Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1531 Negative Mass

Negative mass is a concept that often appears in science fiction works. For a person who understands what mass is, it is not difficult to understand.

At least it was not difficult to imagine that he was in this state. After Cheng Ying recorded the remaining contents on the stone tablet, he jumped into the dark pit according to the description on the stone tablet.

In fact, he has no other choice. He has just tried to verify that there is probably information shielding between the two levels of the world. Under this premise, he does not believe the content left on the stone tablet. There is no way to return to the original world.

"Imagine yourself to be lighter than nothing, lighter? Less than massless?" Cheng Ying imagined such a scene in his mind. Immediately afterwards, he seemed to feel a force on himself. And he was accelerating rapidly in the direction of the force.

It was pitch black all around and nothing could be seen. But soon, the surroundings suddenly became clear. He was in mid-air, with this big hole beneath his feet.

Fortunately, he had mastered the ability to fly and did not fall in again. After stabilizing his body, he landed outside the big hole.

"Huh? I remember this place was originally a lake. Why did it turn into a pit? Have I succeeded in returning to the original Douluo level? The stone tablet next to it is gone, so at least it is not a negative level space. In short , you’ll know if you go out first.”

Back in time, not long ago, when Cheng Ying touched the stone tablet, Yak was wondering suspiciously who took two photos of him. There was no other living thing in the sky or on the ground here, and there was a desolate desert all around. How could anyone take a photo of him? This made him very wary. There are no abnormalities in the parameters on various devices.

Before he could figure out who had photographed him. The supervisor monitoring the maze suddenly started calling the police. Then he saw on the monitor that the original location of the lake looked like a toilet. Pumped out all the water.

The stone slabs at the bottom of the lake shrank back section by section. A huge circular cavity was revealed. Looking down from the sky, you can't even tell how deep the dark void is.

Yake tried laser ranging for the first time. But the laser that was shot in showed no trace of reflection, as if it had been swallowed up by something, or maybe this tunnel simply extended infinitely. Deeper than the diameter of this planet.

Just as Yak was thinking, a white light flashed, and Cheng Ying appeared above the hole. It fell gently to the side. He seemed to observe his surroundings before running quickly towards the exit.

"Hey, hey, hey? Can you receive it? Can you receive it? What I discovered this time is incredible. Our world view of the chess game world has expanded a lot.

You are not very lucky this time. The whole world has its own parallel space. In a sense, the upper limit is very high. "

After receiving the communication from Chengying, Yake was stunned for a moment, and then he breathed a sigh of relief. At least he can talk to himself, which means that it is probably him and not some indescribable thing coming out of it.

"What on earth did you find? What's something extraordinary? Also, do you know what happened when someone suddenly photographed me twice?" Yak asked.

"Those two shots were probably taken by me, but you actually felt it. The situation below is more complicated and I can't explain it for a while. I'll explain it to you slowly when I get out."

After a while, Cheng Ying briefly stated what he had experienced and seen, and Yake also showed a surprised expression: "In other words, it is a coincidence that our level happens to look like a fantasy world. , there is a more indescribable and bizarre world at the lower level? "

"It shouldn't be entirely like this. The owner of the note described that the more adjacent levels are, the more similar they are. I think the levels adjacent to us may still look like a fantasy world.

However, the notes left by predecessors cannot be fully trusted. There are many contradictions in his records. There are also some unexplained phenomena in his notes. Maybe he was lying to us, or maybe he didn't even realize it. The real rules between different levels. This will only be known after we explore it. But at least one thing is certain. There is no error in the documentation of methods for traveling to and from different levels. "

Yake nodded: "The next question is, how to explore to a higher level, and how to help us after reaching a higher level? The most important question is the higher level. Do we have ourselves?"

"I think there shouldn't be." Cheng Ying patted the car next to him: "At least I think there is a point. The record of the forerunner is wrong.

Interfering with the lower world is far simpler than interfering with the upper world. The mapping relationship between the various levels, before there are no level traversers, is actually relatively stable, that is, the history, culture and interpersonal relationships are all similar.

This mapping will only be broken if someone crosses over. It is precisely because of this that there is an argument for intervening in different levels of universes. Otherwise, the history of each level of universe should be the same and unchanging.

The prerequisite for changing the situation between levels should be that there is no second witness, and the lower the level, the more invisible mysteries. The more likely it is that there will be no witnesses. In contrast, there are fewer mysterious things in the upper levels, and travelers who make changes are more likely to be witnessed. It's difficult to make changes along the way.

We are aware of a problem, that is, our actions are actually equivalent to those of time travellers, and they have definitely changed the trajectory of history. But there are people everywhere around us. Therefore, we should not be able to influence the historical process at the upper levels. But on our layer, everyone is invisible, so almost everything we do is reflected. Changed almost everything. A historical process that is lower than us.

This allows me to see your clothes and our car on the negative floor. If my guess is correct, when we come to the first level of the sky, what we see may be the history of Douluo without our participation. Then you will probably have Huo Yuhao but not Yake. There is a dream of ice silkworms without me, well... if Liu Tianxin is there, there is a high probability that this person will not be found at all. "

"I suddenly have a question." Yak thought along this line of thinking. I feel like I have discovered Hua Dian: "According to what you said, then we have made such a big change. The difference between the first-level space and us should be extremely huge. Why have their activities not changed? Where we are What about twisting history back into our world?”

Hearing this, Cheng Ying showed a chilling smile: "This is why after thinking about it, I thought he was lying. What gave you the illusion that he is an aborigine of No. 0 Douluo?"

[To be continued]

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