Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1536: Master Xuan gets beaten again

Cheng Ying also held the living carving knife. Both parties paid with one hand and delivered the goods with the other hand. They exchanged the carving knife in their hands. After getting what they wanted, Cheng Ying and Yake turned around and left. The top priority now is to study the solid state. How will vitality be different in this world?

This plays a vital role in collecting vitality in the original world.

The two of them left the confused Huo Yuhao behind and quickly arrived at the base vehicle outside the city. There were relatively complete research facilities here, and the living carving knife was placed in the testing chamber.

Various parameters were quickly scanned into the database, and rapid analysis began.

"From the known clues, we can know that living gold can attract each other and fuse with each other after touching. This proves that they have a rather strange lattice structure. We cannot call it Crystal or amorphous, the way different molecules are combined with each other is of great significance to us.

There is a nanometer limit in this world, and the quantum realm will greatly hinder the development of our nanorobots. However, the gold of living things gives us another way of thinking. Dynamic molecular groups that can be freely combined may be our alternative. a choice.

Of course, I think what we are more likely to gain before this is to learn how to enrich discrete life force. "Chengying quickly adjusted the data and transformed the numerous data on the screen into a visual interface.

The observed junctions between molecules are then enlarged and displayed.

"I have to say that we are very lucky. These luminous and observable positions are at very important points and play an important role in different molecular connections.

We can try to simulate similar molecular structures. As the negative pole, the target of discrete vitality, judging from the setting of this world, vitality not only exists in living bodies, but also in non-living objects. Dead objects that have absorbed vitality will become fragile. And weathered into dust, the same existence.

This is very strange. There are no atoms contained in the vitality in many non-living things. I am afraid that the components of the vitality include components that transcend the atomic structure. The change process of absorbing the vitality is also a more microscopic process than the atomic level. It may involve When it comes to the reorganization and disassembly of atomic nuclei, well... But if it is simply to enrich the discrete life force, it is much simpler than extracting the life force from dead things.

Knowing the structures we have observed so far, I think it will only take some time for us to design a complete enough model to try to make crystals of life force, but only if we have enough biomass..."

While Cheng Ying and Yake were still discussing how to apply the vitality lattice structure discovered this time, the terrifying pressure like an ancient ferocious beast suddenly fell from the sky.

A huge monster with cow-like hooves fell from the sky and slammed next to their base vehicle.

" looks familiar!"

Yake also nodded and said: "It does look familiar. I think I've been beaten before?"

"You are so arrogant! You actually dare to stay near Star Luo City. Do you really think I'm afraid of you? You took something belonging to my Shrek student and why don't you return it quickly? If you don't return it, don't blame me for coming here. Grab it!" Mr. Xuan followed the Shrek Academy's style of painting and protected his shortcomings as always.

Cheng Ying: "..."

"I said, Huo Yuhao should have told you that I left a mortgage, right! If you want to exchange it back, you should at least bring my knife! If you come here empty-handed, who is the thief? , Don’t you have any clues in your mind?”

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't want to bully the small, so hand over Yuhao's things. After the misunderstanding is resolved, Shrek will naturally give you justice." Mr. Xuan did not listen to Cheng Ying's excuse at all.

Cheng Ying shrugged and said to Yake beside him: "I have already said that regular exercise is good for you. If you don't exercise properly, how can you let such a stupid person who can't listen to others listen to your reasoning? "

Yake was convinced that the influence he received at Tulip made him understand that weapons of criticism are never as good as weapons of criticism, even if what you say makes sense. Then you have to hold the barrel of a gun in your hand and have the right to speak, so that someone can listen to you.


A huge shadow enveloped the horned monster on the ground, and the dragon spread out, and its wings covered the sky and descended from the sky. Sunlight shines through the gaps in its huge wings. It shines on the face of the horned monster on the ground.

Xuan Lao looked up and had never felt the sun be so dazzling. After many transformations, it became a giant dragon with a body length of more than 100 meters. The way it spreads its wings and flies through the air is as incredible as a mythical creature.

The giant dragon opened its big mouth, and a dark red light group appeared in his mouth. There was paint constantly, and black dark spots compressed and converged into the light group, which looked extremely weird.

Xuan Lao felt the danger approaching, but it was too late to avoid it. Dark red and jet black light beams fell from the sky. They were mutated versions of atomic breath.

A high-temperature and high-pressure impact containing nuclear explosion energy fell from the sky. The plain outside Xingluo City. It was as if it had been torn apart, and a magma canyon suddenly burned out. At the moment when the beam of light bloomed, the whole world seemed to fall into hell.

Even though Mr. Xuan was good at defense, he was almost sent away by this atomic breath. After repeated attempts, the Silver Dragon's combat effectiveness has long been different from what it used to be, and it even has two soul cores. As long as you continue to accumulate, sooner or later you will have soul power equivalent to that of an Ultimate Douluo.

Under the enhanced version of atomic breath, Xuan Lao was directly smashed into the ground, and the melted earth turned into a magma lake. And he was firmly embedded at the bottom of the lake.

If it weren't for his astonishing defense, an ordinary strong person would have been cold if he was soaked in such high-temperature magma.


A giant that was more than a hundred meters tall suddenly stood up from the lava lake. That scene was late, if it was a volcano erupting. Xuan Lao directly transformed into his own martial spirit, the Taotie Divine Bull. Although it was not a real Taotie due to a slight blood difference, it was still an extremely powerful martial spirit. After showing his true power, he was no less powerful than the Silver Dragon.

Xuan Lao, who has the ability to control rocks, can even change the magnetic field on a large scale. Affect the orbits of meteorites outside the planet and create a real meteor shower.

Facing a familiar scene, even the expressionless Silver Dragon had a strange smile on his face. How had he dealt with this move before?

[To be continued]

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