Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1512: The memory is restored again

The process of searching for the auspicious beasts for Cheng Ying and his team was not too difficult. Although the search relies on smell, it is not just the nose that can sense smell molecules, professional instruments can also do the same.

When they found the auspicious beast, it had turned into a girl with big blue waves and was... looking for food...

Despite the mistake, the appearance of the Emperor's auspicious beast did not change after its transformation, but her behavior when she was first discovered was completely beyond expectations.

As we all know, after wild animals forage, they usually drag their prey to a safe place or eat it directly. Basically there is no cooking. So the scene will become extremely bloody.

And if you place this picture on a cute girl, you will see her lying on a huge prey, opening her mouth to eat, blood and flesh flying. For those who don’t know, you would think she is watching Tokyo Ghoul.

Wang Qiuer noticed the arrival of the three people. When she turned around, the scene could scare a timid person into cardiopulmonary arrest. During the day, her little face was stained with flesh foam and bone residue. Blood covered a large area around his lips, and the clothes on his body were also stained with mottled blood. There is still a piece of freshly torn flesh stuck in the little tiger tooth.

This scene once again proves to people the importance of cooking. The God of Emotions far away in the God Realm gave a thumbs up.

Liu Tianxin was stunned when he saw this. Although the process was quite tortuous, it was as if he had been struck by a bolt of lightning and all the memories sealed by the prehistoric world had been restored. Looking at the yandere makeup of the girl in front of me, I helplessly took out a tissue. Help her wipe it. Then as expected, he was bitten on the arm.

Fortunately, the emperor's auspicious beast that had just transformed into a human was still relatively weak. One bite did not break the skin, but Wang Qiu'er felt a slight toothache.

"Hmm... I didn't expect that in this world, our soul powers can also blend with each other. It seems that it can indeed be done. I tried the martial soul fusion skill, but he didn't seem to cooperate." Liu Tianxin pointed at the bite on his own Wang Qiu'er didn't let go of his arm. To be honest, he didn't expect that Wang Qiu'er in this world would be like this.

Probably what he saw was Wang Qiuer, who had quietly learned how to live in the human world. The current one probably just transformed.

"Hmm... Although my suggestion is to capture him by force and train him slowly. But there seems to be a spirit beast approaching, and the person who comes is not good!" Liu Tianxin narrowed his eyes.

Cheng Ying rolled his eyes: "You are the one here!"

"Anyway, get ready to fight!" Yak opened the hatch and took the two of them into the vehicle. At the same time, the giant dragon has been hovering high in the sky. Also fell from the sky.

At the same time, a three-headed dog with flaming red hair rushed out. The surrounding jungle was forcibly pushed down by him. It's like a heavy-duty bulldozer. Rushing in front of the vehicle, the huge size was actually larger than a vehicle comparable to a van.

The visitor is none other than the Red King, one of the gatekeepers of the top ten soul beasts. He is one of the few among the top ten soul beasts and is a rookie with less than the combat power of a Ultimate Douluo. He is responsible for protecting the safety of the auspicious beasts. Although he said this, this super Soul beasts are no longer weak on the entire continent.

Cheng Ying comforted the furious Ice Emperor. Among the top ten soul beasts, the Ice Emperor ranked relatively low. When he saw the guy in front of him who was holding back the top ten soul beasts, he wanted to rush out and give him a slap. Add a buff to the opponent.

But it was no use, she took action because the vehicle she encountered had been taken off the market and turned into a human form like a Transformer. The strange combination of metals made the red-coated three-headed dog extremely nervous, although the opponent had no soul power fluctuations. , but the giant beast swooping down from the sky brought huge pressure to him.

Relying on sleep and practice, the soul power of this silver dragon has gradually returned to level 97, not to mention physical attributes and even the disposable weapons external to the body. He couldn't handle the soul beast in front of him just by relying on his own soul power.

The Red King could only pray that he could delay enough time until the coming of Emperor Tian.

However, Yak obviously did not intend to give him this time. Among the three people present, he was the most skilled in mecha driving skills, and relying on his own absolute characteristics, he was able to bring out the theoretical maximum strength of the mecha.

This transforming mecha is a custom-made model, and its combat effectiveness is quite strong. Even if it is controlled by a layman, it can fight a titled Douluo back and forth, let alone the driver is Yak.

I saw that he started with a sliding shovel, but he did not feed his opponent well. Instead, he waved the big sword in his hand and stabbed the red king's chin hard.

As a 100,000-year-old soul beast, the Red King still has a lot of fighting experience. Although he was not sure how sharp the strange sword that released light was, he still chose to jump to avoid it immediately.

However, although he has rich combat experience, he misestimated the performance of the mecha. It is impossible for ordinary people to turn upward when sliding and shoveling, because no muscle can provide such power, but the mecha A is different. Propulsors can be installed at any location on the mecha.


The thrusters were ignited, and the mechas that were supposed to pass under the Red King suddenly ejected, and the sharp sword in their hands went straight to the Red King's abdomen.

But this is not fatal. As a super soul beast that is more than 200,000 years old, he can naturally fly. He will have no place to rely on in the air and has various ways to avoid the mecha's attack.

However, his dodge movements seemed to be in the opponent's calculations. The moment he made the dodge move, it was perfectly predicted. Then, a sword hit his waist.

The giant dragon in the sky fell from the sky almost at the same time, and its sharp claws grabbed the Red King's back.

The severe pain caused all three heads of the three-headed dog to eject hot red magma. The magma splashed on the armor on the surface of the dragon's body, but it had no effect at all. The high temperature that could melt steel could not It has no effect whatsoever on this strange alloy armor.

Seeing that the Red King was being attacked from two sides and was about to die on the spot, a small accident occurred inside the mecha.

A strange space, a whirlpool appeared, Liu Tianxin and Wang Qiuer fell directly into it and disappeared.

When Cheng Ying saw this scene, he didn't bother to attack the Red King, and immediately reached out to grab the whirlpool. The scene in front of him was the same as when Liu Tianxin directly used the martial soul fusion skill. For some reason, the two people actually used the martial soul. Fusion skills, but now is obviously not the time.

They don't carry very powerful equipment at all, and the other world is very likely to be extremely dangerous. It would be terrible if they can't come back. After all, if Xiu Wen Yue Ruo has a martial spirit, the longer the cooldown time of the fusion skill will be.

With a strong will to take charge, Cheng Ying unexpectedly grabbed the last remaining space. In theory, this thing cannot be touched. It was like a shadow, but after touching his hand, it turned into a dark blue vortex with the same tattoo.

[To be continued]

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