Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1541 The Golden Brick of Life

There was no report of any damage, which was puzzling. It was equivalent to 400 titles being banned, and all Douluo's soul power reserves disappeared within ten minutes. The equipment was not damaged at all. This proved without a doubt that the situation in front of him was not caused by damage, nor was the soul power leaked due to some accident.

The biggest possibility undoubtedly points to someone stealing the Sun Moon Empire's huge reserve of soul power. The seriousness of this matter was even more terrifying than the leak. Kong Deming's first thought was that there was a mole.

No wonder he thought so, the instrument was not damaged in any way, but the soul power was stolen. The suspect obviously has an extremely deep understanding of these confidential facilities underground in the city.

Only with certain high-level permissions can such a huge amount of soul power be mobilized in a short period of time. But there was one thing he couldn't understand. What is the use of mobilizing such a huge soul power?

The reserved soul power underground in Mingdu is used for city defense. Most of them are used to support the operation of shields and weapons. In fact, these soul powers can hardly play other roles. Even if someone could steal them, to whom would they be used and sold? It can't produce any value at all.

It is precisely because this behavior seems to have no value that it is even more dangerous. It is very likely that the inner ghost, working inside and outside, transferred the power in the soul power storage tower through some means, causing the city's defense to temporarily come to a standstill. At this time, if there is an outside Extreme Douluo attack. It can definitely cause extremely horrific damage to the city.

Thinking of this, Kong Deming had no time to investigate the damage, let alone find out who had rebelled. He immediately summoned the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Corps, which was the strongest legion in the Sun and Moon Empire.

Above the other four legions in the hands of the empire, the Fire Phoenix, Imperial Dragon, Terror Claw, and Tyrant are all legions that win by numbers, with more than 1,000 official members and more than 5,000 in principle.

As for the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Group, there are always only three hundred people, but each one is equipped with a humanoid soul guide. Even if they fight alone, they still have Contra-level strength. It can also perform linked defense, linked attack, and various top soul tools in the country.

It is the first legion in the mainland that can chase and kill Extreme Douluo. Even if Di Tian faces the full strength of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Group, he can only choose to retreat.

At this time, the strongest military force in the entire continent quickly moved into action, searching for the source of soul power leaks in the city, and defending against attacks that might come at any time.

If there is really a conspiracy inside and outside, then the ones who come to attack are at least Extreme Douluo, and in the worst case, there may be more than three Extreme Douluo joining forces, and even a large number of Titled Douluo.

But this is also expected by the Sun and Moon Empire, and it has even formulated a plan specifically to deal with this situation. The Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Group is confident that it can remain invincible even if it faces the cooperation of three Extreme Douluo. place.

In this regard, the Sun and Moon Empire lost unjustly in the final decisive battle. They even mastered the technology of converting solar energy into soul power in the later stages of the decisive battle. Yan Chao was about to do it, and the technology exploded. . As a result, he was possessed by a mechanical deity.

And now these horrific war weapons are all being used to search for the intruders, namely Cheng Ying and his party.

It's a pity that this kind of search is undoubtedly in vain. In front of Jing Hua Shui Yue, even the Ultimate Douluo cannot see through it at all. Even if some machines can see through it, those who monitor these machines are still humans, and their spirits will also be affected to ignore abnormalities. .

Underground throughout the city, a large number of unknown fungi are multiplying rapidly. That scene was much more terrifying than the indiscriminate bombardment of the soul guide. Because the entire land is being eroded.

If they were allowed to spread successfully, the entire earth's crust would probably turn into a strange gray-white color.

Underground, Cheng Ying monitored the readings of the life field: "All life fields are rapidly killing the spreading fungi. It seems that they have filled the underground space and are ready to extract life force! If the experiment succeeds, We can produce living gold on a large scale locally.”

Yak nodded, and the gathered soul power was violently injected into a complex container. A large number of pipes connected the container, and a syringe-like containment device injected the precious substances synthesized inside into the container, mixing them. A jelly-like cube formed.

It is a hotbed used to cultivate the gold of living things. If the previous speculation is not wrong, a large amount of life force will be driven by the soul power to concentrate towards this jelly-like hotbed. Finally, after the concentration exceeds a certain critical point, it will turn into It exists like metal.

As the huge soul power was injected into the container phone, the life field began to shrink. Quickly harvesting the life of the fungi inside. Immediately afterwards, it seemed that some invisible substance was extracted. It turned into dots of green, and the fluorescence quickly became concentrated here.

The huge soul power seemed to catalyze this process. The green light, like the sea containing hundreds of rivers, was gathering into the container, and the soul power injected into the container did not overflow due to the large amount. Instead, it merged with those green light spots. It seemed to be frozen.

"Interesting! It turns out that soul power is also one of the components of this living gold. And it seems that it accounts for a large proportion!" Yak looked at the data that there was no overflow of soul power at all, with a strange expression.

The soul power did not overflow, but the vitality did. The speed of life field harvesting is not stable. Occasionally, the output of vitality will be greater than the absorption capacity of the container. So these green light spots broke through the shackles of the container and penetrated into the outside world.

Now the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Group finally realized something was wrong. A large number of green light spots floated up from the underground of the city. Of course they knew that this was life force. It is also clear that this power is good for people. But the number is too large.

Even if it is only the overflow part, it is huge enough to cover the entire city and perform a grand fireworks show in the city.

But before the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Group found the source of vitality. The synthesis experiment of living gold has been completed.

The experiment went more smoothly than expected. A square, brick-like piece of living gold is suspended under the force field of the container. Only a few special containers can hold the formed living gold, otherwise it will be transformed and turned into dust. , before preparing a special container, he could only remain suspended under the constraints of the force field.

[To be continued]

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