Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1522: Reincarnation Eye

Fortunately, this unlucky kid is a little fat boy. It doesn't seem obvious that he has lost a few pounds. If he is losing weight, he might find a surprise when he goes back.

After sending away the unlucky little fat man, the huge white reincarnated eye body did not disappear. It seems that the body tissue synthesized with the nutrients of this world can stay as long as it is separated from the main body.

Hmm...I guess Liu Tianxin wouldn't be frightened when he saw the four-eyed Hyuga clan members, right?

After all, if you want to trigger the reincarnation eye, you must have a white eye. Otherwise, even if there is a huge white sphere, there is no way to trigger it.

As Yak replaced the extra Byakugan, he suddenly resonated with the huge white sphere, and a huge power different from soul power was released, which was the huge chakra contained in countless Byakugan.

With the huge injection of energy, the originally white eyes began to gradually change color, turning into crystal blue. Like two sapphires, the reincarnated eye and Yak fit in unexpectedly well. After all, his body was originally Huo Yuhao's. As for this body, the original martial soul is the eyes.

The Tsangscargan was quickly integrated into his martial soul. Under normal circumstances, if the holder of the reincarnation eye with gem-like blue eyes wants to exert his strongest power when fighting, he also needs a huge white sphere to act as a power bank.

But Yak forcibly drew a lot of energy from this huge white sphere, and his eyes were as bright as searchlights.

"Well... my martial soul seems to be fused with these eyes. It feels like I am out of the radiation range of this huge white sphere, I can still use the huge chakra. It is about ten times the size of this big ball. "One, although it doesn't sound like much, there are at least hundreds of Kakashi." Yak briefly cut off the connection with the white sphere and felt the power he could use.

"Although 55 Kai is famous for lacking blue, your description is still too damaging!" Cheng Ying smiled unkindly.

"If you describe it like this, it's too unintuitive. You can try the abilities you have mastered first. For example, the most basic mastery of gravity and repulsion." After acquiring new abilities, how can you not give it a try?

"I think it's best not to try it here. Let's go out. If I go all out, the effect will probably be comparable to that of Earthburst Sky Star and Super Shinra Tenzheng!

It just so happens that I have mastered the very convenient spatial ability now. Although I can't analyze the principle for the time being, it is like teleportation or something. It can already be done. "

With that said, Yake disappeared and appeared outside Shrek City. Enough space teleportation to travel between the Earth and the Moon. It is not difficult to cross the distance between a city.

Cheng Ying does not need to follow the teleportation, he is already a spiritual body now. He immediately followed and appeared next to Yak.

Next to the two people were the ruins left behind by the previous battle with Mr. Xuan. If you try it here, it won't have any bad effects.

Yak didn't say anything unnecessary. He just stretched out his palm and clenched his fist. He saw a dark sphere appearing above the ruins in the distance. A large amount of earth and rocks flew into the air. They gathered in mid-air to form a huge, planet-like sphere. The most bizarre thing is that this huge sphere of unknown weight is suspended in the sky. There was no intention of falling, the light diameter was at least a hundred meters.

Not to mention how the creatures trapped inside can break free, just the huge mass alone is already very fatal when smashed down. If you wanted to do the same thing before, you had to rely on the power of the mechanical dragon, but now you don't need it at all. . This step can be achieved by relying on the powerful ability of the reincarnation eye.

"In terms of destructive power, gravity and repulsion probably have different forms of expression. If you really fight with people, you will definitely not use it in such a rough way. You can directly interrupt the enemy's actions through irregular gravity changes, or directly tear them apart. Splitting the internal organs is the best way.

Like in the original work, it can only be pushed out and pulled back. This operation is so primitive, we can even use gravity to stimulate the other party's nerves based on the frequency of the heart beating. It only takes a very small amount of consumption to cause the opponent's cardiorespiratory arrest. Even if the life form of Soul Saint or below has not changed significantly, this move was almost a sure kill before.

However, there are other uses for the reincarnated eye, such as the path-seeking jade, which we cannot analyze for the time being. It behaves a bit like a black hole. Something that falls into the black border. It is almost impossible to remove it anymore. But it’s not as absolute as a black hole. Because in theory, this thing can be interfered with by physical attacks. As long as the kinetic energy is strong enough, it may even fly away. But in terms of effectiveness, it works great, and I even considered turning this thing into a lathe blade.

It should have the same effect as the Living Gold. If we didn't have only one carving knife, I would definitely install it on the lathe. But if you seek Dao jade, you can have a lot of it. "

Yak said as several spherical black objects appeared around him. These dark fairway jade were flying around her. All objects touched disappear. It's like there's no resistance.

"Of course, there are also moves with the strongest attack power. I can try the extremely weakened version here. If the power is weakened to 1%, it shouldn't cause much impact. Although this move is described as being able to tear The attack of the moon. But according to my own feeling, the power should not be that exaggerated.”

Speaking of this, the seeking jade in Yak's hand twisted and deformed into the shape of a sword. As power continued to be injected, the sword began to turn golden.

"Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion!"

The golden giant sword fell back to the ground, and under its restraint, almost all of its power was released downwards. A violent explosion released a pillar of light that reached the sky. That was just the high-speed airflow that surged up after impacting the ground.

Even so, the beam of light rising into the sky was over a thousand meters high. Even in Shrek City, you can see it clearly.

"Hmm... are you sure this is 1% of the power?" Cheng Ying looked at the huge pothole with a diameter of 100 meters and a depth that could not be seen at a glance. He always felt that the power of this move was a bit exaggerated. If it was released with all his strength, , even for Di Tian, ​​it is enough for him to drink a pot.

"Well... this power is indeed a bit outrageous. If it is released with all its strength, even with the help of the Tsangigan's main body to provide huge chakra, it is estimated that it will take three full days to fully recover the consumption of one use."

[To be continued]

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