Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1542: Soul Guidance Device Nemesis

"Well... it's more successful than expected. Let's try cutting it! We need to make it into a blade or a warhead. After cutting, it will be easier to use." Cheng Ying controlled his position and tried to divide it.

"Well, that's true. We need to cut them into specific shapes. This way they can be conveniently used as molds or knives. We also have to install handles on them, otherwise they won't be able to be installed on various equipment.

But this aspect is not difficult for us. If you were from this world, you would probably only be able to use fresh leather or hair. The gold that briefly envelops living beings.

But for us, it is completely possible to cultivate the corresponding biochemical products and make some living knife handles. After that, it is easier to install it on the equipment or install the power unit through the tool handle. "

Cheng Ying was cutting the gold of living beings into small slices to use as blades when he suddenly felt mentally shocked: "We may be in trouble. The people of the Sun and Moon Empire are more powerful than I thought."

Just now, an extremely strong mental shock enveloped the entire city, breaking the cognitive shield he had achieved through his mental power.

Kong Deming's face was very ugly. After breaking the cognitive shield, he finally discovered the problem. Before, he actually looked at the extra machines on the soul power storage card in the experiment report and remained indifferent.

Although those extra devices were so conspicuous, he directly ignored his opponent's ability, which was extremely terrifying and could directly interfere with people's cognition. Make people subconsciously ignore some things.

This ability can even be described as terrifying, because you don't know which of your cognitions have been interfered with. Perhaps if the other party wants to, he can completely change the person he is closest to in his own perception into an enemy who must be killed.

The only thing worth celebrating is that the Sun and Moon Empire has made plans to face various enemies. One of the plans is to cope with it, and the mental power is extremely strong. An opponent that can distort consciousness and make people completely unable to perceive it.

In order to deal with such enemies, more than 300 spiritual oscillators have been installed throughout the city, which can produce powerful spiritual vibrations in an instant. In theory, any spiritual soul skill can be broken in a short time.

In fact, they do. It broke Cheng Ying's cognitive shield and locked his position immediately.

"My position has been locked by the machine. Even if they are interfered by Jing Hua Shui Yue again. Their equipment will faithfully perform their tasks and continue to attack us.

Our situation is a bit troublesome. It seems that the living gold on hand can only be made into weapons for the time being. "Cheng Ying said as he printed out many parts of the soul guidance device. The equipment he wanted to make this time. It can be called the nemesis of the soul guidance device. Almost all soul guidance devices will be restrained by it.

Yak also understood what he meant, so when making biomass handles, each one was very small. It's only about 1mm long.

The pieces of living gold cut by Chengying were also small fragments of only about one millimeter. These fragments were quickly damaged, material handles were embedded on them, and more smiling power devices were installed.

At first, the cooperation between the two was a little unfamiliar, but as they became more familiar with each other. Adjust the program process in your mind, and soon the coordination will become smooth. Hundreds of these living gold blades are produced every second.

They are like miniature shurikens. After a while, all the brick-sized pieces of living gold have been made and turned into millions of micro blades that can fly freely.

They can penetrate any non-biological physical defense, and can even ignore most shield defenses. Physical defense souls such as shields are completely useless when they expire.

They are soul guides and even the enemies of machines! It's not an exaggeration to call it a mechanical enemy.

"It looks like we are ready to kill them! We are half of these swarms of creatures." Cheng Ying said that he had already controlled the dense swarm and flew out.

These tiny blades, only one or two millimeters in diameter, dance in the air like green sandstorms. The two people soared into the sky and flew directly upward.

Everything in front of them was cut into ashes by the blade, and the huge life force was extracted and enveloped around them. Just like two people were born in spring water, no matter how serious the injury is, they will recover instantly under such a rich vitality.

What's really scary is the green sandstorm's powerful destructive power on metal. The Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Group has noticed them. Quickly wrap up in the direction of their breakthrough.

Even the Ultimate Douluo could not escape the encirclement formed by more than three hundred people. However, although the two of them were not as powerful as the Ultimate Douluo, the weapons in their hands were extremely capable of restraining the soul guide.


The green storm suddenly penetrated the shield. The soul master who faced the green storm immediately raised the shield in his hand and prepared to defend. Physical defense is always more powerful than shield defense. In theory, this shield can defend against most Title Douluo level attacks.

However, that green sandstorm was obviously not an ordinary attack. The intensity is low and the speed is not fast. But when it landed on the shield, it penetrated instantly, like a sieve. The storm passed over him.

Not only did it not cause him any scars, it actually made him feel refreshed and refreshed. This was simply incredible. The huge vitality nourished his body. Even his soul power, which had not grown for a long time, increased a little.

But he soon realized something was wrong, because he lost the ability to fly. He was originally just a soul emperor. He was able to fly and had combat power comparable to that of a Contra. He relied entirely on his powerful humanoid soul guide. device.

But after being baptized by that layer of green storm, the soul guide on his body seemed to have a complete structure, but in fact it was riddled with holes, like a sieve.

There is no unit that can continue to operate. It is like an iron lump, falling from the sky and hitting the ground hard. Fortunately, he didn't fly too high. The fall only made him dizzy and unable to get up for a long time, and he didn't even break any bones.

There were more than a dozen soul masters in the same situation as him, and the green storm almost caused them to lose their fighting power instantly. The scene in front of them finally made the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Group realize that their opponent this time was extremely dangerous, but sometimes, even if they are aware of the problem, there is no solution.

[To be continued]

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