It was not easy for Huo Yuhao to win a game and successfully defend the so-called Shrek's glory, but everything in front of him still made him feel extremely strange.

It was understandable that the Titled Douluo suddenly appeared in front of him. There are so many treasures on his body that even an Extreme Douluo, not to mention a Titled Douluo, will be moved by them after seeing them.

Especially a 400,000-year-old soul bone. He believed that such a treasure would attract the covetous attention of a titled Douluo, but at least he felt that his human identity should be able to protect him. Shrek would not Allow outsiders to kill their own human students.

He thought he would only have a near miss, but he didn't expect that two guys who were about the same age as him jumped in from the window. Although they were children of about the same age, their fighting power was simply outrageous.

He really couldn't understand how that small body could erupt with power that even Titled Douluo couldn't resist. Although from the perspective of a bystander, Hanhan Douluo was just caught, lifted up, and thrown out.

But if you look closely at the ground, you can see where the two people's feet are. Fine cracks appeared on all of them, and there were even earth and stones under Cheng Ying's feet, which were directly crushed into powder. The floor tiles were crushed silently, which looked more shocking than exploding due to huge force.

"Are you okay?" the boy who looked older and wore a white hood asked him.

Cheng Ying's body was made to look like a boy mainly to match Yak's painting style. Otherwise, the combination of a middle-aged uncle and a young shota would look a bit strange no matter how you look at it.

"'s okay..." Huo Yuhao was covered in cold sweat, and he was still very nervous because he was not sure that his current situation was safe.

The two seemingly harmless children in front of me, one of them can knock away a titled Douluo with his bare hands. His origin is unknown, his strength is strong, and he has a slightly weird attire. No matter how you look at it, he looks like some kind of person hidden in the dark side of society. The style of evil organization.

Cheng Ying might be the secret weapon of that organization. Because of the special characteristics of his body, he was made into a super modified human.

Although this is a world with an extreme shortage of entertainment works, similar associations still appeared in Huo Yuhao's mind. He felt that he might be very special. With a hundred thousand year soul bone and a million year soul ring, he might be... This mysterious organization captured him and turned him into a more powerful reformed person. As for whether he was himself or not at that time, I don’t know.

"You look a little nervous? But in fact, we are just here to ask you to borrow something. Of course, if you think we may not be able to repay the loan, we can temporarily use items of equal value to you as collateral." Ya The formulaic Tao.

Huo Yuhao forced himself to stay calm, but he couldn't help but ask the big guys in his mind for help. The mysterious people from the mysterious organization finally showed their fangs. They wanted to get something from him.

As for borrowing and repaying, how is that possible? He felt that the most precious thing in his body, the only thing that was worthy of being remembered by others, was the 400,000-year-old soul bone. When someone borrowed it and returned it, he had turned into a corpse.

"Have you seen this?" Cheng Ying didn't know what Huo Yuhao was thinking, so he went straight to the point. Talking nonsense at this time would be more likely to cause misunderstandings. He took out an emerald green carving knife and waved it in front of Huo Yuhao's face.

"You should have the same carving knife, right? I need that knife. If you feel uneasy, I can temporarily give you this one in my hand as a mortgage. Believe me, this knife in my hand One hand will only be more useful than the one you have.

You see, he is very hidden! When used, it can also inject life force, but it will not have any special effects! When this pair of daggers was forged, they were one male and one female.

Obviously the one in my hand is a male, and the one in your hand is a female, that's why your one is no match for the evil soul master's pollution! "

Huo Yuhao: "???"

He is confused now. The living carving knife in Cheng Ying's hand is exactly the same as the one he just purified. There is no difference at all. The only thing that can distinguish the two is the lingering around his knife. There is a green light special effect, and there is nothing around the knife, but the vitality is still the same.

In comparison, those with special effects are not as concealed as those without special effects. In actual applications and combat, they are more difficult to use. However, the idea of ​​one male and one female is really difficult for him to accept.

Huo Yuhao said that he needed to seek help from the big boss in his mind. The most reliable person who could provide help at this time was Electrolux. The one who recognized the soul-eating carving knife as the gold of living beings was also Electrolux. Come to think of it, This time, he should also be able to tell whether Cheng Ying's hand is genuine.

To be honest, Electrolux was also confused. It was precisely because he knew so much about the gold of living beings that he was even more confused. In his impression, this metal should have its own light effect. But the one in Cheng Ying's hands obviously doesn't have this feature.

From this point of view, what Cheng Ying is holding should be a fake, but in terms of the strength of vitality and other characteristics of the living gold, there is no difference at all between the two. Electrolux can be sure that this is absolutely pure. Life force is condensed into a solid form.

He couldn't help but believe that there was one male and one female. The two happened to correspond to the attributes of yin and yang, just like one is light and the other is shadow.

"Judging from my point of view, there is no obvious difference between the two carving knives. In terms of function, there should be no difference. Even I can't see through the two people you are facing. My spiritual observation, Their spirits are powerful. They are even as powerful as gods, and their bodies are equally powerful, at least not inferior to Titled Douluo. However, their soul power is extremely weak, only level 20, which is very strange, but at least it is not something you can deal with. .

My advice is to agree to his request. Exchange with him temporarily. For your own safety, I would not recommend going against his wishes. After the exchange is completed, I will carefully check the new carving knife to ensure that there are no problems before you can continue to use it. "

Electrolux's reply made Huo Yuhao relax a little, thinking that the other party would be able to produce a genuine product. It also means that they are quite sincere. The possibility of being malicious to him is also much smaller.

So Huo Yuhao carefully opened the eyes on his forehead and took out the living carving knife. This carving knife could corrode any non-living things. With Huo Yuhao's skills, it could only be stored in his third eye.

[To be continued]

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