Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,503 It’s the other way around! The dragon king has eaten his master!

Before Cheng Ying and the others realized what was happening, the battle had already begun. A strange dark red light turned into a shock and fell from the sky.

It is indeed the shortcoming of this silver dragon to be versatile but not refined. Even after transformation, there is still a huge gap in his various attributes, distance, and ultimate attributes. In this case, relying on increasing the intensity of one's attributes to become stronger is not a suitable path.

Cheng Ying taught him another method based on his usual thinking. That means you just need to be strong and leave the rest to miracles.

Even if the attributes are mixed and impure, if the output is high enough, it can still deal incredible damage. Anyway, there is a complete nuclear reactor to provide energy. The most important thing for Silver Dragon is its energy source.

As a result, Zhong Liwu saw what it means to work miracles with great strength. Faced with this terrifying attack, the big turtle under his feet released all its defenses, and even the turtle shell detached from the body and flew away. He got out, but faced with the impact falling from the sky, it was of no avail.

The terrifying energy impact caused the purest destruction. The turtle shell shattered. Zhong Liwu realized that something was wrong and had already fled. Thousands of meters away, he watched helplessly as his new pet was blown to pieces. Who knows if these fragments can be summoned again after being put together? Whether the intact fragments can be preserved under the impact of high temperature and pressure just now are two different things.

"Damn it! What happened? Why wasn't he so strong when he was in my hands?" Zhong Liwu was extremely angry, but after all, his opponent's strength was still within his understanding. He waved his hand: "With this kind of connection, They are nothing, there is no need to talk about moral principles, let’s go together.”

The evil soul masters were not a group of reasonable guys. Seeing that one person could not do it alone, they rushed forward together. The power of a group of Titled Douluo and Super Douluo attacking at the same time is quite terrifying. Even though the target was covered with extremely strong armor, the silver dragon still chose to rise into the sky to avoid the attack.

The evil soul master's attacks are extremely weird, and they may contain some kind of curse that cannot be defended by armor. If he underestimates the enemy and is careless, he may capsize in the gutter no matter how high his attributes are.

At this time, Shrek's defenders had also reacted, and strong soul saints began to fly into the air, preparing to support. Although this giant dragon cannot be completely regarded as their ally, the evil soul master is undoubtedly their enemy.

Among the people who rushed to the scene immediately, there was a Titled Douluo. This was the city lord of Shrek City. Among the city lords of many cities, he also belonged to the most unpopular category. After all, there is Shrek Academy above, and a department chair there may be stronger than him. He just has a name for himself as the city lord. Take care of trivial matters in the city.

But in terms of strength, he is actually not weak at all, possessing a martial spirit similar to a clock. Everyone thought he was an extremely rare time-based titled Douluo, but in fact, what he was really good at was space-based attacks.

Facing the evil soul masters who were attracted by the silver dragon and attracted most of the first-year students, his strategy was to take advantage of the situation and see if he could kill one of them.

Obviously, the style of the Shrek people is not much better than that of the evil soul masters. In terms of chivalry and other things, in this era where strength is respected, there are probably only the strongest ones. Only then are you qualified to show it.

A huge clock appeared behind the evil soul master, followed immediately by an attack called space turbulence. Cheng Ying has always refused to admit that this attack is a space attack. He can rely on the strength of his body to withstand the attack. Why is it? Space attack? If space is truly cut off, even the hardest material in the world will be cut off.

Strictly speaking, the so-called space attack is just a tear caused by a violent gravitational change, but no matter what, the power of this attack is indeed powerful, and the evil soul master screamed. The back was a bloody mess. However, he seemed to be carrying some life-saving soul tools. Automatically triggered after being attacked. Saved his life.

The Holy Spirit Sect, where the evil soul masters belong, has its largest base in the Sun and Moon Empire, and even colludes with the royal family of the Sun and Moon Empire. Therefore, the soul guides they use are more advanced than those of Shrek Academy.

The city lord's action briefly attracted the attention of the evil soul masters. And it was this short gap that allowed him to fly into the air. Silver Dragon has time to release its ultimate move.

Although the previous atomic breath was powerful, it was quick to deal with these. Petite enemies are not suitable. It's straight forward and easy to avoid. A huge creature like him wants to deal with these little ones. The most suitable one is range attack.

Among range attacks, what could be more appropriate than explosion? Art is explosion, and there is nothing more artistic than explosion.

As a result, art all over the sky was launched from his body. As a semi-mechanical creature, he naturally had many missiles placed on his body. And since the radiation problem was solved, there is not even a bullet in his body. There is a weak fusion reaction inside. It's a bit like the miniature hydrogen bomb that appeared later in Three-Body Problem.

As for larger missiles, the power of the explosion is even more outrageous. In an instant, hundreds of large and small missiles were launched. After being launched, the Silver Dragon's body activated its shield, hugged its knees with its front paws, curled up its tail, and rolled itself into a ball, as much as possible. Reduce your exposure to explosion impact.

Others haven't realized the significance of him holding his head and squatting in defense. The warhead inside the missile has already detonated. A heartbreaking explosion occurred not far from Shrek City. The intense light makes people think there is another sun on the horizon. The violent roar shook the earth, and countless people thought it was an earthquake. The destructive scene is like the end of the world. Explain to people what the charm of art is.

Even after he killed Zhong Liwu, he didn't expect that the summoned beast he once had would be so ridiculously snatched away now. The power of this attack has surpassed the level of Extreme Douluo.

There's no tricks, nothing fancy at all. It is simply to release the power. Transformed into the purest destruction, light energy, internal energy, and kinetic energy spread crazily outward from the center of the explosion. The strong wind made it impossible for the soldiers stationed on the city wall to stand firmly.

Wait until the light of the explosion gradually goes out. The only thing still suspended in the air was the silver dragon whose shield had been broken and whose body was slightly charred. Apparently he did not use the weapons according to the instruction manual. Otherwise, his shield would not explode due to overload. Fortunately, his own defense is strong enough. After the shield exploded, the remaining residual energy didn't hurt him.

[To be continued]

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