Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,520 Life-saving vitality

"Quick! I need iron, copper, silver, and aluminum. It would be better if there is titanium here. Is there any single crystal silicon? If not, you can get me some sand first. I want the relatively pure quartz sand. .

I need gold urgently now, the kind with very high purity! You don't need so much. Why are you carrying a basket? Are you prepared to take a kickback?

Are there any natural diamonds? It may be too late to make diamonds on site. What about concentrated sulfuric acid and concentrated nitric acid? If you don’t have them, just give me a few detonating charms!

Okay, don’t use that much, and don’t stick the detonating charm on me! Damn it, what I want is the detonating talisman, not the technique of multiplying the detonating talisman. Do you want to blow me up? "

Liu Tianxin's words were like talking about cross talk, directing this wave of Feng Shuimen, the fastest man in Konoha. Like a tool man, help him collect various materials.

And he just inserted the living knife into Kushina Uzumaki's chest and started to tinker with other machinery. Namikaze Minato thought this was a necessary process for producing life-saving medicines. After all, he had seen Liu Tianxin put a large amount of what looked like... The very precious fairy grass was eaten into his stomach.

Two days ago, he had seen Liu Tianxin using his body as an alchemy furnace to process various medicines, and he thought it would be the same this time.

However, the tool man obviously misunderstood something. All the injuries on Uzumaki Kushina's body have been cured. The only difference is her vitality. Therefore, if the life-carving knife is inserted into her chest for a while, the medicine can cure the illness.

Liu Tianxin purely used Minato Namikaze as a tool to help him collect various required materials, operate equipment, and build the first batch of nanorobots for him.

With these guys residing in his body, he can be called a real human body factory, and anything he wants to synthesize can be completed in his body.

This was a three-day period during which four people, including Electrolux, negotiated together. A batch of equipment designed to best suit the world of Naruto. These nanomachines can even help refine chakra. It will definitely make Liu Tianxin's cultivation speed in this world skyrocket.

Each summon has a different summoning time depending on the target. But it will probably only last ten minutes to an hour. This time he was lucky, all the materials existed for half an hour before disappearing.

Eighteen billion nanomachines have been produced and injected into his body, becoming part of his body and living symbiotically with his cells. In a sense, he can no longer be regarded as a pure human being.

Suddenly saw all the equipment disappear. Minato was a little panicked: "Doctor, Kushina, she..."

Liu Tianxin showed a sad expression and shook his head: "I'm sorry..."

Even the Yondaime Hokage couldn't help but pale when he heard these three words: "It doesn't matter! At least Naruto is still alive, and I will take good care of him for Kushina."

"No, you listen first, I'll finish what I said!" Liu Tianxin held down Minato Namikaze who wanted to see Kushina for the last time: "I mean, I'm sorry, your wife hasn't eaten or drank for three days, she's hungry I have lost a lot of weight. According to my visual inspection, my chest has become a D due to starvation. Sorry!”

For a moment, Minato showed a sadder expression than before, but soon, the emotion was replaced by ecstasy, let's just D! Much better than nothing.

Liu Tianxin just watched the two people lingering, silently integrating nanomachines, and the happiness belonged to others, and he was a single person. Although Wang Qiuer is his wife in name, she is not from this world! What if he did something to the little loli in front of him? If I go out, I'm afraid I'll be beaten to the point of paralysis by the real owner.

After Minato lingered for a while longer, he finally remembered him. Then I realized an extremely weird problem: "I was busy just now and brought so many things to help you start those machines.

But in the end you just inserted a strange knife into Kushina's chest and did nothing else. Is this some special long-distance treatment method? "

"Ah... no!" Liu Tianxin admitted openly: "I originally made things for myself. The time is tight because those equipments may disappear at any time, so I can only make the fastest man in Konoha Help me collect what I need.

As for the things made... basically it has nothing to do with healing Kushina Uzumaki. The treatment process was over when I inserted the knife into her chest. You just need to replenish your vitality and you can recover. "


After working with him for so long, he turned out to be a pure tool? Is this really annoying?

"No! Don't do it! After all, I have saved two of your lives! Don't treat me as a guest, but you can't treat me as a spy! I have made contributions to Konoha! I have shed blood for the Hokage!"

Seeing Liu Tianxin's shameless face, Minato couldn't help but think of his former disciple. That kid was also as funny as him. Unfortunately, he disappeared in a cruel battle and probably died.

If you think of someone who is so funny, he probably won't be able to do it, so why should he be a villain?

If Liu Tianxin knew what Minato was thinking, he would definitely say, you are really overthinking.

Your funny apprentice was almost the biggest villain in Hokage after his darkening. Although he was finally cleared, the one who controlled Kyuubi and attacked Konoha a few days ago is your damn good apprentice.

If Liu Tianxin hadn't taken action, this funny and good apprentice would have killed both his teacher and his wife. He can be called a model figure who deceives his teacher and destroys his ancestors.

If I have to say it, the world of Naruto is indeed a world that is extremely unfriendly to the profession of teacher. I think if the person here is Cheng Ying, a guy who always accepts apprentices, his mentality will definitely be quite explosive.

Not only Minato, but also Jiraiya was tricked to death by his apprentice. Only Kakashi was lucky, relying on his strength, he was not defeated by his apprentice in the end.

Obviously, Obito Uchiha's funny impression on Minato Namikaze gave Liu Tianxin a lot of points, and he temporarily gained the trust of the fourth generation Hokage. Although the power of Konoha Village is now in the hands of the strongest (weakest) Hokage in history, the third generation Sarutobi Hiruzen, as the nominal fourth generation Minato still has considerable say.

With his guarantee, Liu Tianxin successfully sneaked into Konoha and became an ordinary genin in the ninja school. Liu Tianxin said that genin was the best. He would not be promoted in this life and would just become a genin. As we all know, you If one offends a Jounin of Konoha, it is still possible to escape or fight back as long as one is strong enough.

But if you are offended, if you are a genin... In short, think of a more handsome way to die. I prefer giving the middle finger.

[To be continued]

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