Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1511: Isn’t it delicious to cheat?

"The situation is probably like this, the thing is probably like this. Although it is a bit unbelievable, this guy and I who still don't understand the situation are indeed consciousnesses projected from the world after ascension.

If it were not a simple projection, this guy should be able to use it and definitely hit it, but now, he obviously does not have the ability in this area. "Cheng Ying pointed at Liu Tianxin, making the other party confused.

"What the hell? What's going on? What's going on?" He was the Northeast Third Company on the spot.

"Could it be that I was still a big boss before time travel? Because I lost my memory because of time travel, I became the newbie I am now?"

"Ah... If you have to say that, it's not impossible. You didn't tell me everything. I know that you had a female companion before, and you can use the martial soul fusion skill, Legend of Time and Space, with her.

Although there is no theoretical precedent for breaking through the worldview in the chess world, it does not mean that it cannot be done. It just works, can you try it? Restore your memory through your partner.

If we could travel to other worlds, our advantage would be great.

The reason is very simple. The identity in the chess game world is already set when the chess game is drawn up. At that time, the two of us were not in this chess game. Within the scope of calculation, that is to say, the soul skill of traveling through time and space does not exist in this world. The world view has the most, including the Divine Seal Throne, the Ice and Fire Demonic Kitchen, etc. Our opponent's single status can only be found in these worlds with relatively low combat effectiveness.

But your appearance means that the different worlds we travel to can be worlds with extremely outrageous combat capabilities, such as Naruto, Dragon Ball, or Marvel, Trisolaris, and climbing the technology tree is indeed an orthodox path. But just like we need to come here to catch the Ice Emperor to obtain more parameter samples, powerful extraordinary items from different worlds can quickly make us stronger and have a greater chance of winning. "

When Hyokui heard his title, he raised his face covered with sesame sauce, and blinked in confusion. Finally gave up, understood the topic that I didn't understand at all, and continued to compete with the meat in the bowl. Anyway, I can't run away anymore, so I can't feel wronged because I have to be a dead ghost even if I want to die.

Liu Tianxin pointed at herself with a confused look on her face: "What do you mean? Did I bring a beautiful wife with me after time travel? And then my cheating wife is my wife? Is it so exciting?"

Although I have learned a lot of scientific and cultural knowledge, as a time-traveler who has just traveled through time, at least he has just had the memory of time-traveling. Liu Tianxin's reaction still seemed a bit rustic. Chengying recalled his experience during the period when he lost his memory, and felt that Zhongerdao couldn't bear to look back.

So I held back and didn't laugh: "You can understand it this way. Anyway, you will understand everything after you recover your memory. In addition, I think I should be able to do something. Make it easier for us. Get the win.

I have explained before that the reason why the two of us are able to break through the rules of contained objects is here because in the outside world, the back of my head carries the carrier of some information that controls our multiverse, which is the so-called innate spiritual treasure.

If he really accepts his mastership, in theory, I can edit everything in our universe at will like the upper-level narrator, and even create illogical settings.

But obviously this process of recognizing the owner was stuck by something. The biggest possibility is the invader, our current enemy.

But the authority to control the entire universe, this kind of thing. You need to eliminate the opponent first before trying. There is no point in mentioning this now.

But I think it has been proven that I can come here even if I haven’t completed the recognition of my master. I have access to some. The most central authority in our universe. I will try it later, maybe I can use this authority to further cheat us. Make certain tampering with the settings of the contained objects. "

"Although what you said makes sense, I have no signs of recovering my memory at all. And who is the wife I sent after traveling through time? Is she also in this world? It must not be Wang Dong'er or something like that. , I can't stand such a capable woman." Liu Tianxin was in a complicated mood, fearing that he would randomly find a very bad heroine.

"Well... although it's not him, it's not much different in essence. If I have to say it, it's Wang Qiu'er. You didn't explain much to me. But in my memory, your wife is indeed the Golden Dragon Girl. She even showed filial piety. He kept his mouth open and absorbed the Golden Dragon King's soul ring.

In short, no matter what, you are right to look for the auspicious beast. You didn't recognize it before, maybe because he was still in the form of a soul beast. Maybe you will recognize him after he turns into a human form. He exchanged some memories with us before, and he should be very interested in turning into human form.

In short, now that there is a way to become stronger faster than simply climbing the technology tree, we have to hurry up. Although the world view of the chess game world has probably been expanded because of your appearance. But the expanded world may not be something only you can go to.

We developed it late, and it would be terrible if someone else got there first. "Cheng Ying has almost become the person who knows the most information now. So he is the one who arranges the plan.

Yake nodded. He also agreed to explore the other world as soon as possible. It is best to explore alone, while the remaining people maintain some kind of contact with the other party and provide logistical support. This is somewhat difficult, but not necessarily impossible.

After all, Cheng Ying also said that he also has certain authority. It should be possible to open a few tricks for them.

The Ice Emperor was confused the whole time. Finally chose dry rice. Liu Tianxin sometimes seems to understand, but he is quite satisfied that the heroine is Wang Qiuer. What kind of expression should he show when he is considering Wife Ling?

The advantage of a small enough team is that it is strong enough to take action. After making a decision, it can take action as soon as possible. The car was originally going in the direction of Shrek Academy, but it changed its direction slightly. We went straight to the Star Dou Forest.

Star Dou Forest is right next to Shrek Academy. If you want to rush there, you basically don’t need to take any detours. And the Emperor's auspicious beast is not such a hard-to-find soul beast. When I caught the opponent before, I collected some hair and blood. You can now analyze the source of the smell, or scan and find it based on the remaining soul power inside.

Relying on the hair and other things left behind by the auspicious beasts for tracking, when Cheng Ying revealed this plan, Liu Tianxin could clearly feel that he was a little conflicted in his heart. The reason is that I don't want to look like a pervert. Use such perverted methods to find Wang Qiuer.

[To be continued]

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