Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1510 Information Exchange

The cold needle pierced the skin and watched the blood flow out of her body. Hyokui cried louder. She felt that what was flowing out was not her own blood, but her own life. It seemed that before long, she would turn into a cold corpse like the specimens on the wall.

Although she wasn't afraid of the cold at all, she didn't want to be like that at all.

"Well... I'm already very familiar with your data, but just in case, I'd better test it again! Speaking of which, over the past 10,000 years, your strength has actually declined instead of rising. No wonder the soul beasts are so afraid. "It seems that after reaching a certain level, the accumulation of time will not make the soul beast stronger, but will weaken it." Cheng Ying entered the data into the computer and seemed to be operating something.

"Shut up! How could I be weaker than I was 10,000 years ago? Impossible!" Ice Emperor retorted angrily, even temporarily forgetting his fear.

"Okay, okay, okay, what you said is right. It hasn't weakened at all. Come on! Put this on. Open your hand and wear it on your finger!" Cheng Ying took off a ring from the machine and gave it to Ice Emperor .

The Ice Emperor clenched his fist tightly and refused to let go. I'm afraid that the ring is something terrible.

"Hurry up and open your hands! If you don't open them often, I'll turn you into a specimen." Cheng Ying saw that the Ice Emperor still refused to stretch out his fingers, so he scratched her waist with a smirk.

"Hmm... As expected, I'm still so ticklish."

Ice Emperor couldn't help but let go of his hand, and taking this opportunity, Cheng Ying put the ring on her hand.

Suddenly, a strong feeling of weakness pervaded the whole body. The soul power that could have been mobilized a little was now completely unfeelable. Her body, which was full of strength, was now empty. Even if she replaced the rope on her body with the most ordinary hemp rope, she would not be able to break free at all.

Cheng Ying untied the rope from Bing Di's ankles, hugged her in his arms, and patiently untied the rope around her body. Liu Tianxin's mouth twitched as he watched. When he tied her up, the rope would move by itself, but when she untied it, she actually had to use Manual solution, where are the fools?

"What did you do to me? Why do I have no strength at all now?" Ice Emperor struggled.

"It simply seals your soul power and restricts the transmission of your nerves. In this case, you can at most exert the power of an ordinary human girl. If you don't restrict it, let you go, who knows what trouble you will make ”

"Damn it! Do you think you can seal me just like this?" As soon as he was untied, Ice Emperor jumped up and kicked Cheng Ying's knee.

"It hurts! Why does it hurt so much?" Ice Emperor covered his toes: "Didn't you just reduce my strength? Why do you increase the pain? You pervert!"

Cheng Ying shrugged: "The human body's senses are in a state of mutual balance. Your strength is weakened, but if the pain sensation remains unchanged, it will make it difficult for your body to judge danger. Losing the sense of pain is not a good thing. It is very likely that Your body has suffered severe trauma, but you don’t know it because you don’t feel pain.”

Cheng Ying's explanation was high-sounding, but in fact the purpose was to turn the Ice Emperor into a pitiful, weak, helpless, and coquettish little loli, to avenge his capture back then.

"You can't trap me, as long as I'm still the master of the ice...I...where's my ice?" The Ice Emperor was stunned, and ran out and pushed the door open. The cold wind poured in from outside the car, and he felt like he had never felt anything in his life before. A feeling I have never experienced before. He immediately asked her to wrap it up, causing her to subconsciously close the car door.

"Why...why...what happened? My body...has become so weird? What on earth have you done to me? You pervert!" Ice Emperor went crazy and gave Cheng Ying a slap in the face. Random punches, no pain or itching...

"Although I did do something outrageous, your lines were also terrible. What do you mean your body has become so strange? All you feel is cold!" Cheng Ying twitched the corner of his mouth. Why didn't he notice it back then? Ice Emperor is so good at making dirty jokes.

"Although this is the first time in your life that you feel cold, please use a slightly more normal adjective to describe this feeling!"

ice King:"……"

"Ah... that... I... am not... ah ah ah ah ah, bastard, pervert!" Women can be completely unreasonable, even if it is just a cold feeling, not a strange feeling, what happened just now This situation is too embarrassing.

"If you get teased again, I'll make a specimen for you. Eat, eat! Talk about anything while eating." After Cheng Ying traveled through time, you implemented the tradition of the year. Important things should be drunk first before talking about it. This kind of Eccentricity has even been introduced into the tulips.

There were two time-travelers present, one was the Tulip Man, and they were very accustomed to talking about business at the dinner table. Only Hyokui looked very embarrassed, holding two chopsticks, not knowing how to use them, and almost dropped them on the table as if performing acrobatics. under.

"Hurry up and learn! Otherwise, you won't be able to eat in the future, and others will take away the delicious food. I won't help you pick up the vegetables all the time!" Cheng Ying picked up a piece of mutton-boiled meat and put it in Bingdi's bowl, and looked at it He held his chopsticks and competed with the meat in the bowl.

It is really cruel to eat hot pot with chopsticks for the first time. If there is no one to help add food, you will probably leave the table empty and hungry.

"Ah... no more fun, let's get down to business first. My memory has recovered. If I say this, you may be confused. Yake will probably understand better. Speaking of which, when I was still there, I have paid special attention to you. Your absolute characteristics are indeed very interesting, but I have basically not helped you achieve what you have today." Cheng Ying smiled at Ya Ke.

"You mean... you are the first generation. Not the projection body corresponding to this world, or the projection of this world is like this. In terms of setting, you have the memory of Tulip?" Yake was a little confused. , no known situation can interfere with the unfolding of the internal world. He couldn't understand the current plot.

"The thing is actually very simple. What I came here is just that my consciousness is not my own. I know that this is a chess game world. Under normal circumstances, everything that happens here must follow the rules of the containment. That is, nothing in the outside world can Interference, but that has a premise, that is, the absoluteness of the contained object is high enough. After all, in the final analysis, it is all a setting.

You are already considered a senior member of Tulip, so you should be able to understand that there are other worlds outside our world. Although there is no difference between the two worlds in terms of complexity, they control all the items with permissions set in our world. It exists in that world, just like the directory of our world has been copied to another folder, and the ascended person has come to another world.

In my case, after ascending, I got that item, which is the innate spiritual treasure we often mention. It was also because of this innate spiritual treasure that my consciousness transcended the obstacles of the containment object and came here. Well... the person next to me was the same, but his memory still lacked some stimulation and could not be restored for the time being. "

[To be continued]

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