Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1551: The Body of the Original Martial Spirit

The transplantation of the poisonous soul core was not as fast as he thought, but it was not as slow as he thought. He originally thought that by hunting a hundred thousand year old soul beast or a titled Douluo, he could transplant a new soul core, so Thought it would be soon.

But when it learned that the soul core it used must be cultivated with its own body tissue. I thought this process would be very slow.

However, in fact, this cultivation process was much faster than he imagined. Cheng Ying just poured a thousand units of soul power into the petri dish and quickly completed the process.

As for how much a unit is... As mentioned before, a unit is the total amount of soul power of a titled Douluo. This is the necessary consumption to purify the original soul power.

The so-called original soul power, in Cheng Ying's view, is the soul power that is mutually compatible with human cells. This requires soul power to be in contact with body cells for a long time to be generated.

For ordinary soul masters to practice, the way to obtain the original soul power is to transport it one by one. In this way, the contact area between the soul power and the body can be increased, and the birth of the original soul power can be accelerated.

But Chengying's method is obviously more efficient. By making body cells into a multi-layered structure like a nanomembrane, and then allowing the soul power to continuously pass through these membranes, a large amount of original soul power can be quickly obtained.

As long as you gather enough energy to condense one soul core, you can basically start cultivating it.

The prototype of the condensed soul core is very simple. It only requires rotation and compression. This is not difficult. The real difficulty is how to transplant the prototype of the soul core into the body of the surgeon.

This requires the rotation speed of the two soul cores to be similar and achieve resonance. This is very difficult for a soul master. It takes a long time to accumulate enough original soul power to condense the soul core once. For a soul master, it takes a long time. Generally speaking, controlling the speed of the soul core is entirely a matter of feeling. If you use a little more force, the difference may be tens of thousands of revolutions. To succeed, you need not only skills, but also a considerable degree of luck.

Therefore, it makes sense for Ultimate Douluo to be young, but it is strange that many of them use this method of condensing soul cores.

But for Cheng Ying, who relies on real-time monitoring of instruments and equipment, it is too simple to keep the speeds of the soul cores consistent and resonate. Looking at the monitoring of the instruments, it is not a problem to accurate the error to within one revolution per second. , it is even easier to achieve consensus, and there is almost no possibility of failure.

As a Half-Step Ultimate Douluo, Du Bushu's perception of this process is very clear. By the second half of the operation, he already knew what to do without Cheng Ying's reminder. He even expected that the operation would be inevitable. will succeed.

The underground of Shrek Academy...

A powerful aura suddenly burst out. It was the aura of a Limit Douluo, and it was the aura of a very powerful Limit Douluo.

Even Long Xiaoyao, who was far away in the Sun and Moon Empire and now had the strongest overall strength, also cast his gaze over.

"Another Ultimate Douluo was born, a very powerful junior!" Although he accompanied Ye Xishui to join the Holy Spirit Cult, he was still unwilling to fall into darkness, so while he and Ye Xishui were unclear, There are also many connections with Moon.

At this time, a new Extreme Douluo was promoted near Shrek Academy, which made him a little uneasy. If it was a force hostile to Shrek Academy, it would be difficult for Munn to withstand it!

But looking at Ye Xishui beside him, Long Xiaoyao still hasn't left the Sun and Moon Empire. How can a brother have a woman... Ahem, if he is not here to accompany Ye Xishui, there is no guarantee that the other party will not do something stupid. He is It’s not that I don’t care about my brothers, it’s that I really can’t get away from him!

the other side……

Cheng Ying took off the sterile clothes during the operation and said to Du Bushit: "The operation was successful, you are now a woman... ahem, you are already a real Ultimate Douluo.

By the way, are you really not considering implanting two more stones? It is recommended to be implanted near the kidneys.

If you sign up for membership, we also provide a variety of packages to choose from including the Ten-Day Dried Calculus Package, the Twelve Earthly Branches Soul Core Package, the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Golden Pill Taobao, and the Seventy-Two Disha Relic Packages. "

Poison will not kill you: "?"

What the hell do you think the soul core is? Are you trying to set up the Zhoutianxingdou Formation inside my body? Is there still a set of three hundred and sixty-five Great Zhou Destiny Wheels?

"It seems that you are not very interested, so forget it. The superposition of soul cores is only a quantitative accumulation, and it is difficult to achieve a qualitative change. Becoming a god is to transform the source of power into the power of faith for all living beings.

This is much easier than absorbing soul power by yourself. If you have more soul cores to a certain extent, you can indeed have combat power comparable to that of the gods, but this is no longer a breakthrough in technology. In comparison, your martial soul, that is, your body, has more reference value. "

Yak took out the poisonous tissue, flesh and blood and put it under the microscope. While examining it, he said, "Don't you think it's strange? Why do other people's weapon souls disappear when they are retracted, and the transformation is canceled when the beast souls are retracted? But after your original martial soul is taken back, your body is still there."

"So? What do you want to say? Do you want to say that my martial spirit is incomplete? Many people have had such doubts and believe that the original martial spirit is missing certain organs than other martial spirits, such as martial arts. The soul belongs to the eyes, and his body is equivalent to having no eyes, only a martial soul.

As for me, my martial spirit is the whole body, which is probably equivalent to the fact that even I, the person, do not exist! "Du Bu Shou smiled mockingly to himself. Too many people laughed at the owner of the original martial spirit like this.

"You don't have to be so pessimistic. Our conclusion is probably different from what you think. Just now during the test, I detected a huge difference between your body and the body in the martial spirit state. In the martial spirit state, there is a huge difference. , a considerable part of the tissues in the body are soul-powered.

This is exactly the same as the soul master of the beast martial spirit. One possibility is that your martial spirit is just the same as yourselves, a similar existence to the beast martial spirit, and it will possess you after you use it. This is not impossible. In fact, there were many soul masters who possessed humanoid martial spirits, and many humanoid martial spirits were extremely powerful. For example, ten thousand years ago, there was a person whose martial spirit was the powerful Poseidon. "

"No, we are different. Have you ever seen a beast spirit that can be awakened a second time? The body spirit is special and cannot be confused with the weapon spirit and the beast spirit!" Du Buushi gave Yake's guess. The answer is negative.

However, Cheng Ying contacted the records of the twin martial souls in ancient times and agreed more with Yake's conjecture. After all, in the higher world, the beast martial souls would follow them like babies, not so much the people there. He is a soul master, rather than a substitute messenger.

[To be continued]

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