Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1,532 The Lie of the Twin Martial Spirits

Yak still couldn't keep up with Cheng Ying's thinking, so Cheng Ying summarized his understanding of the world view.

"I will summarize our view of time into a few laws so that it is easier for you to understand.

First, the lower the world, the more invisible things and the more mysterious it is. The higher the world, the fewer the invisible things and the less mysterious.

Second, the history before intervention is similar between different layers.

Third, time travelers will interfere with history at different levels, but in most cases, they can only interfere with worlds at a lower level than themselves.

Fourth, which is our current situation, the level after being interfered by the traverser will hardly be affected by the higher levels. This explains why our continent has greatly deviated from Douluo's original history, but has not been affected by it. Some unknown corrective force corrects it back.

In the same way, we have interfered with history and affected almost all levels lower than us. But if at this time, a time traveler with no time came to the negative fifth floor, and then there, he brought history back, then Our interference will no longer affect the area below the negative five levels, and the history below the negative five levels will all develop according to the changed situation of this time traveler. "

Yake probably understood the current situation, but he didn't understand why Cheng Ying said that the twin martial souls were not members of their Zero Space.

"This is just a guess, a possibility with a higher probability. If I were a twin martial soul user, and after I was born, my time would be running out due to the rejection of the martial soul. I discovered this can What should I do after the entrance to a different level?

Do you think I should go to a higher level and find a way to cure my own martial soul's rejection? It is true that at higher levels, the martial spirit may become visible and have the possibility of being cured.

But have you ever thought about a question? At higher levels, you also exist. If he is at that level and has a way to cure his disease, then it will be reflected in you. Will you still be as short-lived as you are now? "

Yak: "..."

He found that what Cheng Ying said was good and reasonable. It was a higher level and less mysterious, but it still couldn't cure Wuhun's rejection there. So what was the point of spending money on a higher level? To people at a higher level, he is nothing more than a magical disabled person who can live and take care of himself like ordinary people. For people in that world, he has no advantage at all.

"So if it were me, I would go to the lower level, because there, I have information shielding. No one can see me. I can rely on this golden finger to thrive there and quietly steal people. The treasures guarded by powerful soul beasts can do whatever they want with the treasures in the human world.

I'm not very sure how the substances from the lower world can help his condition? Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't. But one thing that is certain is that the treasures of the lower world will definitely be useful to the people of the lower world.

He can use many treasures and weapons to strengthen himself in that world, but one thing is that he cannot let the strengthening of himself in that world feed back to him, because as a time traveler, he has greatly changed the plot of the lower world. Therefore, the projection of the upper and lower levels is cut off, even if he guides himself in the lower world to a secluded and uninhabited place. Most of the time, you can't influence yourself.

Let me ask you, if it were you, what would you think if you saw yourself in another world getting rid of the pain and getting stronger day by day with various treasures? Maybe at first you just felt that you were in the same boat and wanted to help him, but what if he really becomes a strong person? What happens when he becomes a hot talent? "

Yake finally understood what the chilling smile on Cheng Ying's face meant.

"I would start to be jealous of him and want to replace him. And..."

"And you are the same person. You have exactly the same soul." Cheng Ying seemed to be telling a ghost story, and at this moment, all the cotton yarn that created the atmosphere finally lifted the curtain, revealing the truly terrifying truth behind it.

"Having the same soul, many treasures, and my identity as an invisible and mysterious person, do you think it is difficult to win your trust in the lower world? How difficult is it to replace him?

But after the replacement, he was able to gain a healthy and strong body. But there is no golden finger of cognitive shielding. You should have studied the psychology of time travellers. Cheating is addictive. So he will not be satisfied with just exploring one level down.

And this kind of replacement probably happened more than once. He became stronger with each replacement. With the golden finger of cognitive shielding, the treasures he could get became stronger. In this way, step by step, he became the one standing at the top of the continent. Strong.

Any idea why? Will he leave a monument in negative one space? I guess this floor is the last floor he stays on. "

"Why?" As soon as Yak asked this question, he wanted to understand: "Because the negative space becomes mysterious, it is human beings, right? In that space, he can continue to take away himself, but he can only Obtaining a body that no one can see, and a human society that no one can see, will seriously affect his life experience if he continues downward.

So, he stayed on our level and left a mark in history, becoming the first twin martial soul to obtain the 18th ring.

He does not rely on the gifts of the gods, but comes from many worlds. Countless treasures. A powerful body after stacking. "

Yak was still immersed in this possible truth, he never expected it. After Cheng Ying's not-so-serious side, he actually has such a reliable side. It's obviously just a lot of scattered information without key, but he actually connected it all together. Restored an experience that sounded very reasonable.

"So! Our start is very unfavorable. This start has almost no room to continue to explore downwards. We can only explore upwards, and upwards, we can't rely on any plug-ins and cheats. We can only rely on Hard power, hard work.

Tsk! So many treasures were eaten by that guy in vain. I am afraid that in the previous history, Douluo had much more treasures of heaven and earth than now. I don’t know if I will encounter someone who has not been eaten by him if I go to a higher world. The ones that were eaten.

In short, if we want to verify whether my guess is true or false, we only need to go up and see if there is this maze in front of us.

If so, then his hometown may not be our Space Zero. "

[To be continued]

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