi Dong's personality, has powerful twin martial arts spirits, and has even been raped.

And he was the cub that was born. It was a fluke that his mother didn't strangle him to death with her own hands. If he always relied on this mother, he couldn't stabilize his position.

Comparing Zhong Liwu and Qian Renxue, who are both children born of rape, the tragedy is that he is not a beauty. But an older leftover man. Therefore, Qian Renxue can retain the strength of the Soul Saint in the ending and retire in peace.

You can even go to Poseidon from time to time and ask for some milky white liquid to nourish your body. As for the ending, it is not written in the book, but everyone knows it. What man doesn’t want a beautiful lover?

In contrast, Zhong Liwu could only be beaten to ashes. Without a kind protagonist who could give him some milky white liquid, he could only rely on himself.

Relying on the little prestige he had left, this time, he planned to gather a group of people to come here to snatch back his Bone Dragon. It was a puppet that had the potential to evolve to the ultimate Douluo strength. If he didn't snatch it back, it would really be impossible. What a loss.

Fortunately, Zhongli Wuhun was strong enough, even though his biggest trump card was taken away. But relying on his own power, he led a group of younger brothers to a sneak attack in the Star Dou Forest, killed a 100,000-year-old soul beast, and refined the opponent into his own brand new puppet, barely regaining some strength. Together with other ten-thousand-year soul beasts whose strength is lower, he can finally exert the strength that a level 97 titled Douluo should have.

He had already heard about his dragon being driven to Shrek Academy. Of course, he had not heard about Mr. Xuan being defeated by the giant dragon. He only knew that the dragon was always parked at the gate of Shrek City. Recently it has become a tourist attraction.

He felt that this was a good opportunity for him to snatch back his pet, Shrek Academy's Ultimate Douluo. He still knew very well that although the old guy Munn was powerful, he only had the last chance to attack with all his strength. He would definitely not He would waste this opportunity on a bastard like him, but although Mr.

What's more, there is no need for Shrek Academy to fight with him over a summoned pet that does not belong to him. If there is really a quarrel with the Holy Spirit Cult, then Mun En will be in trouble in the future, and only Xuan Lao, who does not even have an Ultimate Douluo, can cover Shrek Academy.

Therefore, Zhong Liwu optimistically believed that as long as he could subdue this pet again, he could take it back under his control. In the future, as long as he did not provoke the evil soul master with strange necromancy spells, he would still be one of the top powerhouses. One, recently, he even found an opportunity to break through level 98. With the help of this bone dragon, his combat power could be comparable to that of the weaker Extreme Douluo, which might be possible.

But when he arrived near Shrek City, he showed a confused look. There was indeed a giant dragon lying at the gate of Shrek City, but it was completely different from the white and dense skeleton he imagined.

It was a giant mecha dragon with full muscles and covered with silver matte luster armor. It lay lazily and occasionally sprayed flames from its nostrils. The brave ones even grilled him right next to his nostrils. It seems that there is no fear of this huge beast. After all, the other party is too lazy to even turn over one day. This is a common problem of giant dragons, but under normal circumstances, the arrogance of giant dragons will not allow humans to do this. Weak creatures come close to you. But Silver Dragon, who had died once, obviously did not have this strange arrogance.

Zhong Liwu was heartbroken when he saw this scene. He always had the illusion that his own tyrannosaurus had been raised to death. It was obviously so ferocious when it was still a skeleton. When it saw the enemy, it would attack like crazy. , why does it look like a deep-sea salted fish spirit now? Someone grilled him with the flames coming out of his nose and didn't even open his eyes?

"Asshole! You turned my pet into this! I want you to pay the price, brothers! Go ahead! Get that dragon back!" He took the lead as he spoke. Jumped onto his new pet. It was a giant black turtle that was 100,000 years old. He has a little bit of dragon blood, and looks a bit like Bi Xi, one of the nine sons of Longsheng. If he didn't have a trace of true dragon blood, he wouldn't be interested in him.

Behind Zhong Liwu, there are six Titled Douluo, and two of them are even Super Douluo. This lineup is only one Ultimate Douluo short of challenging Shrek, and the remaining strength is not even that much different. .

The terrifying murderous aura they released, as well as the strong aura of death on the evil soul master's body, finally woke up the sleeping dragon. As soon as the silver dragon opened his eyes, he saw a figure that was disgusting to both gods and ghosts.

That was the guy who had tormented him for decades, and he would be so irritable and ferocious in the beginning. It was entirely due to a nervous breakdown in excruciating pain. Who would want to fight if he couldn't sleep?

"Roar!" After finally getting free, he could eat and sleep as he wanted, but he encountered this guy again and wanted to take him back. Yinlong suddenly became angry.

Before Shrek's guards came out, he had already spread his wings and started flying.

Facing Zhong Liwu, he opened his big mouth while roaring. Zhong Liwu was not afraid at all. Although the soul beast under his feet had average attack power, its defensive ability was top-notch. He was afraid of his silver dragon. If you know the palm of your hand, although the opponent has huge soul power and multiple attributes, he is powerful but not refined. Attacks with any attribute appear to be mixed and impure. It is good for clearing out the soldiers, but it is good for breaking through solid defenses. It's too late.

Just as he was thinking this, red light spots began to gather in the mouth of the silver dragon. Destructive energy was brewing. The terrifying energy of fusion was released in the next moment, and the strange dark red atomic breath, Falling from the sky!

[To be continued]

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