Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 1557: The true body of the martial spirit

The poison won't kill me, and now I just want to kill someone to silence him about his cheating. It's already very hidden. You can actually pull out a list. These two people's understanding of themselves has reached a very terrifying level.

"How on earth do you know this? If you can't come up with a reason that convinces me, you're dead." Of course, he was speaking harshly. During the battle just now, he had already realized that these two people were definitely not easy to deal with.

The nerves that had just been severed by Yake have now been restored. But he still remembered the feeling of weakness before. He still had too many physical weaknesses and could easily be targeted by his opponents.

"Didn't we tell you just now? You have told us these things so that we can remind you after you lose your memory.

All in all, we are definitely here to help you. There is absolutely no harm to the Noumenon Sect. Otherwise, if you think about these secrets carefully, besides yourself, there is another person, you know? Is there any possibility of it being revealed?

If the young man hadn't told us, who else in the world would have known it? "Cheng Yingxiao moved with emotion and reason, and began to recite sutras in the poisonous ears.

In fact, there is no need. He continued to read it, and he had already believed three points of it. There were almost no secrets, and other people might know it. It is still possible to investigate the fact that he has a little wife, but absolutely no one knows about the fact that his martial soul has no hair, causing him to lose his hair.

Everyone thought that his martial soul had no hair because his body had shaved off his hair. After all, any problems that arise in the body of the original martial spirit will be reflected back on the martial spirit. The main body shaved off his hair, so Wuhun's hair should be gone too.

At least in this world, this is generally recognized, but the actual situation is only known to the owner of the martial spirit himself. If the poison does not kill him and he shaves his hair, it can indeed affect his own martial spirit to a certain extent. The problem is that he has always None of them had their heads shaved. Never had hair.

"Please let me slow down first. Indeed, we may tell other people these things. It is also impossible for someone to forcibly read my memory, at least no human being can do this, so what exactly erased my memory ? If you are really my back-up, what did I ask you to do?"

Du Bushu's mind is a little confused. After all, it is very troublesome to analyze the current situation when he has no memory.

"What you asked us to do for you, I can't tell you yet. Knowing many things will itself be dangerous, and your current strength is not enough to know these secrets. I think you should be able to understand what I said. What means."

The poison will not kill you. Cheng Ying was stunned when he said it. What does it mean that he is not strong enough to know the secret inside? He is already a quasi-limit Douluo, and after starting his second awakening, he can even compete with a real limit Douluo. He is not qualified to know, and probably no one on this continent is qualified to know.

Thinking about it this way, it is already clear what this secret is related to. Besides the secrets related to the gods, what else is there that even the Ultimate Douluo is not strong enough to inquire about?

"Even if you can't tell me, what exactly happened? At least you can tell me, what are you going to do next, right?" Du Buushi frowned. He no longer wanted to have any conflict with these two people, even if they were both It's completely made up. It's not a wise thing to have such strength as an enemy.

"Our two temporary purposes are to help the sect master become stronger, at least to the limit, the level of the peak Douluo. This is the elixir we found, it may be able to help you." Yake said from space. Take out a golden elixir from the soul guide. This thing and its effect are basically the Life and Creation elixir in the original work. Even if your cultivation reaches level 98, you can forcibly upgrade it by one level.

The poison will not kill you, but just seeing this elixir makes you feel extremely longing. Knowing his secret, someone claiming to be his subordinate has now brought him the treasure he desperately needs. What do you think? These are definitely our own people. Du Bushui finally let down his guard and happily took the golden elixir.

"Thank you for the hard work, you two. Let today's matter pass. I will go back to retreat and absorb this elixir."

Cheng Ying shook his head and said: "Although this item is a treasure, it may not be suitable for you to use. Before you use it, we need to conduct some tests on your body.

Not only the body, but also the martial soul, which is very important, otherwise if you use this elixir forcefully, you may suffer backlash. "

Du Buushi pinched the elixir, nodded and said: "That's natural, that's natural! Just check it as you like!" He had no idea that all the mistresses on his list were checked out in this way.

Now he only feels that the elixir is extremely safe in his hands. Although these two mysterious people are powerful, there is no possibility of snatching this treasure back from his hands. No matter what happens next, he can find a secluded place to absorb the power in this elixir, and when he breaks through the Limit Douluo, everything will be easy for him to say.

After the three people discussed it, they flew side by side into the air. Seeing this scene, Mr. Aren't you going to be beaten to death?

But what he expected was that Du Bushu did not continue to be aggressive, but said in a relatively calm tone: "Today's matter is not over yet, I have more important things to deal with. Huo Yuhao will temporarily If he stays in Shrek, I will definitely come to pick him up again in the future.”

Without waiting for anyone to answer, he turned around and flew away. The strong men in his body also followed their master and left Shrek Academy.

Elder Xuan couldn't help but feel relieved, but he also couldn't help but worry about Shrek's future. After all, he was not an Ultimate Douluo and could not protect the school like Munn. If the poison doesn't kill him and he comes to kill him again, what should he do?

At the same time, at the Noumenon Sect's headquarters, Du Bushui also took back his martial spirit. Let the martial spirit like a substitute appear behind you. It was a dark green bald man who basically looked exactly like him. Except for the bald head, it is indeed a complete body. Nothing less. The only thing that is more eye-catching is that she is not wearing any clothes.

[To be continued]

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