Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1552: All Substitutes

According to the records of the ancient twin martial souls, in higher-level worlds, martial souls are tangible. Even after the beast martial soul is withdrawn, it will transform into the form of a beast and follow its master.

Of course, apart from being visible, these things are difficult to physically interfere with the outside world. Once interference occurs, the owner of the martial spirit is likely to be severely damaged, which will in turn affect the changes in the martial spirit of the people in the lower space.

The original martial soul may also be the same existence. The twin martial soul did not mention what the original martial soul is like in the upper world. But that situation is not impossible to speculate. Since the soul master of the beast martial soul will be followed by the beast in the form of the martial soul, then the original martial soul will probably be followed by his own limbs after life.

For example, if a person has a hand with a martial spirit, there is a hand behind him, and if a person has a brain with a martial spirit, there is a brain behind him. Such a picture may look quite scary. It may also cause people in the upper world to discriminate against body martial soul practitioners.

And this kind of discriminatory and belittling attitude, under the multi-layered mapping, becomes Douluo Continent. People think that the original martial spirit is incomplete. Otherwise, such a martial spirit can be awakened twice and possess powerful power. , should not be treated differently.

However, even if he were told this kind of thing, he wouldn't believe it. The point is that this conjecture provides the correct research direction for the original martial spirit, which is the martial spirit itself.

Generally speaking, there are generally two types of Douluo's martial souls. One is that the martial soul itself is very weak. The soul master can master the full power of the martial soul shortly after awakening.

The subsequent continuous training, upgrading, and development are all about developing the potential of the martial spirit, making it more powerful than the martial spirit itself. The most typical example is Blue Silver Grass, which is of course the real Blue Silver Grass martial spirit. It's not a cheating existence like the Blue Silver Emperor.

Another kind of martial spirit is an extremely powerful martial spirit. This kind of martial spirit is also often called the best martial spirit. After generations of family exploration, these martial spirits and each soul ring have corresponding most suitable soul skills. It is a restoration of a certain ability of the martial soul itself.

The process of the soul master's continuous improvement is also the process of constantly getting closer to the soul's body, reaching the title Douluo, or even a higher realm, and it is possible to exert most of the power of the soul's body.

Among such soul masters, the most typical one is Mu En. The mutated Holy Dragon Spirit of Light was developed by him into the Ultimate Douluo. It can display almost all the abilities of Holy Dragon of Light, but it is still no match for the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King Ditian. , because the Holy Dragon of Light itself is no match for the Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King.

Although this kind of martial spirit is of the highest quality, it is difficult to break through the upper limit. The strength of the martial spirit's body often determines the highest achievement of the spirit master. In most cases, the strength of the martial spirit's body also means the strength of this martial spirit. Advantages and disadvantages, of course, the martial soul itself is not absolutely insurmountable.

Huo Yuhao's ice attribute martial soul, after various cheats, surpassed the strength of the original body and was far stronger than the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion at its peak. Similarly, the spirit itself is not the same, the more powerful the better.

The most typical one here is the White Tiger Martial Spirit. It does not mean that the White Tiger Martial Spirit is weak, but that the White Tiger Martial Spirit has the largest number. It can best see the difference caused by different bloodlines of the same Martial Spirit. The purer the bloodline, the faster the cultivation speed. The faster you go, the easier it is to get yourself closer to the white tiger itself.

Therefore, for the same top-grade martial soul, the purity of the bloodline is different, which often means there is a distinction between superior and inferior.

The main martial soul has always been regarded as the weapon soul, and most of the weapon souls are actually the former. That is to say, the martial soul itself is not particularly powerful, and it is necessary to rely on the soul master to develop the martial soul bit by bit. Potential, this is undoubtedly more difficult to cultivate than the best martial arts. To put it nicely, it means that there are more possibilities. To put it badly, it means that it is easier to go astray.

For a long time, people's impression of the original martial arts soul has also been constantly developed. The potential of the martial soul itself can make a certain part of the body become stronger and stronger. This is the same as making the body stronger through exercise. Inherent impressions are closely related.

But the reality may be different from what people imagine. Perhaps the original martial spirit itself is very powerful. This also corresponds to the powerful potential of the original martial spirit that is not inferior to most top martial spirits.

And the research object of Cheng Ying and the others can be transferred from the body of the original martial spirit user to the original martial spirit body of the original martial spirit.

It is very likely that a person who has awakened his body martial soul will awaken not his own body, but a part of the body of a god. Through continuous practice, his body will be closer to the god and can better exert the power of the god. This is the body martial soul. The true appearance of the soul.

And Du Bushu said that his own martial spirit was himself, and it was probably his martial spirit. Like Bo Saixi's Poseidon martial spirit, he was also a powerful god. And his cultivation is just to keep getting closer to this god.

Cheng Ying told Du BuShu about his conjecture in detail, so Du BuShu did not refute it immediately this time. Instead, he nodded slowly: "That's not what you said, it's completely impossible, but I have to tell you something.

That is, the same martial soul will obtain different abilities due to different owners, or even the same owner, and different cultivation routes.

In my sect, there are twins who have the same martial soul. They adopted different training methods. In the end, one became the agility attack system and the other became the defense system. Their development directions and soul skills are completely different.

There are also more extreme examples. One of my former disciples' martial arts souls was his hands. Because of the different training methods of his two hands, his hands gained different abilities. On the contrary, this is enough for you. A description of the first type, the continuous development of the potential of the martial soul. "

After spending a few days hanging out with Cheng Ying and Yake, Du Bu Shou has more or less thought like a researcher. Now he can even use the controlled variable method to give examples.

"Hmm... If you say so, there is a high probability that our inference is wrong. Hmm... But seeing is believing. Now that the research route has been decided, let's just go and see what the spirit body looks like. , If it is really the type that keeps getting stronger due to people's training, then it won't be too late for us to come back and change our research ideas." Cheng Ying's words made Du Bushu look confused.

"What do you mean? What do you mean by directly seeing the body of the martial spirit? Can this thing still be seen directly?"

Cheng Ying chuckled: "That is a business secret, and you can't tell anyone casually."

[To be continued]

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