Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1521 Knocked out and taken away

Liu Tianxin's enrollment in the Ninja School was actually a very boring thing. He no longer needed to refine chakra. After all, he had absorbed half of the Nine-Tails. After a friendly conversation with the half of the Nine-Tails in the seal, he successfully obtained the Nine-Tails' chakra.

Compared with the Eight Diagrams Seal, the Golden Core is not so gentle. After the Nine-Tails sealed in it was treated with electricity, it seemed quite obedient.

Without worrying about the source of chakra, all ninjutsu became not difficult for him, at least those learned in school were not difficult.

He had already trained his body to the limit of the human body. For him, practical shuriken throwing was basically about pointing and hitting, how much force to use, and what effect would be produced. He could directly model in his mind, and the trajectory of the shuriken's flight would not deviate at all.

The speed of the ninjutsu seal was even faster, which made the teacher feel incredible. Moreover, in actual combat, even without the Sharingan, Liu Tianxin can rely on his super dynamic vision and the super mental power brought by the countless Waiting Autumn Dew to forcibly capture the opponent's movements and then copy them.

This caused the Uchiha clan to always think that he was a member of their clan, but Liu Tianxin said that he had nothing to do with the Uchiha clan. You guys are about to be exterminated. Don't you have any idea in your heart? Don't have anything to do with me!

What he is thinking about now is to steal a few corpses during the period when the Uchiha clan was exterminated, and come back to clone them. I think they can be used to dig out the Sharingan.

It's a pity that there is no opportunity to get the corpses of the Hyuga family for the time being. A pair of Sharingan is enough. No matter how many clones are made, it doesn't make much sense. In comparison, the Byakugan is different. A large car of Byakugan can be synthesized into the Samsara Eye, and the combat power is even more outrageous than the Samsara Eye. After having cloning technology, this is the easiest one to obtain, the super pupil technique.

After learning about Liu Tianxin's distress, Chengying came up with a bad idea: "You said that since you can summon things from our side, can you take things from the other side?

After all, the technical ability on the Douluo side is a little higher, yes, no need to clone at all. Just take off the eyeballs and grow new ones.

You only need to knock out a Hyuga clan member, and then send him back. Can't I take advantage of him fainting, anesthetize him, and then take off a bunch of eyes?

Then I will synthesize the reincarnation eye here, and you can summon it when you need it. As for you, you can wait until the technology is more mature and use the same method.

In this way, the other party will at most think that he is drunk, and the next day his eyes are red and swollen, and he will probably think it is the effect of a hangover. In theory, he will not suspect you."

Liu Tianxin: "..."

If you want to talk about hurting, you are still hurting!

Although this idea is very insidious, it is indeed feasible. The Byakugan of the Hyuga family can see the flow of chakra, and has a nearly blind field of vision, which can observe a very large range. The reconnaissance role on the battlefield is extremely important, and it is also very helpful for their own combat.

Although there is no Sharingan that can summon Gundam, it is so powerful, but it is also a very powerful blood limit in the early stage. It is precisely because of this that the Hyuga clan has a very high status in Konoha. Not only is the status prominent, but also the wealth is huge.

However, one thing that is better than the Uchiha clan is that at least they are relatively low-key. They will not be like Long Aotian when they see people. But they are still very proud of their eyes. In order to prevent the loss of their own people's eyes, they even designed the bird in the cage curse seal, which will not only make the branch family members who have been cast with this curse seal suffer, but also directly make the white eyes inactive after death, making it impossible to take away.

However, there are loopholes in the strict defense, especially when targeting one's own people. The white eyes have strong reconnaissance capabilities, and it is very difficult to sneak attack. But sometimes it is not just people who will launch attacks. Attacks may not necessarily have chakra fluctuations.

Although the disciples of the Hyuga clan live in seclusion, everyone who has been isolated during the epidemic knows that this kind of life is very sad. The longer you are held back, the more you want to go out for a stroll.

Hinata Shota is such an unlucky kid. He was just going out for a big meal. But on the way home, a roadside tree suddenly came alive. He was knocked unconscious by a club.

This is not a ninjutsu, but a real revitalized tree. Even Wood Release cannot control plants without chakra fluctuations. But biochemical technology can. As long as muscle tissue is implanted into the plant without anyone noticing, it is easy to do such a thing.

After the unlucky kid was knocked unconscious, he disappeared on the spot under the influence of a mysterious force, and there were no witnesses around.

Chengying has returned to the underground base of Shrek Academy and made all preparations for the operation. This will be a painless, precise, efficient and repeated operation.

When the unlucky kid appeared on the operating table, he was still unconscious. The mechanical arm had quickly fixed his head. And injected anesthetics to make him lose all consciousness and perception. The living carving knife was inserted into his forehead. The endless supply of life also allowed any of his injuries to recover almost instantly. Then, the robotic arm removed his eyes without any delay.

Then a bunch of stem cells were stuffed in, and driven by vitality, they quickly transformed into a new pair of white eyes. The whole process takes less than ten seconds, is concise and fast. Not even a drop of blood was shed. Many eyeballs are stored in special containers. As more and more eyeballs are implanted into the container, there seems to be some kind of attraction between these white eyes. They quickly moved closer to each other. Gradually there is a trend of integration.

"It seems that the steps for synthesizing the reincarnated eye are simpler than imagined. You can synthesize them by yourself without any guidance." Cheng Ying saw with satisfaction that the many white eyes had begun to merge into a huge white sphere.

The slightly ferocious red blood vessels on the eyeballs also disappeared during the fusion. A strange energy field began to spread on this huge white sphere.

Yake controls the equipment to record this strange change, which may come in handy in the future. After canceling more than a ton of Byakugan, continuing to fuse new Byakugan has almost no improvement in the strength of the energy field. The unlucky child who was undergoing surgery had already lost several pounds. Although I have been constantly replenishing nutrients, some consumption cannot be replenished after all.

[To be continued]

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