Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1519 Eyes of Creatures

After regaining his strength, Electrolux is increasingly able to exert the power he had before he was born. What is missing now is a strong body. But even without such specificity, he is capable of releasing the purifying fire with his bare hands.

This is Huo Yuhao's ultimate move that can only be used when he is at level 70. In Electrolux's hands, he can easily pull it off, and the white flames fall gently on the evil blade.

It was like boiling oil splashed on the snow, or water droplets falling on the red-hot blade. White mist steamed up from the thorns, and the evil power left by the evil soul master had no ability to resist the power of purification. It was burned to the ground.

Originally the main colors were black and red, and it looked like an extremely evil blade. After being purified, it turned green. It looks even more evil...

Of course, Douluo people probably don't have this idea. After all, they have never seen green evil energy. The ability to green anyone they want is really terrifying.

In the eyes of most people, the dagger that was just ferocious and evil now looks full of life and looks like a treasure at first sight.

"Let's talk about it first. This thing already belongs to us. You can't ask me to settle the score just because you see its true value!" Cheng Ying picked up the life carving knife and looked at everyone's stunned eyes. , and there was one directed at Yak's forehead.

The blade penetrated directly through the skull and penetrated into the brain. Even Ma Huayun didn't react. What's going on? My two teachers had turned against each other. Or is the spoils divided unevenly? Although this knife looks very precious, it's not like that, right?

However, both Yake and Cheng Ying were very calm, including Electrolux, who didn't feel nervous at all. In the original work, Huo Yuhao opened the eyes of living beings in this way, and obtained the destiny power of the emperor's auspicious beast through this eye. Opened the eye of destiny.

Yake had been in contact with the auspicious beast and gained part of the power of destiny. After getting this knife, when you open the Eye of Creature, the Eye of Destiny will also open. The blade was pulled out without a drop of blood.

But the wound didn't heal either. Instead, he opened one eye vertically on his forehead. The pupil of the eye was originally green. But with the injection of two forces, one black and one white, the originally green pupils quickly turned into gold.

Yake also felt that he seemed to have gained some kind of wonderful ability, and could control the fate of all things to a certain extent. This move is used to kill enemies, but the effect is not very good. Because cutting off the enemy's destiny and letting the enemy die is very costly.

In contrast, buying lottery tickets is very easy to use, because compared to life, the price of wealth is on the scale of fate. Much lower.

"It feels like this is similar to luck. Next time when you turn on the particle collider, you can try the power of destiny. Does it work?" Yake's idea coincides with Cheng Ying's. Obviously, these two are not obtained by A kind of power, just think about how to use this power to fight.

Compared to their calmness. Everyone else present was dumbfounded. Why did an extra eye appear after being stabbed in the head? What kind of medical miracle is this? They are curious, what will their field of vision look like with an extra eye? Too bad they apparently didn't get the chance to grow a third eye themselves.

"Ah... Speaking of the third eye, I remembered, when did we make the Evil Eye Tyrant Master? I remember that the external soul bone he exploded was the eye." Cheng Ying suddenly thought of something. The key issue.

"Although I also want to obtain his soul bones and even living biological samples, it is a pity. If we can't defeat him now, we will only be abused." Yak said and turned around to leave, patting the horse before leaving. Hua Yun's shoulder: "If you come out to fool around, you will have to pay it back sooner or later! Just take care of yourself! This is a mathematical tool you may use next. I have it all stored in this soul guide."

After saying that, the three of them left. Ma Huayun held the hard drive-like soul guide in his hands, feeling complicated. Compared to him, the staff at the auction house felt even more complicated. Everyone who came today is not a good person. If you have a bad heart, I'm afraid it has already passed away.

Leave the Xinghui Auction House and confirm that no one is listening. Cheng Ying said directly in Yake's spiritual sea: "Although we can't defeat the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord, it doesn't mean that no one can defeat him.

Although the only one who can defeat that guy on this continent is Ditian, we can no longer just borrow the power of this continent. You say, in the world of Naruto, is there anyone who can defeat him? "

Yake's eyes lit up. Liu Tianxin's summons was very unreasonable. Even Di Tian could not save it. If he met Uchiha Madara or Senju Hashirama in full state, he would summon the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord. . It's going to be a lot of fun.

However, this is obviously a plan that may only be implemented in the future, at least for the latest time. There was no way they could transport the Evil Eye Tyrant Lord. The items summoned this time must include the living carving knife.

In addition, you probably need some artificial grass jelly. As for the industrial mother machine of nanomachines, Liu Tianxin must at least use materials from his world to produce a batch of nanomachines.

This will undoubtedly greatly reduce the difficulty of industrialization there.

Three days passed quickly, and Chengying and Yake were finally freed from the intense preparations and came out to wait for Liu Tianxin's call.

In Konoha Village, after the Kyuubi was sealed, the village entered into full swing restoration and construction. The battle between Kyuubi and Teten caused huge damage, with a large number of building collapses and casualties. Whether it was rescuing the injured, repairing houses, or controlling the plague that might be born after the war, the ninjas of Konoha Village were very busy.

Only Liu Tianxin on the high platform and Namikaze Minato who protected them never left their positions, even though Minato had a lot of official business to deal with. It was all handled on a high platform without leaving any trace.

The previous accident had already made him regret it. He swore that he would never leave his Kushina again.

In three days, he watched Liu Tianxin eat and drink heavily, but he lost weight obviously. He did not expend a lot of life force, but only expended biomass. It is obviously not an easy task to keep Kushina alive.

Fortunately, three days finally arrived. His plug-in was back online and he could summon props from Douluo.

With a crash, a bunch of props fell on the high platform, and the Fourth Hokage disappeared in an instant. He almost thought it was an enemy attack and was ready to sell it.

"Don't do it, don't do it! I made it. Time is tight. Help!"

[To be continued]

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