Cheng Ying imagined the situation described by the twin martial soul senior. There are things in the higher-level world that they cannot see at this level. People's physiological structures may even be different.

But this scene is not easy to understand. Could it be that people in the upper world have three legs? But this is not consistent with the hierarchy theory. Because Douluo people do not have an invisible leg. There is no superpower that functions like this leg.

"My description may be difficult to understand. Then I will give you an example. Continue to explore the third floor, which I named the Positive Three Universe."

Cheng Ying: "..."

Boy, this naming method is really good.

"In this universe, human beings have begun to be significantly different from us. The most obvious point is that their martial spirits are tangible. If you dissect their bodies, you can clearly find the martial spirits in their bodies. organizational.

And after awakening, their martial souls will follow them, just like our artifact souls. The difference is that the beast soul master's martial souls will also follow them. If there is a tiger spirit, there will be a tiger behind the person. If there is a grass spirit, there may be a grass growing on the person's head.

These martial spirits can be harmed. If the martial soul is damaged to a certain extent, it will lose the ability to continue to become stronger. Reflected in reality, it is an inexplicable bottleneck for many soul masters. "

Cheng Ying: "????"

In fact, he has always been curious about why the talent of soul masters is so different? Normal talent affects the speed of cultivation. If the talent is poor, the progress will be slow at best. If you are stuck at a certain level, you will never be able to progress or anything like that. In many cases, it will look very weird.

Douluo's training is the accumulation of soul power, and there is basically no understanding or the like. It is very strange to suddenly be stuck at a certain level, and it is not a full tenth level.

Now it seems that it is probably not only the influence of talent, but also the influence of the projection of the upper world. Maybe his martial spirit was killed once.

Chengying continued to look down.

"In addition, a seventh-level soul master not only has a martial spirit that follows him, but he also has external limbs.

This is the name I chose, which means the limbs outside the body. These limbs are not connected to their body, but they can be controlled by them. Used to grab objects that are far away from them.

Those are some sticky, glue-like things that can be freely manipulated in the minds of people at that level. Most of the time, they will change into the shape of hands to grab something in front of them or move them to other positions. .

According to my observations, what this corresponds to is telekinesis in reality, which is the ability of some soul masters to move objects through the air without releasing soul power. "

Cheng Ying: "..."

He originally thought that the world at a higher level should be very powerful, but now it seems that he has misunderstood something. The higher the level of the world, the more powerful the extraordinary people seem to be.

To be precise, it's not that the quality is lower. But in those worlds. Many mysterious powers have become visible things. So it doesn't look that amazing.

Use telekinesis to move things through the air. It seems very powerful. But controlling a big hand of glue that keeps blowing air to keep itself flying, and grabbing things from afar is not so magical. It was as if a magician had exposed his disguise, only to discover that the principles behind the so-called magic were so simple. The feeling of mystery was suddenly gone.

"It's because of differences like that. We have to be more careful before we go to the next level. Because we're weird to them.

Although they have different physiological structures from us, they are not stronger than us. We can also do what they can do, and this is the most troublesome.

Put this way, it may be difficult for you to understand. So let's go ahead and give an example. If you are a normal person, it should be very simple to pick up a glass of water, put it to your mouth and take a sip.

But if a disabled person has no arms, he should not be able to do the same thing. If you see the water glass in front of this disabled person suddenly float. When it flew to his mouth and he took a sip, would you also feel incredible?

The same goes for people at higher levels. Things they have to use their external limbs to do. You did it without any external limbs. This is the reason why you are most likely to be regarded as a heretic.

On the contrary, if you do not use any power beyond their understanding, then they will at most regard you as a disabled person, be kind-hearted, and even pity you and give you help.

Of course, if you are confident enough, you think you can gain greater benefits by pretending to be a ghost. Then I won't stop you. I'll just give you my final advice. Don't do this before you fully understand the world, otherwise, you will pay the price. "

This time, Cheng Ying probably understood what the other party meant, the higher the level. The more that is visible, the less that is mysterious. In the understanding of Douluo people. A lot of things that should be taken for granted. To them, it's probably unthinkable. It's not that they can't do the same thing, but if they want to do such a thing, they need to use organs or complex tools.

"Integrate into them, this is the advice I give you. Although I don't want to admit it, they are probably closer to reality than us, or closer to the essence.

If you want to change the world we live in, the best way is to start with them. Next, I will tell you how to travel through the world. After this, I hope you will read the notes I have left on the expedition.

After reading the notes, try to explore higher levels. I am not a qualified explorer. After I became famous, I gave up exploring and built this ruins. People who are satisfied but don’t know the truth. Disrupting the order between different levels of space, but I at least hope that the notes of my exploration can bring some help later. "

"Can we finally leave? Let me see what the way to return is?" Cheng Ying turned to the next page, and then his expression gradually became weird.

"What do you mean, jumping into this dark pit, and then imagining that you are as light as a swallow, you can reach a higher level. If you keep falling, you will reach a deeper level? What kind of strange rule is this?

Hmm... After all, there is some kind of world against one's will in this dark hole. Or are there other physical rules that affect changes in levels? To imagine yourself and feel lighter than nothing? Could this guy mean negative mass? "

[To be continued]

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